mercredi 23 novembre 2016

Hydrogen Peroxide as a treatment for Ich

I have been testing Hydrogen Peroxide 3% that you can purchase from any grocery store or drug store. Peroxide is proving to be the fastest, cheapest, easiest and safest Ich cure that was brought to my attention by one of my customers. I used to be a research chemist so I took his results and began studying effective concentrations - 1 ml per gallon in extreme conditions where Ich is covering the fish - 1 ml / 5 gallons when Ich is definitely in the tank – to 1 ml per 10 gallons when you see the first white spot or just suspect Ich. Repeat daily for about 3 weeks. My present recommendation is to reduce the amount of peroxide with time if you started with the 1:1 or 1:5 concentrations to 1:10.
I’ve had the 1:10 and 1:5 ratios work in my personal 135 with no observation of harmful effects. (For calculating the amount of peroxide I used tank size not actual water volume.) I have SPS, LPS, shrimp, starfish, anemones and much more (and fish). My rose bubble tip did react and swelled up but returned to normal a while later. What I do observe is the parasites start to swell and begin falling off the fish. I would hypothesize the same mechanism that’s affecting the Ich is also affecting the anemone to a lesser degree. If you have any what you might perceive as sensitive use the 1:10 ratio.
Hydrogen peroxide H202 is in simple terms water plus oxygen or H2O + O. The oxygen is the effective part that kills or oxidizes bacteria when used in a fresh wound and only water is left. I’m not sure exactly why and how it’s so effective on the parasite and I would love to have a professional analysis to include on my website.

I don’t have enough tanks with Ich to do a more comprehensive study but I would accept all observations to determine the limitations of hydrogen peroxide. Using or not using skimmers, carbon, etc. won’t make a difference because peroxide will decompose into water long before they reach the filter. To be most effective use a fresh bottle (with the latest expiration date) and keep it tightly closed and refrigerated. It is a variable that can maximize effectiveness and promote more consistent observations.
I'm one of your sponsors - Seahorse Aquarium Supply - I have an information only website and don't sell online

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