dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Daydream Fodder: Shank's Eventual Setup...

I can dream, can't I?! Like countless other people, I one day hope to be capable of sustaining the ever classic clown/nem symbiosis... Hence, this little dream-cloud:

My mom recently upgraded to a 180g, and now I have inherited a 75g barebones setup (no lighting or skimmer; she plans to upgrade both eventually: hoping I will receive these things as well...)

At the moment, I cannot setup the tank due to low funds, no space, etc.... There's so much that goes into it! :arg: Gotta wait 'til I'm on my own (and loaded and much more knowledgable...)!

In the meantime, I have my college years to brainstorm ideas for husbandry: equipment, maintenance, livestock, you name it! I'm curious as to how other hobbyists setup their systems :)

What I Have:

75 gallon tank (48x21x18) (might buy and use a 90 instead... 48x25x18)

Stand (48x19) (my dad and I built :) )

20 gallon, 3-compartment, pre-made sump (can't remember name...)

HOB overflow

Submersible return pump

Check valve


I'm thinking of getting a 90g, which has the same footprint but is deeper. Would it be a good idea to stick with the HOB overflow? Or instead, have the tank drilled for internal overflows with durso stands, and then just install the boxes? Seems like these would take up room, but they're very elegant...

What I Want/Need:


ATO setup for RODI and supplements

RODI resovoire

Storage containers

Lid hinges

3/4" ID tubing


Powerheads (HK) and wave makers with sleeves


Eheim jäger heater (150w)

Lighting (eventually?): Current USA 48-60" Marine Orbit fixture (I've been reading these aren't too great for deep tanks... Looking at the 48" Photon from ReefBreeders...)

Skimmer (eventually?): Reef Octopus Diablo XS160 (Anything I should supplement? Carbon/phosphate reactors?)


4" sand bed

~100# live rock

Fish (by order of introduction):

2 black ray gobies (2")

2 pink skunk clowns (4")

4 black and white chromis (3")

1 whitetail bristletooth tang (6 1/2")

1 Vrolik's wrasse (5") (not clam/snail-safe)


Turbos, nasarrius, margaritas, nerites, ceriths, trochus...

Randall's pistol shrimp

Skunk cleaner shrimps

Marble Fromia

Blue tuxedo urchin

Long tentacle anemone (preferably purple...)


Branching acropora (top)

Yellow scroll (T. reniformis) (middle)

Pagoda cup (T. peltata) (bottom/middle)

Jasmine/fox nemenzophyllia (middle)

Black and yellow tubastrea? (bottom)

Paddle-Polyped Tubipora (bottom)

Blue Sympodium (bottom)

Note: Final stocking dependent on tank size...

Well, there you have it! :D definitely not happenin' any time soon, but I will keep dreaming... Keeping this as a personal note for when I come to that bridge...


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