samedi 23 janvier 2016

How does my mandarin look?

Yep, it's one of those threads.

I've had my female green mandarin for a little over a month now. First of all, this is a purchase I took pretty seriously: I've been researching them for the last few years. When at the LFS I saw her in one of the tanks, which was bare-bottom, not well established and she looked really thin. I decided to see if I have what it takes to bring her back from the brink.

My tank is three years old and amphipods are abundant but nonetheless I add three to four small bags of live copepods a week. The mandarin predictably refused to eat anything for the first week but then started eating live brine shrimp. She actually gets pretty excited when she sees them! I know it isn't an ideal staple diet so I'm also encouraging her to eat frozen mysis shrimp which has been partially successful. She will eat them, but kind of reluctantly and only a few at feeding times. I plan on experimenting with other food such as lobster eggs in the next few weeks.

This is when I first got her. The ridges were very pronounced along her sides and her stomach was sunken in.

Here she is now, I tried covering most angles. Unfortunately she is shy and taking a semi-decent photo of her quickly turns into a game of red light/green light...because if she spots you moving, she's off.
It's probably me being overly hopeful but I think the ridges look less pronounced. Could she be putting on weight?

Tankmates are as follows:

2x true percula clownfish
2x green chromis
1x rainford goby
1x midas blenny
2x fire shrimp
1x serpent starfish
4x turbo snails
1x blue legged hermit crab
5x red legged hermit crabs
1x giant featherduster
2x rose bubble tip anemones
1x mini carpet anemone
1x squamosa clam
2x maxima clams
And a mixture of soft, LPS and SPS corals.

Here's the tank:

All opinions are welcome, I'm determined to get this gorgeous fish back to a healthy weight.

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