mardi 2 septembre 2014

Tangs battling (yellow vs purple)

265 gallon tank

Has three tangs--yellow, purple, and kole.

The Kole Tang is fine. Nobody bugs him, he just kind of trundles around the tank, listing side-to-side like an overburdened ship. I think he's kind of slow.

But the yellow and purple are in deathmatch mode. Did everything right--put them in at the same time, roughly the same size, feed fairly heavily, etc. They seemed to settle in and be fin, some border skirmishes, but mostly okay with each other. It has been a few months.

But now today they are chasing around and around the tank. Ignoring food, both fish are cut and nipped, and they aren't slowing down at all. We did change the lighting on the tank, so there was possibly something to trigger a behavioral change, but I'm quite sure the fish want to kill each other.

We have coral coming on Thursday, so after then it will be much more difficult to move/trap/change anything.

Tried the mirror trick to curb aggression, but tank is big enough that they just find another place to fight.

Any thoughts? Tips? Give up and admit it was stupid to put two zebrasoma tangs together?

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