mardi 24 février 2015

I quit fish altogether

So long story short. I started my 90G tank in August of 2014, went through the normal cycle, added fishes, hooray for me I'm a hobbyist. Then a few months later, disease struck because of no QT, lost 3 fish and rehomed the other two to begin my fallow period.

Started a cycled QT at the same time and after that cycled, proudly put in two maroon clownfish that I was able to bond and they spent a happy six weeks on QT (only med was prazipro). On Saturday I started TTM with them (backwards yes, but I planned copper originally and changed my mind). Monday morning I notice a little white film on top of the small one's head and Tuesday morning he is dead. Monday night he looked fine so I thought. His breathing appeared a little rapid, but seemed normal like it had the last 6 weeks. Larger one was breathing a little slower but also what I had observed for 6 weeks.

Carcass showed nothing else on the outside. No film, tears, cuts, abrasions, rot, no nothing except a dead fish. Transferred the living one to the new bucket today and now she won't eat. Breathing is appearing to be a bit quicker than last night. I'm using an airstone and pump rated for 10 gallon tanks and the water was made up over a week ago.

It seems I have a few options. 1. Watch a fish die in a bucket to keep DT clean. 2. Put fish in DT that will no doubt contaminate my DT. 3. QUIT GETTING FISH ALL TOGETHER

I'm beyond frustrated at how I did it wrong the first time, tried to do it right the second time and am still getting blasted with issues. Starting to think a tank full of just corals will be sufficient (a lie but an option I'm heavily considering).

I don't know what to do or where to go from here. I hate looking at my LFS's tanks knowing they are throwing caution to the wind with QT'ing and they get to watch all their beautiful fish swim around. D***ed if I do, d***ed if I don't it would seem

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