dimanche 21 septembre 2014

Clownfish being finicky eaters

So I picked up a black and orange ocellaris clown on Thursday. LFS said they were feeding them New Life Spectrum 1mm pellets (exactly what I have).

When I put the pellets in the tank, they both go for them, drag them down midway and "mouth" them until they simply fall to the bottom uneaten. I then used some garlic infused flake food and they will eat some of that. I then tried the brine shrimp I already had and they eat some of that.

So I went and bought frozen Mysis shrimp yesterday and attempted a feed with that. All three fish, the RG and two clowns, ate minuscule amounts of the Mysis repeated taking it in and spitting it back out. I put some brine and pellets in with them liking the brine more than the pellets.

Do they need more time to adjust? They seem to be doing just fine and they CLEARLY want to eat but just seem to be picky about it. And I am vacuuming out my sump after these feedings to pick up the excess food.

And I haven't been able to find live food locally yet.

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