mardi 23 septembre 2014

Final stocking

Greetings, my fellow fish enthusiasts!

I have been establishing a 75 gallon, FOWLR tank, for just under a year now:

The tank currently set up thusly; with a gloriously overkill canister filter,

ample sand bed, and roughly 90 lbs of rock work - plus a spare pump, for extra water flow.

and at the present moment, the tank residents are as follows:

A diamond goby,

lawnmower blenny,

two yellowtail damsels,

and a small wrasse (still a juvenile).

The wrasse came to me as a special deal, from a friend at my LFS,

simply because they could not identify the little fellow.

I am intending to ad a few more fish, before all is said and done.

The damsels bicker day & night (naturally), but back when I had an odd number of them, there was perfect harmony; so I may purchase a few more damsels, to bring back peace.

I am also entertaining the possibility of getting a dwarf angel (bicolor or coral beauty), and/or a small puffer (Valentini, or perhaps a blue spotted).

Any advice on these fish; I should, more than happily heed.

Be honest, if you think I'm overstocking a bit, let me be made aware, immediately!

Any, and all stocking ideas are welcome!

Thank you for reading.

-C.S. Lewis- :oldman:

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