jeudi 17 novembre 2016

Helpful tips on acclimation

Hi I am ordering 2 new fish from MarineFishEz. Its definltey not like most places I have ordered fish from, such as LA and Bluezoo. The guy you talk to on the phone, personally hand picks, and packages the fish himself. He even sent me videos of the exact fish I would be getting! Even seen them eating, very through guy. Anyways, I'm getting a Blue assessor and a rainford goby...again. Those of you that know, I recently overdosed my tank with NoPox :(. The tank is completely stabilized and I will be getting the fish in after the Holiday coming up.

My question is I do use the Reef Gently acclimation box. However this guy says he keeps the salinity very low, I cant remember the exact number...but its low. He keeps it low for his own personal reasons mind you (less diseases), I usually acclimate my fish for 1 hour...the blue assessor is part of the basslet family and all the books say its extremely hardy!...just not hardy enough to survive oxygen getting sucked out of the water quickly lol. The rainford goby I think is not so much sensitive to water parameters but more so to the fact that they don't always accept frozen foods. I guess what I'm asking is do I just follow my normal protocol. I put the bags in water for 15 minutes, then start the drip acclimation, leave lights of this that and the third. Should I extend the acclimation time maybe? I'v just never gotten fish that were kept at such a low saliently level.

On a side note...this guys prices are quite higher but as mentioned the quality control sounds outstanding and even other Youtubers praised the fish and live stock coming in at top notch shape! I live in NC and they ship out of Georgia, so I'm also loving that as opposed from getting them ALL the way from Cali.

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