lundi 14 novembre 2016

Settling tank help

So I finally have a chance to work on my basement sump room build again ( wife and I had our first child so now that her room and everything is settled in back to other projects ).

So my issue is that with my current setup my settling tank isn't ejecting water as fast as it's coming in.

Right now my setup is as following.

Display tank on main floor with 1.25" Durso stand pipe into 1" bulk head.

That goes into the settling tank and it has a 1" pipe that leads out into the filter sock which goes into the Skimmer tank.

Skimmer tank has a 1.25" Durso Standpipe that leads into a 1" bulkhead into the refugium

Which leads into my Iwaki pump back to the display tank.

Here is where I need help. This is my current idea to fix this.

The above is my current setup. The bottom is my proposed idea. Take the additional 2 uniseals I have and drill 2 additional holes in the settling tank and join those together with a 1" T , and have an additional 1" T join the existing pipe that leads into the filter sock.

Would this allow the water to eject out of the settling tank as quick as it's coming in?

Anyone else have any other ideas?

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