mardi 2 décembre 2014

are my lights too high?

ive got my custom made 3w leds at about 60% blues and 50% whites. I have actually lowered them about 2 months ago, I had them at about 80% on the blues and 70% on the whites. there is little to no change (only the tips have slightly gotten less white) in my torch right now which started developing white streaks and the tips were turning white. so I took him and lowered him in the tank about a month ago maybe after I lowered the lights the first time.

I have been coral sitting a few corals for a buddy the past week. so before I put them in I turned the lights down to about 50% blues and 40% whites and also lowered the light cycle by an hour for blues and an hour for whites. the tank that the corals came from didn't have very good lighting either and I placed all the corals mid tank I have frags from the green frogspawn and the hammerhead in my frag tank, they are located on the bottom of the frag tank and have been there for maybe 1-2 months now and mimic the main colonies looks, except the frogspawn isn't as translucient. I have a frag of the fluorescent green frogspawn in the main tank and he is on top but not under direct light and his color looks very good, very full color with no color shifts.

here are my params I just tested with api tests


nitrate 30

cal 400

phos undetectable

temp 77

sal 1.024

ph 8.1 (ph probe)

here are some pics, I know any further changes from reducing the lighting are going to take time to show but the tank that the big heads of euphyillia will be going into a tank with lights custom like mine so I would like to be able to give my buddy a better starting point and what levels to have the lights at. but im also worried about the smaller frags that will be staying in my tank.

the above coral is a new arrival. you can see 'white stretch marks' near the base of the tentacles, he is also pretty transparent, looking from the top I can see through him to the skeleton, but I cannot make out details of the skeleton.

above is the torch. he is not a new arrival. with all the lights on his tips don't look bad and all you really notice is the 'white stretch marks' near the base of the tentacles. when only the blue lights are on the tips and stretch marks are very noticeable.

in the above pic see the discoloration near the mouth? is this normal? or should it be moreso all one color? this coral is new but I have had a frag of this coral in my frag tank for around 2 months and it looks the same. it is fully inflated I just worry about the colors not all being one solid color and do not know if its ok or not.

my frag of this coral looks almost identical to the left most head.

thoughts? opinions? is this stuff doing alright?

all paly's and zoa's are growing fine, except the ones that have contracted zoa pox, im beginning a furan 2 regime for them tonight. my montipora's all look great and my encrusting monti has grown 1/4th to 1/2in in about 2 1/2 months although my montipora spodonges hasn't shown any significant growth. ive had a mushroom spawn recently, about 1 or 2 weeks ago and the baby he left behind is already around 1/2in wide. Kenya tree has shown quite a few new branches and good growth, acro and trumpet haven't shown significant growth but they do look great.

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