samedi 31 mars 2018

Beginner to Dosing - What to Order?

Hi guys! Hope everyone is well and has a great holiday. I just finished setting up my system after a couple years on hold and am now looking into dosing and getting set up and prepared. I have all but what to order for mixes and am confused how to go about it. I've watched a ton of videos and it seems very complex. I'm hoping there is a premade solution to get started and in the future I'll go with BRS and their 2 part. I see Ken's has a bunch of already made chemicals but don't want to order the wrong things so could use some feedback. I'd relly appreciate any suggestions and would like to order soon. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!

I'm posting a video of my new setup and would love to hear what you think would improve upon what I have thus far, Thanks again!

Anyone ID these nudibranchs?

I have never seen anything like them, small green with blue dots, and look like algae. Don't seem to be eating the coral but what the heck are they?

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My new 40 breeder setup

Finally going to get to start my new 40 breeder in a few weeks. Wanted to get opinions on the setup. I'm gonna be keeping softies, lps, zoas, and mushrooms.
Stocking list:
2x black clowns
1x yellow assessor
1x mckoskers flasher wrasse
1x diamond watchmen goby
3x scissor tail damsels
Clean up crew

Deep blue 40 breeder
Tunze reef pack 250 in tank filter and skimmer
2x tunze 6040 powerheads
Miro 4 36in t5 retrofit with 6 bulbs
Finnix hob refugium
Digital aquatics reefkeeper plus
40lbs arag-alive Hawaiian black sand
50lbs reef saver rock

My Interesting Caribbean Vacation

Our Vacation

It's actually hard to call anything a Vacation when you are retired so I should have said, "Our Trip". Anyway this was to the Caribbean but it wasn't a normal Caribbean Island. This was a private Island off Saint Vincent. The Island is about 2 miles long and a mile wide. You really need to be invited there and there is a background check but a very few "normal" people can go also.

Our Daughter and Grand kids arrived there a week before us and were going to meet us at the airport. We flew to Saint Lucia on a real plane then had to take a small puddle jumper to this Island called Mustique. At the Saint Lucia airport we were guided to this "terminal" which was a tiny room with room for about 12 people. The plane holds 16. I heard a lawn mower engine but it was our plane and at first I thought it was a replica of Amelia Earhart’s plane, but I really think it was "actually" her plane that she crashed in the pacific 70 years ago.

The cabin was about 4' high so you had to crouch down to get in it and had tiny seats that were modified to fit pygmies. But you could steady yourself by putting a hand on each side of the cabin as you crawled inside as this gentleman is doing.

A flight crew man came out and pulled the rope, the engine started right up. The pilot let off on the clutch and we started to move.

There were two "pilots" but I think one of them was a veterinarian on the side. We taxied down the runway, faster and faster until we reached about 40 mph and actually took off. The propellor was about 2" outside my window, which was open. It didn't matter because I figured this plane wasn't presurized anyway. We got up to cruising altitude very quickly because cruizing altitude was about 36'. As we flew, we cleared almost all of the waves and sail boat masts. It was a little un-nerving when the pilot on the left was trying to move the lever above him and was having trouble, then the other pilot had to grab his hand and both of them had to keep hitting the lever quite hard to move it. I am not a pilot so I don’t know if that was for the wing flaps, landing gear or coffee machine.

After 20 minutes or so we started our decent. 40', 30' 20' etc until we hit the ground a little harder than I would have liked.

We taxied up about 50 yards and could see this big sign that read "GATE 1". That seemed a little overkill being there was only one gate. It wasn't actually a gate but a 3' wooden picket fence next to a small wooden building. There was a sign on the building that read "JAGGER and BALDASSANO". My name is Baldassano and you know who Jagger is.

We cleared "Customs" and went outside. There wasn't exactly an outside because it is always warm there so everything is outside. I see our Daughter waiting outside the "fence" and she is acting a little funny. She kept saying "How was your trip" while motioning her head to the side so we should look. Of course it was Mick Jagger. His family was on the plane with us and he came to pick them up. He loaded his ATV and I loaded ours. I am not a big male rocker fan, preferring females but it was interesting. He was wearing Island clothes and a hat like everyone else on the Island.

Anyway we drove to the house where our family was staying on the beach. It was almost the nicest looking place I have ever seen and I think I have been in more places than most people, partly because I am old. (But Mick Jagger is older than me).

(that is my Son N Law in the water as the beaches are totally empty and that is the beach for their house there)

We stayed there for the day then went to the home we were going to spend the next 8 days, up on the mountain. On the way up we saw dozens of red footed tortuses . They are about a foot long and virtually all over the place

It was a long trip so I will continue this later.

The Saturday before!

Top of the morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SATURDAY! SUNSHINE! heading into the boatyard, and fingers crossed for a 1/2 day so I can get moving on getting tomorrow's meal prepped with Chef Hack's assistance. Holiday cooking is a Daddy/Son tradition around here. How about some PB+J on T to go with our morning coffee? Hope all the best for all,

vendredi 30 mars 2018



Special Introductory Pricing: 15% OFF / SAVE UP TO $105!

Loc line and bulkhead

So I have a 1" non threaded bulkhead. I want to add a locline, but I'm unsure of how to. Do I use a primer and cement just like the pvc? What size locline do I need for a 1" bulkhead.

Help upset anemone!

It was doing fine until this morning and now it is like thisAttachment 173826 is it ok? I have never seen it like this before. And how often am I supposed to feed it?

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fly home Friday

Morning all. Coffee is on.

Headed to the airport in Boston to fly home. Meeting Denise halfway at the hot tub store. We have already researched what we want for a while now.

Have a great Friday everyone.

jeudi 29 mars 2018

ich question about freshwater dip

I have heard it said that a freshwater dip for 5 to ten minutes can take care of possible infected fish...I believe this is probably false..anyone know about this ..if not what is the freshwater dip used for.

I lost a tang suddenly with no visible signs of ich just a late afternoon lethargy one day and then listing gone the next morn but color was vibrant I could see nothing on the body..was eating the day before and i think earlier that day ate as well..just had fins folded up and was kind of hanging in a spot above the sand..was not at the top gasping or anyting...i think breathing was harder but i have no standard to compare it to..and that was near the other guys are ok so far its been about 10 days...would love advice

TDS Readings advice/help

Hello everyone, Bought a HM TDS meter, as I've been fighting a strong green hair algea battle. This started after I moved to a rural area.
Part of the problem is I wasn't sure how my R/O system 3 stage ** (not a DI unit) functioned it works either way a valve is turned, and no one knows exactly which way it's supposed to go. I think I figured it out with the TDS meter. I get two readings with the valve turned one way it reads 8ppm, the other way it reads 5ppm, so I'm assuming it's the position that gives me the 5ppm reading. However, in that position it uses maybe 20:1 waste water...maybe much more?

So here's my readings, please advise or give me some feedback..

TAP WATER is @ 241ppm.
R/O is @ 5-8 ppm.
R/O HOLDING TANK WATER is @ 33ppm?????(I don't understand this.. it's the same water) it goes from 5-8 ppm to 33 ppm. Could be not clean enough, or slight algea buildup on wall of holding tank(it's a BRUTE) trash can.
What say you folks?
Any advice appreciated, Thanks in advance

210 build..a problem arises..advice needed

I got a used 220 im about to begin on ( had to do some work on stand) and it should be starting setup by tommorrow..

..the problem that has arisen ..about 10 to 12 days ago late one afternoon I noticed my yellow tang kind of hovering behind a rock just above the sand..I watched him a lot and he was always strange anyhow..didnt notice anything till then he was normal and eating and everything the day before and I dont recall anything strange that morning..anyhow over several hours it was obvious he was not well..just kind of low energy and eventually listing a little..he was till vibrantly colored and I could not spot one thing on his body or gills..his breathing may have been a bit faster but nothing obvious..since I saw no signs of a particular disease ( im a newbie) and i didnt have meds that evening I thought it best to leave him in stress of pulling him out with nothing to treat on hand..and no hosp set up..he was gone and on the powerhead the next morning..( poor guy) I have no idea what it was..I have watched my other guys 2 clowns an coral beauty and a diamond goby..and seen nothing obvious so far.

.I was planning to use that rock to help cycle my new tank-..guess that is out..

i have a cleaner shrimp a pepp shrimp a couple snails and like 2 crabs..and one plate im wondering what i should try to do i sure dont want to transfer ich or something to the new tank..advice from experienced folks much appreciated..I have ideas..but Id hate to treat with copper and lose a fish when i didnt even know what killed the tang..would love some advice....

Anemone disappeared after hosting a tomato

I have a green bubble tip anemone over a month ago and was great in a spot , and I bought a tomato clown a few weeks ago, they didn’t made symbiosis until yesterday the tomato was like crazy on the anemone, last night by midnight I saw the tomato laying on the anemone, and like magic today morning the anemone Gone!! No rests or signs of dead. Just gone!

Did the tomato kill her? Could be ?

Salt Sales: Tis the Season!

Hi TRT-ers.

I wanted to let those who do not track this stuff know: The spring salt sales have started!

I do not remember which thread, but in one of my "skimmers vs water changes" for a small tank discussions had the topic of "cheap" salt came up. It was something like "should I spend $200 on a HOB skimmer" or "should I spend $200 on salt" I used a cost estimation using a salt-sale... and then was asked how I could find salt that cheap. Well guess what... salt is that cheap now.

Live Aquaria has Coralife (a very good salt) for $34 per 200g box.
They have the sibling company Kent for $38/box(Kent, Oceanic?, and Coralife are all owned by Central Pet). Amazon has a small discount on Reef Chrystals, Big Als as a few discounts too that is sub $40/200g.



The salt sales might/will likely continue. Spring marks the waning of the hobby (more active in cold months) and folks going outside mean that you spend less on your tanks. As a result, a lot of the industry is now starting to unload "last-years" stock. Salt being one of those items (as compared to a pump).

Now, I am a big fan of using "cheap salt" for frequent water changes vs "expensive salt" for infrequent water changes. For me, the cost difference does not equate to any additional benefit. However, I am a big fan of Tropic Marin and when I could get it near wholesale as +1 orders for a LFS, I would use it frequently. I also mix water about once per month, so amped salts, (Coral Pro, Reef Crystals) falls out of solution.

I now have about 600g worth of salt inbound.

Even if you prefer to buy via a LFS, talk to them because I bet their suppliers are running a salt sale and see if you can nab a +1 add-on order for a lot of salt. They normally have minimum orders/price brakes that ordering a pallet of salt make make sense.

Thursday knocking at the door

Top of the morning Folks, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Rain/showers/ or no rain/showers......depends on which time you check. :doh: Oh well! How about some Cream of Wheat to go with our coffee? Jen's been up all night AGAIN baking, so she'll be drifting off here shortly. And thanks Cath, she's feeling much better.....still a sore spot on and off, but off meds. Another day on the creek....hope all are safe and well,

mercredi 28 mars 2018

Nox Angel quarantine and cupramine

Dose anyone know how sensitive nox angels are to copper? I'm running copper in my quarantine now and I'm afraid of sticking him in there. But I don't want to stick an unknown into my display tank either. Advice?

I want hitch hikers!

I have a nano build that is doing good but is too small for fish. Have some crabs and one soft coral. I'm trying to teach my boys about ecosystems and the amount of life a reef can support.... Well I'm trying to teach them about all the creepy crawlies but I can't find any! My LFSs have super clean rock that at best MIGHT have some copapods... Can anyone help us with this problem? My kids are losing interest fast

Reuse Your Filter Media Over and Over (and Over) Again

Reuse Your Filter Media Over and Over (and Over) Again

Introducing Blue Fx Regenerable Resins from Blue Life USA!

Tank Cycled, first fish coming (hopefully), what's next?

So, I've decided I need to budget for this hobby. I can see spending a LOT of money, frequently... so instead of just spending as I feel like it, I want to plan out 'what's next'

I plan on buying 1 species of fish for the next 6 months or so, and slowly adding.

I know I need a CUC once I start to see things in the tank.

so fish, basics are handled.

What should I do next? Is an RO station set up next, or should I look at Auto Topoff...

Reminder I can't drill my tank (as it is tempered), and I don't currently have a sump/refugium; I wasn't planning on adding one but I might if it is required.

What do you recommend for 'next' ... if you have a good link/DIY video, etc that would also be awesome.

From that I'll set a budget, and timeline and start going crazy... i mean really making a nice tank

NOTE: At some point I might do corals, but i don't want to deal with the lighting requirements or learning about fish and corals at the same time, so I'll wait for my NEXT TANK for coral considerations

Wednesday here!

Top of the morning to all our TRT Friends stopping by today.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Cloudy and a chance of afternoon showers heading towards 50. At least I won't be cold and wet....just chilled and wet. :D Got some Thomas's English muffins and jellies to go with our morning coffee. Hope all are facing a super day today, and all the best,

mardi 27 mars 2018

Frogfish husbandry Qs

I'm a grad student and I plan on having live frogfishes in the lab for my research.
I have a few questions about their husbandry.
1) Can multiple frogfishes live in the same tank together (20 gallon tanks, with a few 40 & 50 gallon tanks available)? I plan to get 4-5 inch frogfish.
2) I've seen 70-76 F listed as the ideal water temperature. Is this correct?
3) What is the ideal substrate for the frogfishes?
4) Are 20 gal tanks too small? Should I get bigger tanks?

I have a ton of questions and I'm a newbie (with a solid fishcare tech in the lab who has successfully maintained two 150 gal tanks with remoras for the past few years) so I can use all the info I can get!


New to tanks and grad school

I'm new to fish care and fish tanks (I briefly owned a basic 20 gallon aquarium as a kid that my parents did most of the work for).
I'm a grad student in NJ, and I need to have live fish as part of my research, and I am hoping to use this forum to ask some questions and get some advice about frogfish husbandry.

Tank Light setting help

Hey everyone, My names JT, I have a 25gallon IM Lagoon tank. I am excited to be a part of this forum. Along with introducing myself I have a question regarding my light settings on my AI Prime Light. Single puck. I have a rainbow bubble tip, and a Devils armor Paly, and I want to make sure they have the best lighting they need to thrive. my current settings on the light is as follows:
UV 90%
Violet 70%
Deep Blue 90%
Green 18%
Deep Red 0%
Cool White 30%

What changes if any Should I make to better help the growth and health of both? They are doing well it appears but BTA doesn't let its tentacles extend out.

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Attachment 173730

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Lets Talk about T5s

So, let's talk about t5s. I have a 75g reef tank and I would like to upgrade my current orbit lighting to something better. I cant afford to do echotech radions, and I wasn't to happy with the other leds on the market, so I decided to go with the next best option... T5s. I have an sps and lps dominated tank and my current light doesn't get good color out of my coral nor does it encourage coral growth. What T5 unites would you recommend? I could mount this light any way necessary but I would like to keep the price under $300 if possible.

New to The Reef Tank Light setting help

Hey everyone, My names JT, I have a 25gallon IM Lagoon tank. I am excited to be a part of this forum. Along with introducing myself I have a question regarding my light settings on my AI Prime Light. Single puck. I have a rainbow bubble tip, and a Devils armor Paly, and I want to make sure they have the best lighting they need to thrive. my current settings on the light is as follows:
UV 90%
Violet 70%
Deep Blue 90%
Green 18%
Deep Red 0%
Cool White 30%

What changes if any Should I make to better help the growth and health of both? They are doing well it appears but BTA doesn't let its tentacles extend out.

Attachment 173690

Attachment 173698

Attachment 173706

Major score

I went to a local reef store Sea in the city basically just to browse and went home happy!! I got a flower pot and two mushrooms for ten dollars!!.
I have gotten several fish emerald crabs and more than a few corals and have never been disappointed.
They also have a reference library. Nice little store very nice people.
If your in Orlando it's worth a look!

Creating a Royal Gramma Basslet Harem

I'm looking to set a royal gramma harem in my tank in my 120. For those of you that do not know, there are 2 species of fish tank are called the "royal gramma basslet" and are both found in separate regions of the Caribbean. While they are similar in appearance, they have very different temperaments. The fish I am looking for is the Gramma loreto as it can been kept in small groups, typically mated pairs while the Gramma brasiliensis is extremely aggressive towards similar looking species and will kill other grammas if housed together. Besides the fact that the latter gets a few inches larger, they are almost identical.

The reason I wish to achieve this is that apparently, this makes the fish less skittish and keeps them out in the open more. Royal grammas are beautiful, but anyone who has owned one knows how much they hide, so this should be a solution to that.

I think the only way to go about it is to buy 4 and place them in a quarantine to see how they interact. I guess buying smaller, and more colorful specimens in the best way to achieve this look. I will have a few breeding containers just in case things get out of hand. Any ideas on how to do this better, please share.

here is the look of the g. loreto in a harem

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Looking for Rimless Reef Tank

Hey guys, I'm currently looking around for a 48" rimless tank and preferably a stand. Around 120 gallons would be great and beyond 48" will not fit the spot in my house. Just a heads up, Thanks!

It's Tuesday - wakey, wakey

Good mawnin', TRT!

Welp, Hack is prolly off at work already. So he'll miss the TRT coffee, buttermilk waffles with for real maple syrup, nanners and other fresh fruit, and I know George will fix the bacon. The rest of you, chow down already.

My sister may have the flu, and I'm being a pesky sister by nagging her to stay home from work today. She wisely stayed home yesterday.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone.

How much [permanent] movement can a fish take?

So I am working on the logistics of setting up a 40g fish tank but before going further I realized I may have a problem. I live next to a highly transited road, not much speed but all type of vehicles go through it. I can still notice when a heavy truck goes in front of the building, but I am used to the vibrations of medium to small vehicles.

My father has a fish tank in a city that has "frequent" earthquakes, and some of his fishes die after strong ones. (I do not live there)
info: 1 earthquake in the past 30 days, and 65 in the past 365 days according to earthquaketrack website with an average of 4.5

I know the strength of the disruptions between earthquakes and traffics is big, but I want to make things right from the start. The moments are not hard enough to affects humans, or the buildings, but I wonder if its too much for fishes. I am also already thinking of options to reduce the movements by a custom set up of the tank.

lundi 26 mars 2018

New Dude

Hello my name is Paul, fairly new to the serious side of the hobby. I've dabbled with some small freshwater tanks before. I recently snagged a JBJ 45g Rimless tank for $200 w/everything except lighting and am thinking about doing a FOWLR TANK. I will be reading up on the FOWLR setup but will always appreciate any advice given.

Little black spiky slugs

I recently put some macroalgae in my tank and I think a couple of these little guys came with it. Wondering what they are. Little black slugs with white tipped spikes or tentacles coming out of their backs. I sucked one up into a feeding pipette to take a better picture of it and when I squirted it back into the tank, my fish tore it apart and ate it. They've been coming out when the lights are off. Very small, fingernail clipping sized. Only seen a few of them. Pest?

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Cracked My Tank

I was drilling my tank to insert my bulkheads and then add an overflow box. I hadn't decided whether to use 5 sided or 3 sided box. Anyways, I drilled the tank and did a bad job. In the pics you can see there's a of lip where the glass didn't cut clean on the bottom. (I'm not sure that matters.) But then that he other hole has a cracked going straight up. Am I screwed? Or can I just add my overflow and hope no pressure is put on the crack?

ENDS TODAY: 0% APR financing for 3, 6, or 12 months

ENDS TODAY: 0% APR financing for 3, 6, or 12 months

This special offer ends @ midnight!

Pay over time on Abyzz, Maxspect, Reef Octopus, IceCap, AutoAqua, Giesemann, and CoralVue!

Back to it Monday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY *ONDAY! Ti*e to leave fantasy land behind and rejoin reality.....BACK TO WORK! Big sigh. Tho*as's English *uffins with an assort*ent of jellies to go with our coffee to start the season off. Hope all are safe and well,

Clown fish being murdered

Hello. I am new to the hobby and have a 200 little tank set up for about 5 months

I had 4 clown fish which have all died. On inspecting the bodies all of their fins are chewed up. The last one I found today was still alive but badly bitten and dies within 10 minutes.

I had a small snowflake moray eel who I removed a couple of weeks ago thinking he was the culprit but more fish are being attacked.

Other fish I have are:
Peacock wrasse
Yellow wrasse
Fire fish
Cardinal fish
Scooter blenny
Orange stripped goby
2 small chromis
Valentini puffer

I also had a large fire shrimp who has been killed. It seems like it is only the clowns that have been targeted as well as the fire shrimp.

Who do you think is the culprit and any advice on what to do

Should had thought about this a little longer

I still don't have an aquarium in my hands, but I am sure I will have to sort a few obstacles on the way. To start, telling my partner that we just got an aquarium.

I found a post on Facebook of a free Aquarium, and I couldn't control my self. First, I always wanted to have an aquarium and seconds its FREE. To my understanding it will need to have the seals redone or fix, which is fine with me. I love fixing stuff and DIY, so this is a plus.

It may take months to set up and maybe it will never be, but at least there is a small spark of hope that I will finally have my own aquatic friends.

The real question right now is, should I buy flowers or take her shoe shopping?

dimanche 25 mars 2018

NEW VID & GIVEAWAY: AutoAqua Smart Skimmer Security

Today we are taking a look at the AutoAqua Smart Skimmer Security from the Smart Security System available at Premium Aquatics.

Smart Security System Combo:

Smart Skimmer Security:

Smart Skimmer Security by AutoAqua uses the uniquely-designed contactless optical sensor to prevent the protein skimmer from overflowing. No moving parts to service or fail making this unit incredibly reliable. A magnetically coupled sensor makes it super easy to install and adjust the desired level in the collection cup.

Visit Premium Aquatics:

For a chance to AutoAqua Smart Skimmer Security:
1. Watch video and hit Thumbs up
2. Subscribe if you haven't already to our channel
3. Post a comment on our YouTube video page

A lot about a little and a little about a lot

So I have been keeping home aquariums all my life... Started with a betta at 2 years old. I have done it all in the broad sense of the saying, tropical community, livebearer breeding, planted, biotype, rapids, brackish, FOWLR.... Now I am 32 and have my own kids to teach. Right now we have a planted guppy tank and teaching the biology of genetics to them. Well anyway I am delving into the immense world of reefing. I don't have a mentor so figured a community would be better anyway lol. I'm looking to make some friends that might tutor me on the occasional thing that I don't have time to spend hours or even days researching! Like right now I bought a light but can't find anything on what corals it will actually support and I need someone to help me wrap my head around a light chart that is supposed to tell me definitively what can go where. So anyway HI big family of fish fans here looking for some reefy friends lol

Firefish Injury

I just noticed today that my firefish’s top fin is split in two. It is swimming around, feeding and acting like it does every other day. I have a fire shrimp that shares a burrow with it so I doubt that is what caused it. I also have an emerald crab that hides on the other side of the tank. I’m thinkin it farted back and hit some rock or something. Is there something I should do or just wait it out and it’ll heal itself?

Sunday and chilly

Good mawnin’, TRT!

Coffee is on. Let’s have buttermilk waffles with all the fixings.

George!! It’s great to have you back in the fold.

Gotta run. Choir practice awaits.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

samedi 24 mars 2018

livestock for new large tank

I have a list of some fish I am considering for my 210 build. Right now I have two clowns and a coral beauty as well as a small diamond goby. this list is just something I was thinking about and of course im not adding them at the same time and that sort of thing..Im interested if you have experience with some or see issues..they are in no real order just love to hear feedback or experiences

Yellow watchman and randalli pistol shrimp-
blue dot jawfish or tiger jawfish
Mandarin goby (once i establish some pod population)
starry blennie or lawnmower blennie
royal gramma
maybe some green chromis 3 to 5
yellow clown goby- thanks chiwing!
red or purple firefish
maybe..and i mean maybe..a blue jaw trigger
maybe a naso tang love them..
perhaps some anthias..recommendations?
one kupang damsel..maybe..sometimes they do ok in big tanks dont they?add near last..
mcoskers or maybe mystery wrasse ...would love recommendations so many wrasse to chose from..hard to tell the prettiest from pics

I know the coral beauty is sketchy with corals..I am new and only have one coral in my 55 long tentacle plate coral..but i plan to get into some lps softies and zoas n such..

there is one fish i really wanted but coudnt get in the 55 as i got the coral beauty as a replacement credit free for a clown when i first got them..since i had the coral beauty I couldnt get a bi color i really love and i know they are sketchy on reefs but with a large tank im thinking he could make it with the coral beauty it sucks not to try..I have seen a lot of these in reef tanks online that do ok.. the ones i know i want for sure are

goby and pistol
bi color angel ( talk me out of it..but i really love these..i wouldnt add any other angels and even willing to take them back to the store if there is a told definitely not and oh you can risk it and see..sometimes they do fine..i notice the coral beauty nips at snails with coraline on them..could it be sometimes they are just nipping for algae on corals and people think they are munching...I dunno

im very interested in a trigger like blue jaw..or niger..if its not going to slaughter larger shrimp or like the smaller fish..I could care less if it ate a snail here and there..give me the to hear form people on these things..and these are just some im thinkn about and really want..

Cobalt Aquatic's C-Ray LED + New Mounts AquaticLife Hybrid

Livestock questions..weigh in

Does anyone with experience have some insight about "reef safe triggerfish" I know this is controversial..interestingly I see a couple of online fish sellers have a little conflicting information..I realize of course that "reef safe" is kind of..well you get the idea..I noticed one place says the niger trigger is the only one that you can put in a reef tank ( for the record I wouldnt care about one eating a couple of snails..but large ornamental shrimp if it was the norm because I like to have them..just one place I have seen says that...I had always heard that the crosshatch and blue throat are the ones you can get away with in a reef tank ..then i have seen videos backing that up a lot..I dont think they are going to much coral so much but wouldnt want them killing all shrimp snails and like clownfish or something..would love to hear from those who may have tried this..and yes i know you can get one thats a bit more or less of a ******* talking generality..getting a small one...yknow would love to hear everyones thoughts ..I thought a niger trigger was a def nono in reef tanks..

Urgent!!!!! bta stuck in intake!!!!!!!

Is there a way to get him out of this in a way that he will live?

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Yep, a seashore Saturday!

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! And already a 1/2 day Saturday at the boatyard. Had a sleepless over last night, and sorry, but more Dunkin Donuts to go with our coffee this morning. A much better selection this time. Got the tug out, fixed and launched with only a half hour of OT involved. Went as smooth as a PITA job can go. Hope all are safe and groovy,

vendredi 23 mars 2018

Constant stream coming out of second overflow

I have one of these 16" Shadow Over Flow boxes with 3 different drains, a main, secondary and emergency drain.

I had been running my original return hose that was meant for a much smaller pump without many issues in to a return bar. I didn't like that at all and kept been meaning to switch to a bigger hose and a different style water sprayer

Well, I did that today. I upon pulling it out I also cleaned the return pump in vinegar, put the new hose one, switch out the return nozzle and fired it up.


OMG, there was now a hurricane of water flying out of this thing. I had to turn my return pump down to it's slowest setting and it was still all over the place.

That said, I now have everything aimed the right way, adjusted the main so I don't hear any gurgles or anything and added more water because it now was too fast for the sump and I was spraying bubbles everyone. What that also did was make it so there is now a constant stream coming out of the secondary over flow. I don't think this is really a big deal because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is there for, but wanted to hear others takes before I flood something lol

Let’s talk about flow!!!

Like the title says let’s talk about flow. I’m new to the hobby still. First tank up and running.
Little background on my setup
55 gal tank
60-70 lbs of live rock
Sand bed of 1.5-2” which I am gonna start replacing with a larger grain that won’t blow around so bad
48” t5 ho quad light coralife
Some cheap circulation pumps off eBay to get me started, ended up with 4 different ones. Good pumps so far but they are bulky and either to strong or not strong enough and that’s the idea behind this thread.
No sump
And no skimmer
Been doing 10-20% water change weekly
All of my test come back good and everything was great before the uglies started. Unavoidable from what I’ve read.

For live stock I have
2 margarita snails
2 turbo snails
3 blue green chromis
1 blue leg crab

Coral we have
Devils hand
Kenya tree

Ok so the reason of starting this is for the seasoned pros to help the new guys to understand proper flow of the tank. Sounds simple enough throw a few wave makers in and boom done well I’m guessing there’s way more to it then just that.

I have a few questions to start off with
Proper placement of powerheads?? I’ve seen them towards the top of the tank I’ve seen them towards the bottom of the tank. Aiming towards the glass, aiming strait towards the rocks. No consistency. I understand every tank will be different because of the aquascape but there has to be some “golden rule” to start from and adjust from there. I’m not referring to the gph either we’re still talking placement. I have moved my power heads countless times now. Tried the top and bottom, back and both sides. Top aiming down seemed to end up with dead spots and sand movement but the top of the tank moved around good. Bottom aiming up the top of the tank had poor movement and had dead spots if they were aimed to high.

Next we might as well talk gph. Now I understand fish only and different types of coral need different amounts of flow and there lots of information about this online. What you can’t find online is there such thing as to much flow for certain coral? What about a tank with mixed coral types? That’s where pump placement and size of flow comes in I guess. Right now I have around 1400 gph total out of 2 powerheads with what I have in the tank should be more then enough for now. But my poor fish can’t seem to swim anywhere they school together and almost looks like there on a treadmill, is this normal? Fun to watch though.

Should the flow change? I’m guessing you don’t want the same flow day in and day out and I’ve seen the controllers that can turn your pumps on and off but does that really change the flow or just breaks it up?

What about at night I’ve seen some controllable power heads that have night sensors does this mean my flow should be slowed at night. Maybe put one of the power heads on the timer with the light? Or does it need to stop?

Now the reason I’m asking all of this is I’m looking at new power heads for my tank. I want something that will last and if I upgrade my tank size I can just switch tanks with them. At this time here is list of demands from new power heads.
Adjustable flow, want to be able to turn the gph up and down as needed
Controller friendly. Would actually prefer hard wired over wireless.
Small profile would be preferred with my tank size.
Depending on the responses I get my wants might change some. If night mode is ideal then that might be added
Is there anything else I need to consider before buying new heads?

Sorry so long winded and thanks for the help


This purple algae has been spreading on my sand. Is there any way to get rid of it or can someone help me identify it?


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Please help!!

I upgraded to a 55 gallon tank due to my 10 gallon being very over stocked. I had 15 tropical fish with 3 snails in my 10 gallon. I set up the 55 gallon and used the new tank water conditioner and got the water temp to around 72 degrees, ran for about 4 hours before any of the next fish steps happened. I also have 2 60 gallon filters in the tank. I transferred the fish by putting them in a bag with their old water and let them float for about 20 min. Went to bed 2 hours later and they were all good. Woke up 6 hours later and all of them where dead. none floating on top but all on the bottom or stuck to the filter pump. Please help me. I removed them and have the tank running all day today.

fly home Friday

Morning everyone. Coffee is on.

Long day at work, then headed home tonight for a quick weekend.

Enjoy your Friday everyone.

jeudi 22 mars 2018


New tank owner. Picking up 125 gallon and 55 gallon tanks and supplies from a retiring person. I've been reading he threads for a while. Plan on cycling the rock all summer and set up the tank in the fall - still too cold in Wisconsin to cycle in garage. Longtime freshwater user and always desired a mixed reef. Understand that it will develop in due time. Cheers!

Road trip... might as well visit some fish stores

Going on a road trip with my best friend and I'm going through Indianapolis and Columbus. Was wondering two things.... would a coral or invert be fine in a bag in an insulated box for a number of hours.... maybe 4 or 5 at most.... i know they get shipped for longer but that's more prepared then the average fish store will do....

Also was wondering where anyone would recommend checking out. Thanks....
Leaving this Saturday and be stopping on the way home that afternoon

New For You + Best Buys Under $10

New For You + Best Buys Under $10

Tanks, Regenerable Resins, Sump Bundles, UV Sterilizers, and MORE!

Thank you, Geoff!

You deserve a thread dedicated to thanking you. :thumbup:

I can never express to you how much I value you and your opinion. For all that you do and have done for this board and hobby I would like to thank you. Not only are you dependable but your approach, candor and tone, and intellect are truly commendable.

Thank you, Sir, I greatly appreciate everything you do and have done for us.


Thursday covered in snow

HAPPY THURSDAY to all our TRT Friends stopping by today! Was off to a slow start but finally ramped up yesterday/night to put some decent snow down. Not enough coffee in me yet to want to go check, but looks like 5-8" with lack of caffeine. Settle for coffee for now till more of my functions awaken. Hope all are safe and well,

pop up from asking for username and password

March 22 1:09 am
When I went to the main forum index from Today's Posts
a log in window popped up that said
"The server is asking for your username and password.
The server reports that it is from Coming Soon!.

Don't know what is going on but every time I go to the main forum page it pops up.

Windows 7 professional
Internet Explorer 11 11.0.51

I just checked it does not do it in Firefox.

mercredi 21 mars 2018

New to nano

Hi everyone. Decided to dive (haha) right in and got a 13.5 gallon tank kit. Currently have live rock, gsp, a skunk shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, a Springer's damsel, a McCosker's flasher wrasse, a blue leg hermit crab, and a scarlet reef hermit crab in residence. Oh and a cerith snail. Everyone's doing ok so far. Fingers crossed.

Test results on cycling

He all, what would you consider an ammonia spike on cycling a tank????

125 litre/33gallon

GSP "umbrella"ing?

Green star polyps had been behaving normally. Water parameters normal. Put in some Reef Bugs and the GSP kinda arched their center out and became umbrella shaped. Is this normal?

Toadstool coral not standing up

Hi folks,

I recently got this toadstool and it was not standing up in its previous tank. Its stem is about 3 inches long and the umbrella is about 2.5 inches in diameter. It has been in my tank for about 10 days without standing up either. I have another toadstool coral in my tank and it is just fine. Any idea? Is it some kind of disease?

Thank you!

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feeding bubble tip anemone

so i have this BTA that hid under the rocks since i got him. it finally moved and I can actually feed him now but he doesnt take any food. It doesnt help that my fire shrimp mugs him every time I try to feed it. the shrimp just goes right inside the BTA's mouth and pulls everything out lol. quite funny to watch sad to say. should i just leave it alone and hope it moves to another spot? my tangs also take everything out of its mouth as i feed. I try to feed the other fish first but it doesnt help. I also have a Sebae anemone that doesnt seem to eat either but looks healthy nonetheless. it is also a baby. both about the size of a quarter. should i be worried or will they survive if i dont target feed?

Need help IDing who makes a plastic mesh bags like thing to clean acrilic tank

I picked up a few of these mesh like bags from a LFS. They work amazing to clean acrylic tanks, even removes coralline algae with a breeze. they stand up and don't shed over time. truly an awesome product and its by far the best thing I have ever used to clean my acrylic tank.

The problem is the LFS has closed and there is no name on them and I have no idea who makes them or where to get a replacement(they developed little holes over the past year or so).

Anyone have any idea who makes them or what they are called? I will upload picture of one when I get home tonight.

Re-reading my old threads (sorry)

I've been gone from this forum for a long while. I spent a lot of time on here figuring out things for my own tank and getting advice to keep that thing running. There are so many intelligent people on here with years of experience and yet when I asked for help or advice, I got snobby when they didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. I was literally the worst.

Nowadays I'm away from home at college. Before I left I turned my 72 gallon into a 120 gallon and am loving life, or I was until Irma wiped out half of my fish :peeved:

Anyways the point of this thread is to basically apologize to everyone who interacted with me before college on this website (basically everyone) and that I now have a much larger tank that I am so much happier with and get to spend the whole summer working on.

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Sorry for the double post I didn't think the first one took. I bought an LED light(link) that is listed for a FOWLR tank. I was wondering if I doubled the lights would that double the LUX or is LUX dependant on the output of the LED itself and not the amount of LED's. I would like to keep soft corals but I don't know if these would provide enough light. Thanks for any help.


I bought an LED light that was listed for a FOWLR tank(link). I was wondering if I doubled the lights would that double the lux of the lights or is lux dependant on the output of the LED itself. I would like to keep soft corals in my tank.

What do you think about Sump idea?

I’m wanting to add a sump to my system simply for water changes and hiding equipment. I have a 20 gallon tall tank and I just bought a nano HOB overflow. The sump would be a simple 5 gallon tank with no extra compartments. I don’t plan on keeping anything alive in there. I would just simply like to use it to hide protien skimmer, filters, heater and filter media I use. Do you think this would work?

Things are going lots better with the tank. Thanks ALOT guys. And a couple more dumb

You guys have helped so much. Thanks bunches. Anyhow I have a used sterilizer and skimmer. Do I have to hook them to my pluming or can I run them with a pump?

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Attention - Changes to the site newsletter


We are pleased to announce we are implementing a new method in which we send out site newsletters. The new newsletter will have a cleaner template and sent out to participating forum members once a week. We have added an example below of how it will look. This change will not have any negative impact on members receiving newsletter and will not impact the site with any downtime.

Thank you,

Community Support

Wintery Wednesday

Morning everyone. Little bit of snow on the way today here in Boston. Lot of people are working remotely or leaving early from work. I am not seeing it getting bad enough, so going to stick it out.

Coffee is on.

mardi 20 mars 2018

Woohoo finally got my ro/di in

Finally got my new ro/di system in. Been buying bottled distilled water for the last couple of weeks after the mini amazon ro/di started having tds at 1 and 2

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7 Tank Build Ideas + What’s in the News?

7 Tank Build Ideas + What's in the News?

BUILD A TANK: 9, 12, 22, 32, 48, or 57 gallons!

Help with what to get?

hello, I was wondering if yall have any saltwater recommendations that could benefit my 10-gallon nano tank? I know nanos are typically harder to care for, however, its what i was able to manage, with my time and budget. only inhabitants in the tank right now are 2 trochus snail, and a Hamlet (a red mythrax crab). I have 7 pounds of live rock in there, however, I plan on adding a bit more in around a weeks time, I will probably try and hit the 10-12 pound mark. as of now, it is a low flow tank, with no corals, just whats growing on the live rock. I am very new to the hobby and would appreciate any suggestions

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Thoughts on splitting a large tank 1/2 deep sand bed and the other 1/2 bare bottom

Would like to hear other thoughts on +/- of this setup if any.

key points to consider:
Large tank side 160g
Sand depth 6 or more inches
Live rock on bare bottom side
Tank water inlet flow on rock side spraying towards sand side

Live Rock Identifying growths help

Greetings all I hope all is well
I recently was at my local aquarium buying a few thing and I spot a beautiful Live rock with many colours. Specifically I really like the orange growths I have going in here.
Can I get some advice on identifying it and keeping it alive?
Also any advice on keeping the other flora/colours on it alive too

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Tuesday and goodbye

Morning I have TRT I and I’m done with this site.took me 12 min. Of coming on and off this so I didn’t get advertisements locking me out. I’ve emailed admin and they say there working on it,but I know Hack has had it a long time ago. So I just told them I’m done with it and email once they get it fix so sorry to say I’m another that won’t be on much ,but when I want to be frustrated I’ll try and stop by. Take care my friends and some I still see on FB so till we meet again! Stay safe! The Coffee is always be ready for you!

lundi 19 mars 2018

Tap Water Dosing! Well I Never!

Hi Guys,

Tried Vodka dosing for the first time recently. I'd been feeding liberally in my very small 12" cube reef thinking that my nitrates where all being cycled. However, I got a very large shock when I tested them and found they were 50ppm. A discolouring SPS alerted me. I've never had a reef that ran at that. I've always been in the luxurious position to cycle all my nitrogen through rock and lots of flow so I naturally thought it was all being catered for. I suppose when you scale down to around 20 litres, the cycling of all nitrogen becomes difficult.

I had always been sceptical when I heard of vodka dosing because I’ve been keeping marines for over 30 years. I thought it would make certain areas of the reef close to anoxic and perhaps increase the chance of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) production. I think the science says it will in reefs that aren’t optimised with regard to pH stability and oxygen levels.

I have had very little oxidative redox potential (ORP) drops and a dulling of the brightness of the water. Dull water indicates low oxygen/ORP and which might be indicative of H2S production. I used to run a commercial fish system so judging ORP from the look of the water becomes a skill you tend not to forget. I use ozone only in very tiny amounts and for seconds only if required. One can overcook it especially with corals and cause big problems.

I’ve used it possibly three times in over a year.

I would have noticed a bloom in the water; this leads me to believe that vodka dosing increases the microbiota within reef structures and substrates rather than causing widespread blooms in the water column.

Anyhoo, let’s get onto the thread descriptor
Around the sixth week of vodka dosing I noticed my nitrates fall. I was really happy and it was very efficient. Of course, everything has been executed with strategic scientific precision. I noticed also that my phosphates that I had always kept a check on, where also negligible. Knowing that ultra low phosphate is terminal for SPS, I kept trying to raise the phosphates again and again with heavy feeding. To my surprise the vodka dosing was so efficient I couldn’t raise my phosphate or nitrate levels off the ground. After around a week and a half, I decided to dose in some heavily phosphorylated tap water.

I’ve got my pgospahtes now to 0.024 mg/l which is just about fine for corals and near to some ideal natural levels. Tap water in West Yorkshire has lots of phosphate because it is used by the water companies to chelate heavy metals. However, tap water also contains chloramine which is a very toxic and persistent form of chlorine.

N.B. Please be aware I only dose three drops in a 20-litre water volume. It is used extremely sparingly as the phosphates in my tap water are probably approaching 6mg/l. Don’t try this at home unless you’ve got such low phosphate that your corals are a risk.

I had to mention it because I now condone the use of vodka dosing and also dosing tap water when you can’t get your phosphates to rise. ONLY TINY AMOUNTS FOLKS. DROP-WISE THEN WAIT, THEN TEST ONLY!

All comments welcome


Protein Skimmer Microbubbles

The age old issue. Microbubbles from a skimmer... my skimmer is the Tunze 9004 (where it gets the water from the surface) and it was all going great. I treated my tank for white spot about 7 days ago and since turning the skimmer on after that there’s millions of micro bubbles. I’ve tried more water in with less air, more water in more air, less water in less air and less water in more air and NOTHING helps.. I’m assuming the chemicals added is the cause because the skimmer was working before but if that’s the cause, what do I do? Leave it on to pollute the tank with micro bubbles or something else?

NEW VID & GIVEAWAY: AutoAqua Smart Level Security

Today we are taking a look at the AutoAqua Smart Level Security from the Smart Security System Combo available at Premium Aquatics.

Smart Security System Combo:
Smart Level Security:
Smart Level Security prevent aquariums from overflowing or equipment from running dry. Magnetically coupled optical sensor mounts to most smooth services up to 1/2 inch thick

Visit Premium Aquatics:

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Good *0rning Everyone, *0nday Blues

Good *orning All.

Coffee is Hot, Donuts are fresh.

Was a real busy weekend around here. Worked on my bike and cleaned the garage all weekend. I took off last Thursday and Friday. Sinuses still acting up.

Have to hit it hard at work this week.

Got to go , have a Great Day.

dimanche 18 mars 2018

Dwarf Seahorses

I am In the prosses of setting up a dwarf seahorse tank, and I have a couple of questons. Some people say to cycle your tank with botteled bacteria. But I did read that live rock could have stinging animals that could harm the dwarfs. So should I add live rock? Also, some people have macro algae and gorgonians but I fear they could introduce hitchhikers into the system that could kill the dwarfs. Could I use coral dip to prevent that? I forgot to add this will be a 5g aquarium.

Rapid breathing

Hello everyone,

I bought a Dwarf fuzzy Lionfish who is really small and put him in my 50L tank and I’ve noticed he was breathing rapidly.. the only aeriation in the tank was the filter return pump which is a cheap 200L/h pump which was hardly moving the water. His side fins look like they are almost decaying but I’ve only had him 24hrs.. he’s in the tank on his own and there is 0 ammonia and around 0.25 nitrite. I know the nitrite is high but I was going to do a Water Change tomorrow.

I have since moved a circulation fan from my bigger tank to that for him and the water is moving much more but he’s still breathing fast. He’d been hanging around the surface a lot today and that’s why I decided to move it and he has since gone to the bottom of the tank swimming around since I added the fan. Do you guys think this may fix it? Thankyou!

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size filter for Bulk Reef RODI?

Anyone bought replacement filters from aftermarket vendors for the Bulk Reef Supply RODI? I found the .6 Micron carbon block "Matrix" brand (same as my old filter) at a pretty good discount, but it is listed as 9 3/4". I think the kit lists filters as 10". Measuring the old filter it is 9 3/4" from top to bottom of the filter, but 10" including the rubber gaskets. I am thinking these filter press up on a nozzle so there is a little wiggle room anyway, bought thought I would check in here before dropping the $$$.

119.95 for an RODI Unit + NEW coral food from New Life