mardi 15 novembre 2016

Marine Velvet and the new hobbyist

UGH. Let me start with - you live and learn and starting out in saltwater I knew I would learn, just not this quickly.

I got a tank from my LFS - a nanocube 24 - that had live rock, live sand and water that had already been set up in store. Took it home, cycled it at home and once all my water parameters were good I added a pair of clowns and a tiger pistol/YWG pair. All was happy and content. Watched a little spike in my numbers. Once it settled again I added a bicolor pseudochromis. A week after that I notice my CUC wasn't keeping up so I added 6 snails and an emerald crab.

Exactly one week since adding the crab and snails - bicolor is dead in a rock (this is last night). I didn't notice anything wrong with him before his death - newbie - and started to research options. My clowns were happy as a clam (maybe because he was no longer guarding the cave and they could now swim in it). Welp I wake up 12 hours later - one dead clown and the other upside down on his way out.

I also haven't seen my YWG since the day I added him with his shrimp - so jury is out on his current status of health (or if hes even alive).

SOOO here's where I need help - do I pull out my pistol shrimp, crab, snails and hermits and put them in a hospital tank and tear down my relatively small 24 gallon to get rid of the velvet spores (I know not the right word). Then recycle the tank for a month.


Or do I wait the two months of hell for the velvet to die off.

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