Hey guys I'm new to the forum and wanting to figure out what is on my live rock I got from my realtor. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
jeudi 31 août 2017
apex aquabus vs usb cable
Can I use a 3ft usb in place of an aquabus cable for a pm1?
Zebra Barred Dartfish Question
Hi everyone,
I recently ordered 2 of these (supposed to be 2 small fish) for my tank, because I read adding a pair or more at the same time is ideal. However upon receiving, it seems I received one small one (1.5-2 inches) and one large one which was like +5 inches.
Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled as I wanted to smaller ones to add. They said they would send me another, but it won't be until next week when they get more in stock. I found a new home for the big guy, but the little guy is in an acclimation box with some PVC pipes.
My question is, can I let the little one out and add the 2nd in a week without there being an issue? I was hoping it'd be close enough in time where there wouldn't be much of a territorial issue, but wasn't sure. I know sometimes these things are hit and miss, but figured maybe someone had some insight.
I recently ordered 2 of these (supposed to be 2 small fish) for my tank, because I read adding a pair or more at the same time is ideal. However upon receiving, it seems I received one small one (1.5-2 inches) and one large one which was like +5 inches.
Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled as I wanted to smaller ones to add. They said they would send me another, but it won't be until next week when they get more in stock. I found a new home for the big guy, but the little guy is in an acclimation box with some PVC pipes.
My question is, can I let the little one out and add the 2nd in a week without there being an issue? I was hoping it'd be close enough in time where there wouldn't be much of a territorial issue, but wasn't sure. I know sometimes these things are hit and miss, but figured maybe someone had some insight.
Brown algae
can anyone identify this algea and how i can get rid of it?
Hi all. I'm venturing into the world of marine tanks etc after having kept tropicals for as long as I can remember. but new adventure. I have had my tank running for around 21 days, with live rock in. i introduced some live corals after water testing , all good. been a week now and water levels all good. i've read so much about time periods about adding fish and all conflicting answers. any advice would be most welcome. regards jay
mercredi 30 août 2017
Dwarf Seahorses
I would like to get a pair of dwarf seahorses (to breed), which I have kept in the past. But now my lfs shut down I would have no place to sell the dwarfs to when they spawn. Does anyone know a place that would buy addult dwarfs for $20 a seahorse?
Ammonia won't drop
Hello everyone! I am having a bit of a difficulty in cycling my tank.
08/10: Tank had SW put in + Added Fritz 9
08/14: 10G WC with NSW
08/16: Added a capful of ammonia (this is where i went wrong) and didn't test (i know i know)
08/20: Stopped dosing ammonia
08/25: Tested Ammonia (finally, i know) @ 8ppm
08/26: Tested Ammonia @ 8ppm
08/27: Performed 10G WC w/ NSW, Tested Ammonia @ 2ppm
08/28: Tested Ammonia @ 1ppm
08/29: Tested Ammonia @ 1ppm
I am currently using API test kit for this. I will try to go to LFS today to have them test my water.
Around the 08/25 or 08/26 I also tested for Nitrite and Nitrate both @ 0ppm
So currently I am stump on what to do, should I perform another 10G WC w/ NSW, grab biospira from the LFS to add more beneficial bacteria, or wait it out?
08/10: Tank had SW put in + Added Fritz 9
08/14: 10G WC with NSW
08/16: Added a capful of ammonia (this is where i went wrong) and didn't test (i know i know)
08/20: Stopped dosing ammonia
08/25: Tested Ammonia (finally, i know) @ 8ppm
08/26: Tested Ammonia @ 8ppm
08/27: Performed 10G WC w/ NSW, Tested Ammonia @ 2ppm
08/28: Tested Ammonia @ 1ppm
08/29: Tested Ammonia @ 1ppm
I am currently using API test kit for this. I will try to go to LFS today to have them test my water.
Around the 08/25 or 08/26 I also tested for Nitrite and Nitrate both @ 0ppm
So currently I am stump on what to do, should I perform another 10G WC w/ NSW, grab biospira from the LFS to add more beneficial bacteria, or wait it out?
Whimsical Wednesday.
Morning all. Little rainy out here in Boston.
Busy busy day ahead at work. Usually when things get tough a little overachieving fixes it.
Busy busy day ahead at work. Usually when things get tough a little overachieving fixes it.
mardi 29 août 2017
Zebra barred and scissortail together
Hey guys...think I have asked this before...can you mix a zebra barred and scissortail dart together in a 90 gallon...I already have a well established scissortail...
Help Identifying a Peat
Being fairly new to the hobby, I bought a few frags from a local store without dipping them before putting them in my tank. I noticed a few things crawling on the frags after I put them in, but didn't give it a second thought. They are killing my corals. I was able to suck a few out with an eyedropper. Any helpbis greatly appreciated!
New to salt
I am brand new to marine tanks, about 10 years ago i bread frontosa and had a set up of 40 tanks a few were show tanks and some hospitals. Marin is something i always wanted to do, ive done alot of reading on this but will still ask a ridiculous amount of questions. Thank you to everyone that has and will help not only be but anyone else to be in this great hobby
Help me with my Blue Assessor
Hey guy...been a while since I have posted...okay...here goes.
So I have had my blue assessor now for well over a year...I feed my fish vitamins everyday in there food and garlic twice a week, my fish have always been extremely healthy and trouble free....however.
So I bought a bi color chromis like 6 months ago or so...he did fine at first but as he matured he became a bit too much and bothered the assessor beyond my liking.
So when I originally received the assessor he had what looked to be a small scar that had healed over right in front of his left fin area...I determined that it also looked like lymphosis or w/e its called...basically the little white skin tag or dot that sometimes fish get. I forget exactly what it is but its more of a cosmetic thing.
Anyways...the fish has always been healthy and that area healed up and just a small speck of the white tag remaned...size of a really sharp ball point pen, very small little spot. Anyways...so like 2 weeks ago out of no where something happened. That spot like EXPLODED! It covers a good part of the front, and upper parts right around his left fin as mentioned above! No I don't have any pics...I run kessil tuna blues and the fish is blue...so pics are a you know what to get. And for some reason he does not like me to look at that one side it seems. Anyways...I think I got the chromis out just in time bc its back top fin was frayed badly...I thought at first fin rot...but no white spots behind the back fins and there healing by the day quite well. I also had to do LOTS of moving of the rocks to get that chromis out...but buddy I was determined...and got him.
I have no idea whats going on...the fish seems to be eating...okay...he seems to alternate each day on how much he stays out in the open...the day before he was out a lot...then yesterday I didn't see him really at all. The spot is concerning...it looks weird...almost like the fish had a growth spurt or something...its so odd! It looks like someone (which they didn't) but took a razor blade...shaved of a little chunk of skin and its healed over in a white color...like a small layer in that area was taking off. The fish has great colors...and seems to be behaving normal. But this is really throwing me for a loop! All my other fish look fine and show no signs other than normal.
So I have had my blue assessor now for well over a year...I feed my fish vitamins everyday in there food and garlic twice a week, my fish have always been extremely healthy and trouble free....however.
So I bought a bi color chromis like 6 months ago or so...he did fine at first but as he matured he became a bit too much and bothered the assessor beyond my liking.
So when I originally received the assessor he had what looked to be a small scar that had healed over right in front of his left fin area...I determined that it also looked like lymphosis or w/e its called...basically the little white skin tag or dot that sometimes fish get. I forget exactly what it is but its more of a cosmetic thing.
Anyways...the fish has always been healthy and that area healed up and just a small speck of the white tag remaned...size of a really sharp ball point pen, very small little spot. Anyways...so like 2 weeks ago out of no where something happened. That spot like EXPLODED! It covers a good part of the front, and upper parts right around his left fin as mentioned above! No I don't have any pics...I run kessil tuna blues and the fish is blue...so pics are a you know what to get. And for some reason he does not like me to look at that one side it seems. Anyways...I think I got the chromis out just in time bc its back top fin was frayed badly...I thought at first fin rot...but no white spots behind the back fins and there healing by the day quite well. I also had to do LOTS of moving of the rocks to get that chromis out...but buddy I was determined...and got him.
I have no idea whats going on...the fish seems to be eating...okay...he seems to alternate each day on how much he stays out in the open...the day before he was out a lot...then yesterday I didn't see him really at all. The spot is concerning...it looks weird...almost like the fish had a growth spurt or something...its so odd! It looks like someone (which they didn't) but took a razor blade...shaved of a little chunk of skin and its healed over in a white color...like a small layer in that area was taking off. The fish has great colors...and seems to be behaving normal. But this is really throwing me for a loop! All my other fish look fine and show no signs other than normal.
Ich in reef tank - possibly, Help ? Few questions !
Ok guys so my tank has been doing great the past few months since setting it up .. so much infact that im picking up a aquareef 400 in three weeks which im purchasing second hand, should be great.
so anyway being new i dont QT my fish at this time, risky i know .. but if they were to get ich im pretty sure i could handle it as i have spare return pump, heater & 44 balls of marine pure and live rock rubble in sump which i planned ahead for to setup a HT just incase plus a 88l storage tub ill use for a QT, so anyway i added a miscellaneous blenny which is what he was sold to me as last thursday from further research as far as i can tell its a australian combtooth blenny, anyhow i can see small white spots that have me a tiny bit concerned .. i say only a tiny bit because the blenny is brown with white pattern/small spots at the front which looks pretty uniform but then again it could be ich, im just curious if it is infact ich how long until ill see the other fish with spots ? and/or what would a clear indication be that the tank/fish does indeed have ich ?
im picking up a 1.5" baby blue tang this friday afternoon anyway which i plan to get eating over a week "no treatment" in the temp HT im setting up then slowly bringing copper/cupramine up to half its dose 0.25 over 4 a week QT treatment as alot of people recommend that it will be enough/safer and less stressful on the fish .. so if someone could help me out on what im looking for with the fish in the display i.e. how long until the other fish will show signs if it is indeed ich ?, its already been 5 days and all other fish look fine .. am i past a certain amount of time where i can be certain i dont have it ?, other then small white spots and fish potentially rubbing up against glass/rock anything else ?
i suppose its a good sign the blenny has been quite normal eating well/active no rubbing/no heavy breathing that i can see and perching out in the open, the lfs i go to keeps his fish in a solution of cupramine so i feel pretty confident etc but then again its usually only 2 weeks in between additions of fresh fish from a wholesaler that could bring it in .. im just curious as to what to look out for as i know ich can be fatal and i want to catch it and treat ASAP if this is indeed ich.
thanks for the help guys much appreciated.
so anyway being new i dont QT my fish at this time, risky i know .. but if they were to get ich im pretty sure i could handle it as i have spare return pump, heater & 44 balls of marine pure and live rock rubble in sump which i planned ahead for to setup a HT just incase plus a 88l storage tub ill use for a QT, so anyway i added a miscellaneous blenny which is what he was sold to me as last thursday from further research as far as i can tell its a australian combtooth blenny, anyhow i can see small white spots that have me a tiny bit concerned .. i say only a tiny bit because the blenny is brown with white pattern/small spots at the front which looks pretty uniform but then again it could be ich, im just curious if it is infact ich how long until ill see the other fish with spots ? and/or what would a clear indication be that the tank/fish does indeed have ich ?
im picking up a 1.5" baby blue tang this friday afternoon anyway which i plan to get eating over a week "no treatment" in the temp HT im setting up then slowly bringing copper/cupramine up to half its dose 0.25 over 4 a week QT treatment as alot of people recommend that it will be enough/safer and less stressful on the fish .. so if someone could help me out on what im looking for with the fish in the display i.e. how long until the other fish will show signs if it is indeed ich ?, its already been 5 days and all other fish look fine .. am i past a certain amount of time where i can be certain i dont have it ?, other then small white spots and fish potentially rubbing up against glass/rock anything else ?
i suppose its a good sign the blenny has been quite normal eating well/active no rubbing/no heavy breathing that i can see and perching out in the open, the lfs i go to keeps his fish in a solution of cupramine so i feel pretty confident etc but then again its usually only 2 weeks in between additions of fresh fish from a wholesaler that could bring it in .. im just curious as to what to look out for as i know ich can be fatal and i want to catch it and treat ASAP if this is indeed ich.
thanks for the help guys much appreciated.
Trying to clean algae in sandbed
I've pretty much got control of my rocks with hair algae but need help with my sand! My whole sand bed has grown hair algae all over it and ive tried siphoning but it cant even suck up the algae, i just end up sucking up my own sand bed. i try removing it by hand and still just pick up sand and then the hair algae grows right back within a few a days. I bought some turbo snails and they cleaned the back of my tank and my rocks but i need to know how to clean up my sand bed. Help!
I also have a Kole Tang who eats the junk off rocks. And a lawnmower blennie. But the tang bothers him. If I siphon out sand, can I add new sand without causing a cycle? I've heard something about adding it with a length of PVC pipe. Is there a contraption that can be used to siphon but leave sand?
I also have a Kole Tang who eats the junk off rocks. And a lawnmower blennie. But the tang bothers him. If I siphon out sand, can I add new sand without causing a cycle? I've heard something about adding it with a length of PVC pipe. Is there a contraption that can be used to siphon but leave sand?
A wet Tuesday
Top of the morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Rain playing nice in the beginning turning into not playing nice in a little while. Still going over to the shore but confidence has it's fingers crossed for an early out. Got an assortment of Pop Tarts for breakfast to go with our coffee and pink milk. Got a little tank cleaning in last night before the shoes came off. I, being the nosy type was thinking about a morning thread 'Tank reunion'......since we're all reefers around here, and for the benefit of us newer members, how about adding some pics of your pride and joys that brought us to this site? Perhaps with Labor Day approaching, a little virtual get to gether with our tank pics, past and present....and if'n you're really good, future? Hope all are safe, and all the best,
lundi 28 août 2017
Looking for help indetifying possible coral?
Not sure if anyone can see the pic very well but got 4 of these little pods growing in my tank. They're white and red in nature and close when critters come by them. They wave in the flow of water. Seem to have popped up from the grabel on the bottom of the tank. Can anyone help me identify these? My tank is fish only, have never had any coral in it.
Hello, i am new to the marine fish thing, not new to fish though. I have a 5 week old tank with 2 clowns and 11 hermit crabs. Its very stressful, i have been reading alot of info and have seen and heard crushed coral( which i have) is not a good substrate. Is this true? Ive had many tanks and large tanks and have never stressed out like i am with this tank.
Undervolting DC pump
I am running a jebao dc-8000 (it is a DC pump) return pump on my 75 and I am running the risk of overflowing the tank if power goes off and it goes to highest setting after it resets. Was thinking of undervolting the pump like running it at 18v instead of 24v (using variable volt adapter) to lower the output a bit. Any thoughts? Will this burn the pump long term?
thanks for looking
thanks for looking
Brown Algae and new tank syndrome milky water
woke up this morning and tank was cloudy as all hell and brown algae forming on my rock. over feeding? I feed twice a day, also tank is pretty new
Ammonia Level at 0.25
I’m quite new to marine fish keeping. All of the water parameters were spot on and the cycle completed correctly. For the past 24 hours my ammonia level has risen from 0 to 0.25. Nitrites have remained at 0 and Nitrates are around 20 or slightly lower.
Is this safe or should I perform more water changes? Last night I performed a 10% water change and this has not helped.
I think I overfed the aquarium which caused the ammonia to rise. Is this the cause or has something else caused it?
Details of my aquarium are:
Redsea Max Nano (75L) – Dry rock, live sand, Nutri Seawater.
2 clown fish – added 9 days ago
4 hermit crabs – added 3 days ago
3 Zoa coral frags – added 2 days ago
Any help will very much be appreciated.
Many thanks,
I’m quite new to marine fish keeping. All of the water parameters were spot on and the cycle completed correctly. For the past 24 hours my ammonia level has risen from 0 to 0.25. Nitrites have remained at 0 and Nitrates are around 20 or slightly lower.
Is this safe or should I perform more water changes? Last night I performed a 10% water change and this has not helped.
I think I overfed the aquarium which caused the ammonia to rise. Is this the cause or has something else caused it?
Details of my aquarium are:
Redsea Max Nano (75L) – Dry rock, live sand, Nutri Seawater.
2 clown fish – added 9 days ago
4 hermit crabs – added 3 days ago
3 Zoa coral frags – added 2 days ago
Any help will very much be appreciated.
Many thanks,
Pipefish in reef tank
I have a 75g reef tank with a cleaner wrasse (that eats flake) a pair of clowns a fire fish and a cardinal fish. I also have an in tank refugium. I was at my lfs and they had a pair of pipefish that I'm considering buying. And I wasn't too worried about my pod population because will hatch baby brine shrimp and feed them through the feeder design Paul b made, as well as dosing copepods. But I was worried about my flow in the tank. I have a little over a 3000gph flow rate in my tank and I'm worried that would be too much flow for them. And that the other fish will stress them out.
Yep, it's Monday!
Good *orning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! So*e Thomas's English muffins to go with our coffee and pink *ilk to get us started on this fall feeling *orning. Windy and only in the *id 70's, and looking like to*orrow there's a chance of a 'wash out'. Yesterday? We had a blast! Opted not to pull the dru*s out because where ever I would have put them, they would still be in the tidal zone of the pool. So in their stead we had the djembe out there with us. We had the 20 so*e'ish Folks we expected, and a goodly nu*ber of that were children. We had the neighborhood tapping their feet yesterday. With the adults there was one who hadn't played an instru*ent before, but we quickly rectified that situation. Though he said he was a 'country boy', before the evening was out you'd have swore he was a baggy wearing blond haired blue eyed California surfer dude from the 60's.:cool: We had the amps cranked up, and the 60's 'surf beat' filled the air along with the burgers, dogs and chicken. There were 3 of us on the guitars, and one grabbed the key board, and one of the kids, a 6 year old did percussion. The pool, though chilly was in full swing, and that added to the popularity of the roaring bonfire. Broke up about 10:00 because of work day today, but think we'll be seeing so*e of these faces again next week. Liable to be a packed yard.:blob: All the very best to all,
dimanche 27 août 2017
Hitchhiker on snail
I purchased two snails from my LFS and noticed one had a hitch hiker on it. I am wondering if it is safe to put in the tank or if I need to remove it and how to remove it,
Thank you
I purchased two snails from my LFS and noticed one had a hitch hiker on it. I am wondering if it is safe to put in the tank or if I need to remove it and how to remove it,
Thank you
identification please
The people at petco are not educated at all in saltwater and just call the corals there "assorted". Could someone please give me an positive identification on this little guy.
Hitchhiker on snail
I was wondering if someone could identify this hitch hiker on one of the snail I purchased from my LFS. I tried prying it off with the net, but it seems determine to stay. Is it safe to go in the tank?
Thanks Kate
I was wondering if someone could identify this hitch hiker on one of the snail I purchased from my LFS. I tried prying it off with the net, but it seems determine to stay. Is it safe to go in the tank?
Thanks Kate
Are these bubble nems healthy?
I want to buy a really pretty pink bubble anemone. Are these bleached or do they naturally have a nice pink color? I'm not sure. Thanks!
Chiller for my bio cube 32
Hola all I am looking for a chiller for a 32 gal is anyone selling one or knows what to get and where to buy it
Gracias amigos
My bio cube hit over 90 yesterday had to cool it down with ice
Please help
Gracias amigos
My bio cube hit over 90 yesterday had to cool it down with ice
Please help
WTB Corals
Looking to buy corals. Mushrooms, LPS, some SPS, and other softies. Not looking to pay store prices. Message me if you have anything for sale. Also interested in a GBTA or possibly RBTA. Thanks
Help! Is my tank ready?
I have a 40 gallon tank that I've been running since the beginning of March, and I plan to get fish for it this weekend, I'm looking to get two ocellaris clownfish. My tank has a fluval aquaclear 70 that I've been running for about 4 weeks because my other filter broke, I moved all the cycled media to the aquaclear with the new media, but ran it for 4 weeks while feeding the tank new life spectrum pellets everyday to be safe. I also have an instant ocean sea clone protein skimmer, not the best plan to upgrade soon, but it works ok for now, and I have about 35 pounds of live rock with two hydor power heads. My readings are 0 for ammonia, pH of 8.4, 0 for nitrite, and 10 nitrate (water change before I get any fish). My coral seems to be thriving, and my snails are doing well, even have baby snails, I just want to be reassured that my tank is good before I get fish for it. Btw I plan to build a sump in a few months, filter seems to work for now, but I'd really prefer a sump.
A groovy Sunday to all!
Top of the morning my TRT Friends, and......HAPPY SUNDAY! Got a really cool day, fun wise, not temp, but that too, ahead of us. Jennifer will be joining me at church today for the first time since about four months since she's been caring for Pop. :blob: I missed being with my Family while caring for our Church Family on Sundays. Finger foods are off the table for this morning, and Chef Hack will be amazing us with some omelets. Ham on mine to go with our coffee and pink milk. I look forward to most days, some more than others, but today seems a tad more exciting than usual to be faced. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's an excitement in the air around here. We always have company, though there's a few new faces penciled in for this evening, that's about normal. Sorry, can't help ya.....we'll just have to wait and see. All the best to all,
samedi 26 août 2017
Anyone not able to find chaeto at their local store? Find me on eBay or amazon for a killer deal on a big bunch of aquaculture dark green chaeto!
It's Saturday! COOL!
Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SATURDAY! The Funny Bones were a novelty huh......well let's try something a little more all American for breakfast....RING DINGS to go with our coffee and pink milk! :dance: I just love 'finger foods'. Heading into work, and with my co-worker on the disabled list, I'm sure the boss will be in the panic mode and thinking all day today, even though there's real close to nada to do, so we'll see. Our shindig tomorrow seems to have a growing trend attached to it, in as much as there seems to be a larger number of inquiries as to whether we're having our weekly get-to-gether or not than usual. COOL! One set of Folks that'll be joining us was over the other day while I was at work, and according to Jen they were oggling at and touching some of our musical instruments.....and when she asked if'n they played their response was 'I wish'! Hmmmmmmmm, sounds like a great opportunity to initiate some new members to 'The Band'. May even, if'n the spirit moves me in that direction set up a special canopy for us and even drag out the drums and key board. No better ice breaker in the world than letting someone hold a guitar for the first time, or hand them a set of sticks and tell them to, 'Ahhhh, go ahead! You can't hurt anything!'. I sincerely hope all have the niftiest of days ahead, and all the best,
Can't open PMs
When I try to open PMs I get a "The website cannot display the page"
Windows 7 pro, Internet explorer 11.
With the same computer and FireFox 55.0.2 I get nothing.
Windows 7 pro, Internet explorer 11.
With the same computer and FireFox 55.0.2 I get nothing.
vendredi 25 août 2017
Need help with mushroom coral
I want a mushroom coral but I wanna know how to isolate it and what tank size is right for it
Water test parameters
I have been cycling my new tank for about 4 weeks. For the first little while I plan to get my RO/DI water from my LFS. Is it recommended to test the ammonia, nitrite, ph and nitrate on the RO/DI water? If I am topping up every couple of days should the water be tested before the top off? When I decide to use the RO/DI water for a water change should I do the testing before I add the salt or only after everything is mixed? I am getting some discrepancies on how long RO/DI water is good for in an air tight container, just wondering if someone can clear that up for me. Some information says only a few days well other information says a few weeks.
Thanks for the help
I have been cycling my new tank for about 4 weeks. For the first little while I plan to get my RO/DI water from my LFS. Is it recommended to test the ammonia, nitrite, ph and nitrate on the RO/DI water? If I am topping up every couple of days should the water be tested before the top off? When I decide to use the RO/DI water for a water change should I do the testing before I add the salt or only after everything is mixed? I am getting some discrepancies on how long RO/DI water is good for in an air tight container, just wondering if someone can clear that up for me. Some information says only a few days well other information says a few weeks.
Thanks for the help
Good morning Friends, and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope and PRAY all in the path of 'Harvey' are prepared and safe, and our thoughts are with you. Has anyone heard from our Friend Vinnie lately? We got clouds and cooler temps around here today, near 80. Well do to the fact I feel like something different today, and everyone else is sleeping.....SOOOOOOOO, there's a box of Drake's Funny Bones on the table to go with our coffee and pink milk this morning. We're a little 'Mom + Pop' boatyard just 2 'mechanics, which includes me and the gent not out on disability for a couple months, the boss....a micro manager beyond any you've ever met, and 3 helper, and only ONE IS, and he's the one always trying to kill me. But I like his effort! So there's no 'temp' in our future, just me throwing another log on the fire. And yes, my elbow is decidedly fractured and dislocated. (" A retired divers assessment, not a 'professional'. And I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn last night.") Got a big weekend heading our way....getting through work of course first....but a shindig with the potential of a 'load' of Folks, yard chores first, rumors of an even larger one the following week, so have to gun for preparing for that as well. Hope all have exquisitely cool things ahead for their day, and all the best,
jeudi 24 août 2017
Ro water
My light is evaporating water very fast for me and running to the store for RO water to top it off is just getting annoying. What product can I buy and hook up to my sink to make water safe for topping off my saltwater tank?
just got me 7 hermit crabs
so just grabbed some hermits, what the hell should i look out for. going to start building my coral up as well also here is a pic of the setup now that my led light came in :dance::beer:
It's getting close, it's THURSDAY!
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Thomas's English muffins and assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk for eye openers this morning. Sunny and cloudy and in the lower 80's......yeah, there's some wiggle room. Remember my co-worker who was out in the early part of the season with a broken hand?.......Well he's going out today for carpal tunnel surgery......Will be out for 8 weeks! Oh well. Did I ever mention that I fractured my elbow 2 weeks ago, and though the swelling is finally going down'ish, a strong gust of wind hitting it is enough to make me think about saying ouch! Nope, I didn't! Big sigh.......not all of them sitting in the bar 'talking the talk', have actually ever 'walked the walk'. Yep! Any old who, it's almost the weekend around here, and will be running out of them before too long with Labor Day approaching quickly. So hope all get to get out and grab some. All the best,
mercredi 23 août 2017
Hitchhiker ID
Can anyone ID these? They are about .5 cm. I had a big anemone that was eaten by a peppermint shrimp, but he hasn't touched these. How tiny are tiny anemones?
Having an issue with my tank. The algae growth is becoming a problem. It's green but not stringy. I clean the tank and in a few days it is back. Need some help here the wife is getting tired of the algae growth showing up. Any feedback is very appreciated.
LAST CALL - EcoTech Marine 0% APR Financing Ends @ Midnight
LAST CALL - EcoTech Marine 0% APR Financing Ends @ Midnight
Pay over 3, 6, or 12 months with financing rates from 0%-30% APR!

Pay over 3, 6, or 12 months with financing rates from 0%-30% APR!
Help me, help a neglected tank! JBJ 45
Alright guys I've got a big project on my hands.
I'll start from the beginning. So I started a JBJ 45 gallon tank for my mom about this time last year. I did it the same way I started my biocube 29, no problems there. Everything was fine until about 6 months ago when I was away at college with out coming home for a while.
I would normally come home ever few weeks and while I was home I would do a water change for the tank, well, that didn't happen for a while and things got bad. My mom loves her tank and still in the condition it is in loves it, I'm just not happy with it. She's got a problem with over feeding too so that doesn't help.
I'm back from college (finally graduated, Thank god) for about a year and really wanna get this tank back in good shape, but I'm unsure of what to do with a tank so far gone. All I have done so far is 2 water changes of about 5 gallon about a week apart from each other.
I was about to check the levels but I can't seem to find all the test equipment I gave here. All I could find was my red sea reef foundation kit. I know this doesn't help much but as soon as I get a new kit/find the old one I will up date.
KH: Meq/L is 3.3 dKH is 8.8
Ca: around 275
Mg: 1100
sal. 1.022
No fish problems, so they can't bee too bad, just tons of algae growth.
Equipment in the tank:
It's got a Kessila 360we with controller over top. An ATO system, to 425 power heads and a jebao rw-4 on the other side of those two. 300 watt heater, two 295 GPH return pumps. Intank media basket with 11 oz chemi pure elite just put in yesterday.
The tank has been take over by algae and bacteria as you can see in the pictures. There is this brown filamentous algae (bacteria?) that is all over the place. I can blow it off the rocks and with in a day it's fully covered again. The water changes are seeming to help it some. Their is also what looks to be bubble algae all over. They are hard and can be flicked of the rocks and float around the tank, they can also be smashed and they pop like.... warm m&ms? I can't think of any other way to describe them. There is a weird redish purple slime on the sand, and lastly there is a little bit of green algae under all the brown filamentous algae. Honestly if we can get it to where their is just green algae I'll be okay with that.
I need a really good game plan for tackling this project. All I really know to do is keep doing water changes. I plan to do one 5 gallon water change a week from here on out for a while. Also I just took out the old filtration and upgraded the return pumps and got the intank media baskets for both sides. During the water changed I try to suck out as much of the brown stuff as I can.
Any other recommendation will be greatly appreciated, also if you need anymore info let me know.
I can take more if need be.
Thanks, Dylan
I'll start from the beginning. So I started a JBJ 45 gallon tank for my mom about this time last year. I did it the same way I started my biocube 29, no problems there. Everything was fine until about 6 months ago when I was away at college with out coming home for a while.
I would normally come home ever few weeks and while I was home I would do a water change for the tank, well, that didn't happen for a while and things got bad. My mom loves her tank and still in the condition it is in loves it, I'm just not happy with it. She's got a problem with over feeding too so that doesn't help.
I'm back from college (finally graduated, Thank god) for about a year and really wanna get this tank back in good shape, but I'm unsure of what to do with a tank so far gone. All I have done so far is 2 water changes of about 5 gallon about a week apart from each other.
I was about to check the levels but I can't seem to find all the test equipment I gave here. All I could find was my red sea reef foundation kit. I know this doesn't help much but as soon as I get a new kit/find the old one I will up date.
KH: Meq/L is 3.3 dKH is 8.8
Ca: around 275
Mg: 1100
sal. 1.022
No fish problems, so they can't bee too bad, just tons of algae growth.
Equipment in the tank:
It's got a Kessila 360we with controller over top. An ATO system, to 425 power heads and a jebao rw-4 on the other side of those two. 300 watt heater, two 295 GPH return pumps. Intank media basket with 11 oz chemi pure elite just put in yesterday.
The tank has been take over by algae and bacteria as you can see in the pictures. There is this brown filamentous algae (bacteria?) that is all over the place. I can blow it off the rocks and with in a day it's fully covered again. The water changes are seeming to help it some. Their is also what looks to be bubble algae all over. They are hard and can be flicked of the rocks and float around the tank, they can also be smashed and they pop like.... warm m&ms? I can't think of any other way to describe them. There is a weird redish purple slime on the sand, and lastly there is a little bit of green algae under all the brown filamentous algae. Honestly if we can get it to where their is just green algae I'll be okay with that.
I need a really good game plan for tackling this project. All I really know to do is keep doing water changes. I plan to do one 5 gallon water change a week from here on out for a while. Also I just took out the old filtration and upgraded the return pumps and got the intank media baskets for both sides. During the water changed I try to suck out as much of the brown stuff as I can.
Any other recommendation will be greatly appreciated, also if you need anymore info let me know.
I can take more if need be.
Thanks, Dylan
Cover for tank
Can I cover my tank with plexi glass? I have a pretty strong light but will putting on a cover affect the performance of it? And will it melt the plexi? Will it help with my water evaporating so quick?
JBJ 45 gallon rimless
Hello everyone,
I'm starting this for my mothers tank, I have my own 29 gallon bio cube that I'm about to set back up. (finally out of college and done moving for a bit)
So she's got a 45 gallon JBJ that I set up for her about a year ago.
It's got a Kessila 360we with controller over it, two 295 gallon per hour return pumps, a 300 watt heater, intank media baskets with chemi pure elite in one side. It's got an ATO system hooked to a 5 gallon bucket, 2 Hydor Koralia Nano 425, and one Jebao RW-4. about 30 pounds of live rock and about an inch and a half deep sand bead.
I've got 2 clowns, a yellow tail damsel, a 6 line wrasse, reef cleaner clean up crew, coral banded shrimp, and two peppermint shrimp (maybe) havent seen them in a while.
That's about it, if I missed anything let me know!
Thanks, Dylan
I'm starting this for my mothers tank, I have my own 29 gallon bio cube that I'm about to set back up. (finally out of college and done moving for a bit)
So she's got a 45 gallon JBJ that I set up for her about a year ago.
It's got a Kessila 360we with controller over it, two 295 gallon per hour return pumps, a 300 watt heater, intank media baskets with chemi pure elite in one side. It's got an ATO system hooked to a 5 gallon bucket, 2 Hydor Koralia Nano 425, and one Jebao RW-4. about 30 pounds of live rock and about an inch and a half deep sand bead.
I've got 2 clowns, a yellow tail damsel, a 6 line wrasse, reef cleaner clean up crew, coral banded shrimp, and two peppermint shrimp (maybe) havent seen them in a while.
That's about it, if I missed anything let me know!
Thanks, Dylan
A damp Wednesday
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY WEDNESDAY - HUMP DAY! Flip flops I left on the porch to dry last night were still wet when I put them on this morning, so 'dampness' is my weather forecast. It's also the Atlantic City air show today, so seriously doubt the chamber of commerce with mention anything about , you know....RAIN. Other than seeing them coming and going to the show since they at our local air base about 3 miles from here, I have never seen the Thunder Birds perform. I have seen quite a few of the Navy's air shows in my earlier days with their Blue Angels.....I'm biased, I think they stomp! Hack had another sleepless over last night, and looks like he's the only one that made it 'sleepless'....BUT that means there's Dunkin Donuts to go with our coffee and pink milk for starters today. Hope all are safe and well, and all the best,
mardi 22 août 2017
Lens of Time: Secrets of Schooling
Vid is a little lengthy, but still interesting!
Comment below to share what kind of schooling fish you have in your tank, or what your favorite is!
Don’t forget to stay tuned for some MACNA info!
Comment below to share what kind of schooling fish you have in your tank, or what your favorite is!
Don’t forget to stay tuned for some MACNA info!
NEW @ MD: Pax Bellum ARID Algae Reactors
NEW @ MD: Pax Bellum ARID Algae Reactors
Grow Chaeto to export nutrients in systems 40-1000 gallons!

Grow Chaeto to export nutrients in systems 40-1000 gallons!
Got us a Tuesday here
Good morning Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Hope all got all they expected out of yesterday's solar eclipse, and have memories to pass on about it. We seem to have a big ole chocolate strawberry layer cake in the fridge that no one seems to be claiming, so in the interest of saluting the 'why nots' in this world, let's find out how that goes with our coffee and pink milk for starters. Looks like we're in store for a nice hot summer day today around here, sunny and 90'ish. Hope all are safe and well, and have nothing but groovy ahead of them, and all the best,
lundi 21 août 2017
should i be dosing bacteria w/ NOPOX?
was reading on some threads about carbon dosing and nitrate control and came across a tip that when carbon dosing sometimes corals can have rapid tissue necrosis from bad bacteria that fuel and bloom off of the carbon source as much as the beneficial bacteria that we try to increase/skim out.
ive been dosing nopox recently for the past 2 weeks or so with good success and everything seems fine with it but all of a sudden one of my chalice frags (a really nice baby blue with pink spots/mouth) started receding in the corner last night and today the tissue necrosis has gone through almost a whole head already. could this be the bad bacteria being fueled? and will dosing beneficial bacteria along with nopox allow the other bacteria to be starved out?
im also reading that at different alkalinity levels different types of bacteria thrive more than others, is there a definitive dkh that nitrosomonas and nitrobacter thrive on?
ive been dosing nopox recently for the past 2 weeks or so with good success and everything seems fine with it but all of a sudden one of my chalice frags (a really nice baby blue with pink spots/mouth) started receding in the corner last night and today the tissue necrosis has gone through almost a whole head already. could this be the bad bacteria being fueled? and will dosing beneficial bacteria along with nopox allow the other bacteria to be starved out?
im also reading that at different alkalinity levels different types of bacteria thrive more than others, is there a definitive dkh that nitrosomonas and nitrobacter thrive on?
20g beginner saltwater
Hey all , specs for my beginner tank are, An Eheim typ 2217 canister, single power head not sure the type as my buddy gave it as a gift, i honestly still have no clue what im doing lol, been doing alot of youtube trying to learn as much as i can. here is a picture of setup as well as the canister, still waiting on lighting, also heading to store today. will give you guys an update.
Happy birthday to Chubby on 8/21!
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......

*oving *onday
Morning all. On my way to Detroit this morning, then off to New England. Got my own car this time, relocating to Vermont for six months.
Coffee is on.
Coffee is on.
dimanche 20 août 2017
Eel and foxface fighting ?
So my ell and foxface are now fighting over a cave. I have gotten rid of the cave so hopefully this will settle things beside the cave they never fight anywhere else for anything else so I hope this works. My question is what should I do any suggestions much appreciated thanks.
Hello everyone!, New to this hobby
Whats up guys!!! new to the world of saltwater aquariums... well new to the whole thing!! any advice would be great :dance:
Stocking update - Thoughts?
So I ended up buying:
1 Kole Tang
3 Azure damsels
1 Sailfin/Lawnmower blenny
12 banded trochus snails
All were drip acclimated.
The tang is devouring my algae. He's a total pig. He is very active and relatively docile with the other fish, except:
The tang pushes the blenny out of the way when the blenny is trying to eat. EVEN THOUGH there is enough to go around.
The damsels are very good citizens, although they are small. But my research showed that they are the nicest of the damsels. And they are very pretty.
I think all but two of the snails are dead. I saw the peppermints eating them. So I am not sure if the pepps killed them or ate them after they died.
My big concern is if the tang and the blenny will eventually just leave each other alone. I really don't want a bullying death.
Any thoughts?
(Current populations:
I have a 94 gallon corner, bow front.
About 75lbs of LR.
6 peppermint shrimp (somehow one of them ended up in the sump and seems ok there)
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 ignitus anthias (1 disappeared within the last day or so. It may be dead.)
numerous snails
3 kenya trees, some zoas and a sinularia)
1 Kole Tang
3 Azure damsels
1 Sailfin/Lawnmower blenny
12 banded trochus snails
All were drip acclimated.
The tang is devouring my algae. He's a total pig. He is very active and relatively docile with the other fish, except:
The tang pushes the blenny out of the way when the blenny is trying to eat. EVEN THOUGH there is enough to go around.
The damsels are very good citizens, although they are small. But my research showed that they are the nicest of the damsels. And they are very pretty.
I think all but two of the snails are dead. I saw the peppermints eating them. So I am not sure if the pepps killed them or ate them after they died.
My big concern is if the tang and the blenny will eventually just leave each other alone. I really don't want a bullying death.
Any thoughts?
(Current populations:
I have a 94 gallon corner, bow front.
About 75lbs of LR.
6 peppermint shrimp (somehow one of them ended up in the sump and seems ok there)
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
2 ignitus anthias (1 disappeared within the last day or so. It may be dead.)
numerous snails
3 kenya trees, some zoas and a sinularia)
do we have a new sponsor
see attached
I'm new and wondering everything I need to do after I have my tank completely set up. How often do I do water changes? I plan on putting in coral soon. How do I prevent ammonia nitrate or nitrite from forming? And any more maintence I should know of?
Can I cover my tank with plexi glass? I have a pretty strong like but will putting on a cover affect the performance of it? And will it melt the plexi?
Sunday/w shorter days
Good morning TRT Faithful
Coffee is aways fresh here....one pod @ a time. :)
Help yourselves.
Knocked some hay down yesterday.....hopeing to beat the odds for three consectutive days without rain. Last opt was the 3rd week of June. Terrible year for dry hay. There's gonna be a lot of dusty/moldy hay being fed this winter.
Garden doing great...have put up a lot of veggies.
Enjoy everyday
Coffee is aways fresh here....one pod @ a time. :)
Help yourselves.
Knocked some hay down yesterday.....hopeing to beat the odds for three consectutive days without rain. Last opt was the 3rd week of June. Terrible year for dry hay. There's gonna be a lot of dusty/moldy hay being fed this winter.
Garden doing great...have put up a lot of veggies.
Enjoy everyday
Need help with nano tank
Hey guys! So I have been looking into making a nano reef tank for 2 years now. I recently acquired a jbj nano cube 12 dx. I was planning on setting up a FOWLR tank then convert it to a reef tank. My question is that this jbj tank gets quiet hot because of the tank lights, so I'm planning on removing the hood and placing an led light that can support corals in the future. I don't plan on getting a chiller because I'm trying to build this tank on my budget. I have 2 questions, the first is do I need a protein skimmer for such a small tank? I can afford it but I just wanted to know if it was worth getting for a small tank. The second question is a lighting question. Would this light be good for my tank in terms of growing corals? I plan on getting torch corals, bubble corals, hammer corals, frogspawn, zoas, and elegance corals. I plan on getting the wave point blade ho led aquarium light super blue 10k
I'm planning on getting the 9in one. Thanks for the help and stopping by:wavey:
I'm planning on getting the 9in one. Thanks for the help and stopping by:wavey:
samedi 19 août 2017
New to TRT
Hi guys and gals! I am a new member of TRT and I am looking forward to meeting all of you.:dance:
New here Hello
Just a quick intro
I live in Dallas Texas and do all my shopping at Dallas North
The people there are very helpful
I have been reefing for about 15 years
Had a crash about 10 years ago
Got back into it about 2 years ago
Looking forward to discussions on certain topics
I found out yesterday that a Hawk fish and a Goby do not go together.
Also that File fish will eat snails
Currently trying to remove the Hawk fish
See ya around
I live in Dallas Texas and do all my shopping at Dallas North
The people there are very helpful
I have been reefing for about 15 years
Had a crash about 10 years ago
Got back into it about 2 years ago
Looking forward to discussions on certain topics
I found out yesterday that a Hawk fish and a Goby do not go together.
Also that File fish will eat snails
Currently trying to remove the Hawk fish
See ya around
Help with mixing water.
Hello guys, i took the decision to make my own water everything is going perfect but my concern is about the alkalinity, after mixing the water is on 11 dkh. Is that ok ?
Calcium -440, mg - 1350.
Calcium -440, mg - 1350.
Help with Tank chemistry
I have the Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel Power Filter with Carbon Filter, Aqueon Circulation Pump 500. My salt level is running at 1022 and I was told that was good for the 5 fish I have. Some say 1026. I have sand and coral rock and live rock. Introducing more live rock as I removed some of my live rock to clean it not knowing that I wasn't supposed to do that unless I used aquarium water. Didn't know I was killing good bacteria. I am on well water with no filter. Some say to boil it first others say not to. Last water change I purchased 10 gal. salt water from the Pacific at Petco. My nitrate level went down at last water change and am hoping it will lower again when I do my next change on Tues. of next week. I will be purchasing more salt water instead of mixing but that really gets expensive! I introduced new fish to my tank 3 weeks ago and lost my 4 yr. old wrasse, a clown and a my new anemone. I was told my salt level was too low . I had misinterpreted advise at previous 25% water change and didn't add any salt so my level was at 1016. I slowly brought it back up over a 5 day period. This is why I joined this forum as store workers can often be too busy to spend any amount of time giving advise and often really do not listen to what you are saying because there are so many interruptions by other customers or telephones. I have had them grab fresh water things off the shelf for me to use and when I repeat that I have a salt water tank then they are like "nope you can't use that". Often the stores are out of stock on items I need like salt water. I had to drive 60 miles just to get water last week. Sometimes I feel like they are trying to make the sale and get me out of there. Some have been helpful and take the extra time but I find myself questioning their experience. I make it a point to speak to staff that has salt water tanks themselves.
Morning everyone! Coffee and crumb buns are on the table. Looks like one of the few day of summer without rain (at least it feels like that) just hope not humid like the Santa we had yesterday,enjoy!
When To Test the Water
Hello all! I'm new to the saltwater community. Just started my tank. It's about 2 months past it's cycle. So far in my tank I have two clownfish, a yellow tang, diamond gob y, and lawnmower blenny, 3 emerald crabs and about 6 hermits and 6 snails. My water test results have been pretty steady so far but the ammonia and nitrate levels were higher than normal today. Not way out of line but they were just a little higher considering they have been consistently at 0 since shortly adding the fish. I tested the water today about a half hour after feeding and my ammonia level was .5ppm and nitrate was at 5ppm. I was concerned and repeatedly retested for the next two hours and at the end, they were right back where they should have been, with a 0 reading for both finally. My question is how long after feeding should i wait to test the water for ammonia and nitrates? I'm guessing they were only high because I had just fed?
vendredi 18 août 2017
New to Reefs got few hitchhikers
Not sure what these are zoanthids maybe and feather duster? The live rock came cured from a good LFS there is also a red glowing (looks like zoanthid too but wont show up in pics)
Keeping a mandarin
So I am thinking about getting a mandarin for my tank. I know they eat pods and my tank is full of them I see them crawling all over rocks and what I thought were micro bubbles I beilve is a bunch of pods floating in the water. So my questions are can I keep one? Should I qt it or put it straight in supposing all the pods are in my tank? and should i add more pods to the tank and if I do should I do it monthly even thought they are all over my tank? My LFS is getting some in next week for 12$. THe tank is about 100 gallons with about 90-100lbs of live rock and a 6in sand bed and tank which is 15 years established. Thanks:help:
Caribsea Arag Alive (Reef Sand)
I am ready to buy sand for my new Reefer 350 and my LFS carries Caribsea Arag Alive (Reef Sand). however, i am not able to find this type in their website ! is it the same as the Fiji pink? any ideas on what is the size of this sand ?
I am planning to have Gopies later on so i want to make sure that they will be find with this sand without creating sand storms in my tank !
I am planning to have Gopies later on so i want to make sure that they will be find with this sand without creating sand storms in my tank !
How to correctly dose 2 part ?
So my tanks been going great lately with lots of new corals, also with my added refugium my nitrates are around .2ppm and phosphates are close to undetectable most of the time and when they get a bit high i use phosphate rx, also using prodibio biokit reef .. and supplementing during the week with aquavitro fuel & brightwell phytoplankton every two days for coral feeding and inverts more specifically getting it into the water column for the porcelain crab ill be adding next week so he can get his fan on :D .. very excited about the crab as there my favourite invert, so anyway my levels have been a little up and down lately .. ive been checking and im noticing a drop of 1 - 2.5 dkh every day .. but the thing thats getting me is im not really seeing a pattern of me losing a set amount of alkalinity each day for the first three days it was the same then things started changing randomly each day up until day 7 now and i still am not seeing a pattern where i can dial in my dosing pump .. now ive done some further reading/research on dosing and if im losing 1ppm of alk a day .. then i should add say 1ml to raise it 1ppm and also add 1ml of calcium "keeping the calcium and alk i add in equal amounts" is that correct ?, so theoretically im adding equal amounts 1ml/1ml .. and checking my calcium every now and again and once it drifts a bit too much add some calcium on its own to bring it back in range then continue on the normal dosing regime adding equal parts ?
Please let me know of im missing something .. or if what im doing is right as i dont want to screw my dosing up .. my levels are good at the moment but a little out .. doing a water change tomorrow to bring them back so i can start fresh with it this week and get it right .. so i can get the kamoer pump setup.
Thanks everyone youve been great so far :)
Please let me know of im missing something .. or if what im doing is right as i dont want to screw my dosing up .. my levels are good at the moment but a little out .. doing a water change tomorrow to bring them back so i can start fresh with it this week and get it right .. so i can get the kamoer pump setup.
Thanks everyone youve been great so far :)
Good morning Friends, and....HAPPY FRIDAY! Says RAIN and WIND today, but the weatherman I was born with doesn't see anything out there that's leads me to believe them. Thomas's English muffins with an assortment of jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk to pry the eye lids open. Hey George, did you go to Atco as a participant or spectator? That was our 'go-to' Friday evening THING back when I was younger, both as a driver and applauser. Can still hear it from hear on a calm evening, it's only perhaps 15 miles down the pike from me. Especially when the 'Alcohol, and the Nitro burners' appear. Hope all are in line for a truly groovy day, with an even better evening facing them, and all the best,
jeudi 17 août 2017
DIY 40w LED bar under $100
Well I knew what I needed/wanted but could not find exactly what I wanted at a planet earth price...
28" aluminum bar with 40w of LEDs, I tried a 30w PAR32 light but hated it. I had seen a couple that were close to what I was thinking, but they wanted $500-600 for it, Ummm... no?
So here is was, took a couple hours...

28" aluminum bar with 40w of LEDs, I tried a 30w PAR32 light but hated it. I had seen a couple that were close to what I was thinking, but they wanted $500-600 for it, Ummm... no?
So here is was, took a couple hours...
Dosing... Snake Oil or Liquid Gold? *discussion*
There are 1000's of additives for our reefs, some are necessary (like two parts or kalk in demanding systems), some are optional, and some are just snake oil.
Foxface and eel strange behavior
So today my snowflake eel swam almost up to my foxface and he began to rubbed against the eel. After a few seconds the foxface moved and the eel followed the eel then almost jumped and rubbed the foxface again and the foxface did not move. The eel then moved again and the foxface followed and they both rest again.I am not sure what is going on I do not think it is fighting because I feel the foxface would be ruining from the eel not rubbing him and the eel would bite the foxface and would be much more violent. I know my eel likes to be rubbed he will sometime rub himself against the shrimp I feed him. So perhaps they are using each other as rub mats or being friendly? I dont really know any suggestions to what is going on is much appreciated thanks.
Start cycle with ammonia
I finally got a hand-me done 14 gallon biocube up and running. It will be such a nice tank in the office for all to see and let stress go.
I am starting with sand and BRS reef saver rock. I will not add live rock. I put in a small splash of pure ammonia, big mistake! The reading is off the charts. I probably put in about 2ml into 11 gallons of water.
I did add some bio-spira to get the bacteria population going and MB7. Given there is so much ammonia, is it even too toxic for bacteria or should I let it ride and see what happens?
Also, I've never done this method, but I am now reading for a tank my size I should add about 2 drops a day after it hits zero on test kit to keep the bacteria levels healthy and high before adding a real bio load.
I am starting with sand and BRS reef saver rock. I will not add live rock. I put in a small splash of pure ammonia, big mistake! The reading is off the charts. I probably put in about 2ml into 11 gallons of water.
I did add some bio-spira to get the bacteria population going and MB7. Given there is so much ammonia, is it even too toxic for bacteria or should I let it ride and see what happens?
Also, I've never done this method, but I am now reading for a tank my size I should add about 2 drops a day after it hits zero on test kit to keep the bacteria levels healthy and high before adding a real bio load.
Always looking for a deal or trade!!!
Whats up everyone,new here,but got 13 plus years in saltwater and fresh,I breed bettas,ghost mantis,pink tarantulas 1 of 3 biggest in tha world, gray tree frogs,and soon veiled chameleons,I build custom waterfalls,skulls,back gounds u name it,I built a 2ftx2ftx4 screen cage with one side a 2ft wide by 4ft high complete colored,plumbed siliconed working and running waterfall,with a 5gallon reservoir and also on tha bottom a 9inch wide by 12 inch long by 2 inch high sand box for my Halloween crabs they stayed on tha bottom and my female jackson chameleon did what she wanted,plexiglass 13inchs at tha bottom went completely around 3 sides acted like a splash gard,one side beside tha waterfall had a plexiglass 35 inch long by 2ft door that came off and when on couldnt move or come out,top was a 2ft square
But 12inchs on other side lifted up to get in just incase Ive done it all using Styrofoam,and greatstuff along with real rocks and wood,everything gets painted to look real if it ain't then sealed with aquarium silicone,complete safe and all for reptiles,insects,spiders to be in tha tank with them,been doing this for 27 plus years,I either have tha idea or customer does and I tweak it to make it one of a kind,just like my tattoo work,I draw all my own work same thing,theirs or my idea tweak it,tat it stencil gets trashed for life,started tattooing at age 8,built my own gun and then got stupid on ones self and my......my cousin paul Ulrich whom passed away last Thursday in a deadly,bad,bad accident,he will be cremated 26th of this month next week...man!!! But anyway I am really good at what I do,love animal's and my AQUARIUMS I Also worked with blair county wildlife rescue, I ran both tha birds and reptiles rooms,go to guy to learn, would have had fish but lol wasn't any,pretty much know a little about alot,college for art 2 years,then years,and years later went back to ISSA for 2 years for personal trainer in one of thee best schools in tba world, if I can help anyone I will I am open minded,and dont judge.
I am looking for anemones,corals soft&hard,Marco algae either trade or sale of free....oh and freshwater tiger salamanders 4 to 6. But thats it,sorry for mistakes well thanks for letting me be here,blessed be....
But 12inchs on other side lifted up to get in just incase Ive done it all using Styrofoam,and greatstuff along with real rocks and wood,everything gets painted to look real if it ain't then sealed with aquarium silicone,complete safe and all for reptiles,insects,spiders to be in tha tank with them,been doing this for 27 plus years,I either have tha idea or customer does and I tweak it to make it one of a kind,just like my tattoo work,I draw all my own work same thing,theirs or my idea tweak it,tat it stencil gets trashed for life,started tattooing at age 8,built my own gun and then got stupid on ones self and my......my cousin paul Ulrich whom passed away last Thursday in a deadly,bad,bad accident,he will be cremated 26th of this month next week...man!!! But anyway I am really good at what I do,love animal's and my AQUARIUMS I Also worked with blair county wildlife rescue, I ran both tha birds and reptiles rooms,go to guy to learn, would have had fish but lol wasn't any,pretty much know a little about alot,college for art 2 years,then years,and years later went back to ISSA for 2 years for personal trainer in one of thee best schools in tba world, if I can help anyone I will I am open minded,and dont judge.
I am looking for anemones,corals soft&hard,Marco algae either trade or sale of free....oh and freshwater tiger salamanders 4 to 6. But thats it,sorry for mistakes well thanks for letting me be here,blessed be....
Help! My tank watcher hella overfed!
I went on a 3 day vacation and left my tank to my roommate who i though could handle one feeding. i usually feed mysis shrimp but to simplify it for them i told them to stick a max of 4 pellets in there for the day.(only have a damsel) i come home to find out that instead of pinching the food and giving it the tried to pour it in and ended up spilling over 100 pellets in and they have just been sitting there! when i got home i siphoned out as much as i could which ended up being a 5 gallon water change. since then there is a huge spike in the tank and i am not sure how to bring it back down. i have added prime to the tank as to maybe reduce the stress on the fish. it has been a couple days since then and the levels are still high. my question is....how big a water change can i do to help deduce these levels. and is there any thing i can add to help this. i was considering adding chemi pure as i have heard good things..
Hello Everyone! I'm new here!
Hello Everyone! I'm new to this forum. I have a 55 Gal. tank that is a work in progress. I converted from a fresh water tank approx. 5 yrs. ago. I have had some success but also have problems with it at times. I joined this site in hopes to get many of my trouble shooting questions answered and to also converse with people that have the same passion that I do. I love my fish and want them to live long happy lives. I also want to learn more so I can be a good parent to my colorful water babies.
Unhealthy corals
I have recently i introduced coral to my tank , the tank has been running for more than 6 months . The corals were added 3 weeks ago , however the still don't seem happy and healthy am not sure whats wrong or what to do . I had a structure coral , torch , open brain , palate , stone polip , and a small anemone . The anemone is always closed , torch tentacles are small mostly closes too , rock polip are open but not fully extended plates tentacles are always small too , and the structure never opened.
I never had a spike in nitrate , nitrate or ammonia. I used to have a problem with salinity a week a go it was 1.019 and i gradually increased in in 3 days . It has been 5 days now after increasing salinity
Now parameters are
Salinity between 1.025 - 1.026
Nitrate , nitrate , ammonia always 0
Ph 8.2
Calcium , 445
Mag over 1300
Temp is 26
Lightingt , zetlight 3600, full cycle lighter in the morning and noon , darker blue during night
Am not sure what to do
I never had a spike in nitrate , nitrate or ammonia. I used to have a problem with salinity a week a go it was 1.019 and i gradually increased in in 3 days . It has been 5 days now after increasing salinity
Now parameters are
Salinity between 1.025 - 1.026
Nitrate , nitrate , ammonia always 0
Ph 8.2
Calcium , 445
Mag over 1300
Temp is 26
Lightingt , zetlight 3600, full cycle lighter in the morning and noon , darker blue during night
Am not sure what to do
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