mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Mixing New Salt with Old Salt??

Ok I do about a 15 gallon water change every 1.5 to 2 weeks. In order to do this I end up mixing 20 gallons of fresh salt water. Im currently using DD H2Ocean salt. I have to mix the extra 5ish gallons in order for my pump to be fully submerged in my Brute Salt water mixing barrel. Therefore ever time I make up new salt I end up dumping that 5 gallons out.

My question is do I need to dump that 2 week salt water out?? Can I just dump 15 gallons of fresh RODI into it and add the salt? Or is this going to cause issues with precipitate and the fact that 5 gallons of the salt mix is old water??

Did Liveaquaria change the Yellow Tang tank size?

I could swear it was at least 125 last time I looked. I have a 90 and stopped considering the Yellow tang. But today I looked and it says 100 gallon. I may not be considering one anyhow as I have a one spot fox face that covers my need for yellow and he's a great fish.

200 gallon for sale plus more

200 gallon with 60 gallon sups, with pumps, lights, uv lights rodi system,filter, plenty of bio balls, sock filters,heaters, sump t5 lights...everything u need minus water, fish and live rock...2k cash...pick up Orlando fl...32703..

Beginner Anemone?

Is there a particular species you guys recommend? I think a few posts back that Anemones usually live better in a more mature tank. Well that is is my second question. What is considered a mature tank? 12 months? 24?

36 Gallon already reef established. Water levels are all spot on. Do weekly maintenance to keep it up.

T5 light

So I found a t5 light on eBay. I'm not going to uses the bulbs that come with it(using ATI and Giesman)but was wondering if anyone has this fixture and can help me out please

Marine Ich; Options

I think my little Porc might have mild Marine Ich and I wanted to inquire about options I have to treat (or not). My tank is a 40 gallon tank with the following filtration : (all of these are Amazon links, I don't have 5 posts yet so I can't post direct links)




My filtration is really good and Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0 and holding steady there. There is currently a ~3 inch Porcupine Puffer, a ~2 inch Damsel, and a ~6 inch Snowflake Eel in the tank with dry live rock.

Here is my situation that is a bit different than most posts: I have a 125 gallon tank sitting next to it that I just setup and I am going to by cycling and moving these fish into once it is done (the 40 gallon tank will become the sump). I only plan on having these fish and maybe a couple more damsels in there with some live rock, no corals. Now my options.

Dose copper (Really don't want to do this one)

Give vitamins and garlic and hope he just shakes it off (easiest but doesn't really solve the problem)

Hyposalinity the 40 gallon tank while the other one cycles, which both should be done around the same time.

Wait for the 125 gallon to be done cycling, freshwater dip the fish, put them in the 125 gallon ( 40 > freshwater > 125), and leave the 40 gallon tank alone for 6 weeks then make it into a sump.

It is a very mild case, just a few spots on the fins, none on the body that I can see. Haven't seen him scratching, no gasping, eats like a champ and begs like a dog. Haven't noticed any spots on the other 2 fish.

Thanks for the help.

Coupon for $20.15 off your order!

Happy (almost) New Year!

Use coupon code 2015 to receive $20.15 off your order of $200 or more at Marine Depot!

Some exclusions apply. See banner below for details.


Bryopsis, is this GHA and how do you control it???? Enquiring minds want to know.

Super high light coral ?)

I have a very large LR that sits a good 19in tall. It's flat on top. Directly above it is a 250w 20k MH pendant.

What's a good coral that can withstand being 6in directly below this MH pendant? I've tried a few different types of zoas and they all melted within 2 weeks and couldn't withstand that amount of light.

Mystery shrimp death?

We have a little bit of a mystery with the death of our fire shrimp and am throwing it out there to see if anyone has some insight. We have a 29g biocube that has been cycled for a month with live rock/live sand.

Our shrimp has been in our cycled tank for about two weeks, perfectly healthy, and molted about a week ago. Our water parameters have been testing great - with no changes. All 0s with a salinity of 1.023. Water temp at 80. We have 1 small clown fish, 1 hermit crab, and 7 snails. All healthy.

The only new changes that have happened within the last week is that we changed our filter (the charcoal one in the biocube) - but added Prime when we did so, and added some empty hermit crab shells to the tank. (The empty shells were all natural - some from a beach in Florida which we had collected and had been bleached clean and then out of the water for at least 6 years; and two other shells purchased as a package of empty shells for hermit crabs.) I rinsed all shells in fresh water prior to placing them into the tank, and also added Prime just in case.

The cleaner shrimp died two days after adding the shells. Could adding the shells have killed the shrimp, but not anything else?? The water is still testing perfectly and looks crystal clear. None of the other animals look sick at all. We're so bummed and flummoxed, but also don't want to introduce anything else into the tank until we figure out why the shrimp died.

Any thoughts?

sand stuck on rocks!!!

hey TRT! ive moved a rock around in my tank and placed it upside down. it was in the sand before, and now has sand stuck to it. ive tried to scrub it off with a tooth brush, but its really stuck. any ideas how to get it off?

How to kill a pep. shrimp

This is going to sound kind of wrong but, how do you kill a peppermint shrimp? Lol is there a fish I can buy that will eat it ? Im having issues with this guy, he's been pecking at my GSP that hadn't opened yet, he killed and ate a different peppermint shrimp I attempted to add to the tank, and now he's picking on my poor sea hair. He's quite the bully, and I don't exactly feel like special feeding him lol. Is there something I can do with him ? Besides just literally take him out. If not I guess I might be having fried pep. Shrimp soon

1$/gallon sale

Petsmarts are starting their 1$/gal sale, around here sales are dec 29 - February 1st


Happy spending

Chemi Pure Blue

Hello everyone I have a question about what to run with chemi pure blue. I have a biocube 14 and just bought a media basket and it seems like the recommended use is filter floss, purigen, and chemi pure elite. I ordered the blue but most things I read is I don't need to use purigen with it so I will have an empty chamber in the media basket. Any ideas on what I should use in the empty chamber?

New Years Eve Wednesday

Morning everyone. Up most of the night with a bad cold. At least I don't have to go out in the -10 degree weather except to get some cough syrup.

Hope you all have a great wind up to the New Year.

Coffee is on.

Please help

hi I'm daisy and have little to no salt water experience lots of fresh water experience however but I desperatly Neeed help

I have a 45 gallon tank wich has been set up for about a week and a half by that I mean I put the salt water a heater a marineland c220 canister filter and a row of blue lights with air bubbles I also added beneficial bacteria I have a 65 gallon protein skimmer but decided not to use till my cycle starts anyways about 4 days ago I addded two bags of live sand I bought at petco it says no to rinse so I didn't and I also bought three medium sized pieces of live rock the guy from pet smart took them right out of there tank and sold them to me he told me several times I didn't need to cure them and that they would help kick start my cycle well since my tank already had water when I put the live rock and live sand in it it was cloudy for a few days but when it finally cleared up I noticed these weird things on my rock there mainly on the back part closest to the blue light but they look weird are they bad or good for my tank by the way still no cycle any ideas how to speed up process I'm a try to upload some picks so you can see what I'm talking about give me a sec

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Put new live rock from pet smart in brand new tank

I have a 45 gallon tank wich has been set up for about a week and a half by that I mean I put the salt water a heater a marineland c220 canister filter and a row of blue lights with air bubbles I also added beneficial bacteria I have a 65 gallon protein skimmer but decided not to use till my cycle starts anyways about 4 days ago I addded two bags of live sand I bought at petco it says no to rinse so I didn't and I also bought three medium sized pieces of live rock the guy from pet smart took them right out of there tank and sold them to me he told me several times I didn't need to cure them and that they would help kick start my cycle well since my tank already had water when I put the live rock and live sand in it it was cloudy for a few days but when it finally cleared up I noticed these weird things on my rock there mainly on the back part closest to the blue light but they look weird are they bad or good for my tank by the way still no cycle any ideas how to speed up process I'm a try to upload some picks so you can see what I'm talking about give me a sec

Naso Lipstick Tang with Black Spot

Hi Guys

I have a Naso (Lipstick) tang about 5 inches.

Who is covered in black spot. I can not find any treatments for blackspot other than a fresh water dip.

I did this for 5 mins yesterday and it made no difference if anything it looks worse.

I don't really want to do this again and stress the fish out for no reason.

The tang in himself is fine swimming happily, feeds well, even out my hand.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

mardi 30 décembre 2014

pink centipede with white furry legs

Hey guys!

I just added some live rock to my 29 gallon tank and noticed there is a pink centipede with white furry things on its legs. I looked up the bristle worms and fire worms and honestly, those look way fatter and bigger than what i have.

This thing is very thin. Looks just like one of those centipedes you find under a rock on land, except it is pink and has white furries. It went back into the live rock but this picture is the closest thing I can find.


Blake Campbell

New to Saltwater

Hi. I'm new to the site and new to saltwater. I've recently purchased a 29g Biocube. I have about 1" of live sand on the bottom of the tank, 10lbs of dry rock and 15lbs of very mature live rock (according to the LFS).

I'm excited to get into the hobby! I think the LFS may have screwed me over regarding info on the tank's cycle and I was hoping you guys could help! I have a separate thread here regarding the cycle:

Thanks! -C

Cycle Help

I decided to purchase a 29g Biocube on Saturday from a local saltwater store. They got me setup with everything I would need to start the tank (sand, salt, dry rock, heater, etc.) and told me to come back 1 to 2 days later after setting up the tank and having the appropriate saline levels (mine are currently at 1.025).

I came back yesterday and the same employee told me the live rock they were selling came from a large tank they had in the store for years and was very mature and that with that rock I could buy 2 clownfish and 10 hermit crabs that same day and that they would be ok through the tank's cycle.

I am new to saltwater tanks so I went with everything he told me. After doing A LOT of research I've found varying opinions that clown's will do ok through a tank's cycle while others say that no living thing should be in the tank during the cycle. The clownfish and the crabs have been in the tank for over 36hrs and are doing great but I'm concerned how they will do over the next 4 to 8 weeks as things cycle. What can I do to insure they will live and be healthy as the tank cycles now that they are already in the tank?

I purchased a protein skimmer (should be here tomorrow) and I read that it will help a lot. I've also read that doing 10% water changes once a week during the cycle will also help. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks!

Reef Octopus BH100f pump issue

My skimmer will not hold prime.

When I took the pump apart the impeller has a lot of play it seems when seated inside. Its quite a few years old. Do I need to replace the whole pump or just the impeller?


wanted to say hello

Hi all,

Just wanted to say hello

I grew up with a fish tank in my home since as long as I can remember, mostly fresh water. I do remember my dad having a saltwater when I was a kid in Okinawa. He used to actually swim out and catch some fish on the reef there (I know bad, but forgive me I was 7).

I have had a 90 gallon tank for about 4 years now. I researched a lot of stuff before I even bought my setup. Well I guess you all know that there is a lot of good and bad info out there.

I had 2 acan LED lights on my tank the whole 4 years but they always bleached my rock, never could get coralline to grow on them. I just recently changed my lights to old school T5-HO. like 2 weeks ago. Hmmm... go figure got coralline starting to grow now. I also run a fuge for filtration but I seem to have the plants die of as well. I have a plant light over them and it is fluorescent. My levels always seem to be on par though but I can never get corals to take hold in the tank, even the easy ones like shrooms.

I am so open to any thoughts, my LFS doesn't really seem to give me good input.

Need some advice >

So I've had a problem with anthelia for a while now but I've got it somewhat under control. It's now only on one rock but it's a good size piece with a few corals on it. If I was to take the corals off and put it in a container with no light a heater and power head and did weekly water changes for a few weeks (until Anthelia die off) would I be alright putting it back in.

Effect on tank removing refugium

Have been thinking about removing the refugium from my sump but didn't know if it would hurt/ shock the tank. It has some rock and micro in it now but noticed it traps a lot of crap on the bottom and would be a lot easier to clean if it was empty. Plus it is now said that a refugium isn't really need for nutrient export. I also have a phosphate reactor set up. What do you think, would it hurt to remove?

Ecopico led lights


I recently purchased a Biocube aquarium. The previous owner stated that it had upgraded led lights which he thought was the brand Ecopico. The light have three pig tails connections and only one power cord. I'm assuming he had all lights on at the same time because there is only one power cord. I ordered one power strip from Petxo which said it worked with Ecopico light strips.

Can anyone tell me where I can purchase a power cord from. I also purchased one from my lfs and it did not work either. I am not 100% sure on the brand as it has no lables and I can only go off the po word.

Black spots on clownfish?

I've recently noticed tiny black dots on the clownfish. I've had him since the beginning of the tank and they were never there

I've just recently added greenstar poylops, but they haven't opened yet. What could be a possible cause ? And is it something I should be concerned about?

I'm torn between a sump or not a sump

Ok, so I have a 20 gallon long in the garage that I am debating on turning into a sump. Are they really worth it? Will it be adding much to a 75 gallon tank? I know you can move your heater and protein skimmer into them, which clears up the main tank a bit. Just anybody's thoughts?

tang is not coming out after the other died

I had a clown fish and a yellow tang in my 60 gallon aquaruim nd the tang use to swim all around the tank and a month ago my clown fish died and since then the tang doesnt roam anymore around the tank . He stays behind the rocks . Why is he doing that

Tank Crash What Can Be Saved

Hello everyone, long time looker now a joiner. Long story short went on vacation and some how the person who was supposed to add my distilled water to my top off some how grabbed a jug of water mixed with murphy's oil soap (for floor cleaning). They called saying the water looked cloudy about 12 hours before I arrived home, I figured it was just from needing cleaned after a week but nope. House reeked of the cleaner and my pair of clowns, a starfish and a few snails all bit the big one.

Clearly I was ticked.

Now moving forward...

I am going to just pitch the sand as I'm sure it is shot. I have quite a bit of live rock that had been hand selected over the years. Since this is a soap issue not a chemical or sickness type issue can I clean the rock and reuse although it will be simply rock in the end?

My idea was to wash it multiple times in the bathtub, then soak each piece in a bucket with water and vinegar, rinse with distilled water, then allow to fully dry for a week or 2 before reintroducing.

Also for the tank itself do i just rinse it bunch wipe it with vinegar and then rinse again?

Finally it was just a 20 gallon and my stand can hold up to 29 should I upgrade also? Finally for a basic setup what should I be using for filtering all I had before was a HOB, that did marginal at anything and allowed tons of creatures and algae to grow. Thanks sorry for the long post, just a bit down and want to get going in the right direction again.

New to saltwater - 40 gallon breeder.

Hello everyone. I am new to the salt water aquarium hobby. I've had freshwater tanks growing up and I currently have a 75 gallon freshwater tank set up and is doing great. I am setting up my saltwater tanks now. It's a 40 gallon breeder tank. I have a marine land filter, a heater, and an LED light. Going to start off with a FOWLR and see how that goes. Going to pick up some live rock today from my LFS as well as some pre-mix salt water.

As I've said, I'm new to the hobby so any advice would be awesome.

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Do I need to have a wavemaker in a 10 gallon tank? Or is my penguin filter generating enough movement?

Trulumen Retro Kit vs Marine Orbit

So I finally went out and got me a 29 gallon Biocube. I found a really great deal on a used one that was well taken care of.

The first thing I knew I needed to do was upgrade the lights. I run LEDs in all my freshwater tanks and love it. Also need to replace the splash shield. I am following someone elses instructions for making one here, with not so great results but its a work in progress LOL.

So I started looking up LED options. I was disappointed to find that most retro kits were $200. This seemed a bit outrageous to me, and certainly out of my price range.

I have the opportunity to purchase either a Current USA Trulumen LED Nano Retro Kit or a Current USA Marine Orbit 18" fixture, each for $100. From what I can tell both have the same wattage. Each seem to have their pros and cons.

The Trulumen kit is expandable, and seems to have more LEDs. And is new.

The Marine Orbit comes with Currents Pro Ramp Timer, which supposedly is worth $80 alone. But it is used, barely used from what I am told by the store it was returned to.

I do not plan to do anything too complicated in my tank. I want to grow some coral, but I will probably pic easy ones. In my freshwater tanks I grow plants, and lots, but I usually stick to easy ones.

Just curious what others think or what they would go with in the same situation. Thanks! The next process will be updating the filtration after.

My other problem is I find mixed results in searching these lights. I see some people say they are garbage, but I do not know if they are just only into the highest of the highest quality stuff. I have found others say that they lights are perfectly fine for most of the average aquarium keeper.

Tuesday wake-up

Good mawnin, TRT!

Coffee is ready. Oatmeat with nanners, brown sugar and cinnamon, and Cream of Wheat with raisins. Gotta heat up those tummies.

Whew we were busy at the library yesterday! More downloadable book questions that we've had. But they always increase right after Christmas.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Baby lettuce Nudibranches


About three months ago I bought a lettuce Nudibranch which still seems to be doing well. Here it is:

I bought it because I noticed hair algae in my tank (Which is now rapidly spreading...) and he seems to be doing okay on it. Whilst picking up a knocked over frag about four weeks ago I noticed a few jelly-like spirals containing tiny white dots. Now I know that they were Nudibranch eggs.

Last week I started noticing babies in the tank, there's well over ten. Here's a few of them, sorry about the hair algae:

Some are larger than others which leads me to believe that they're munching away on the hair algae. I assumed that they would have to go through a free-swimming larval stage before settling down so I'm surprised at how far they've come.

Has anyone got any care tips for them, or should I leave them to their own devices? I'll probably give them to the LFS for credit once they get large enough.

Anyone else had this happen? :)

New to The Reef Tank, and the hobby

I haven't had an aquarium for a few years. I have never had a saltwater water aquarium. I have always wanted one though. I finally bit the bullet and started reading about setting one up. Probably should have read a lot more before buying anything.

I bought a 75 gallon tank, should have stuck to original plan and gone 40. I started with 80 lbs. Of dry rock, 15 cured live rock, I think I have 25 lbs of live sand and 10 dry aragonite. I set it up and let it cycle, or I thought it did. I got a small spike and everything went to zero.

I thought I will start with just a few hermit crabs and snails. So I got like 5 margarita snails and 2 small astrea snails(sp), 4 small blue hermit crabs. They had 2 very lively red scarlet skunk Shrimp, so I thought hey they should be alright. At this point the tank had been running for 3 and half weeks, all levels returned to zero.

I let about 2 weeks go by, feeding the shrimp a little since the tank had nothing for them. Very fun to watch them interact and eat. All levels were still good. So I go to the store and buy a lawnmower blenny, I didn't quarantine it, should have but didn't. For next week I check for spikes. Had a small ammonia spike, under. 25. Nothing else spiked.

So now the tank has been running for roughly 5 1/2- 6 weeks. I got a wild hair to add a hob refugium. So I ordered one. Another week goes by, everything is great. Snails, crabs, shrimp, blenny all seem to be doing great.

That brings us into December. Around the 5th I put the refugium on and added some live sand, 10#s, chaeto to refugium and a few burrowing snails and about 15 small cerith snails to get were the bigger snails couldn't get into.

Another week goes by and everything is going great. I am stoked about it.

Not sure what happened but I started to get an ammonia spike again, like under. 25. I do about a 10 percent water change, it comes down. I order a few fish online, since locally all I have is. Petco and their selection was looking poor and sick.

I have a royal gamma and clown Goby in quarantine now.

I did a water change, about 8 gallons, the next morning one of my shrimp was dead :(. Check levels had a slight ammonia reading under. 25. Read online that it might have mottled recently and the water change could have shocked it. Well I searched the tank and sure enough there was a molt, plus the strictest died had eggs. Not sure that mattered.

So present day tank has been running for around 2 1/2 months. 1 shrimp died a week ago,. And now my other died tonight. Ammonia was under. 25, nitrite 0, nitrate under 5. Salinity 1.025, pH 8.0, the highest my nitrates have ever tested were 10. Pulled chaeto out this morning because I feel it was dying and contributing to my ammonia issues. Besides the shrimp dying, maybe one of my astrea snails died,nothing else.

I am a bit bothered by this set back. I don't like killing my pets one bit. So now I have 2 fish in a quarantine tank, something killing my display tank, and can't catch my blenny.

I am open to tips, criticism, anything to help eliminate any further casualties. I know the happen, but those shrimp seemed to be thriving until this past 7 days.

Thank you for reading

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Dry rock in new set up question

Ok I'm still in the planning stages of what will be a 20 reef tank. Pretty sold on an Innovative tank. A shallow sand bed (tropic Eden 30 lbs bag Miniflakes (aragonite crumbs, 2mm). And I think I'm going to start with dry rock, either reefsaver or pukani. My question is if you are starting a new reef is it necessary to run the rock in a separate container for a few weeks with a power head and heater? I know there is no escaping the cycle but would it be smarter to do that first or just stick it in and go from there. Once cycled I thought I'd seed with a few very small coraline encrusted rocks and some amphpods. I want to avoid the hitchhikers I've expierenced in the past. Thanks for helping the born again newb:agree: guys

New To Reef Tanks: Water Levels?

Hi all. I recently purchased a house and it came with what I believe is between a 50 and 60 gallon saltwater tank. I wasn't really given any instructions on how to care for it and the water levels seemed to be pretty low in the wet-dry area (the sump pump chamber eventually ran out of water a few days after I moved in).

It has live rock, anemone, fish, and many crustaceans.

I've been reading up on how to take care of the fish and the tank in general, but the one thing that I haven't quite figured out is how the water should be moving through the filtration system behind the tank.

It has four distinct chambers. The first chamber has the socks and is where the water arrives after being removed from the tank. The second chamber is filled with sand and a (potentially dead) plant. The third chamber just has a blue filter. The fourth tank contains a protein skimmer and a pump that returns water to the tank.

My girlfriend and I added some water to the wet-dry area (after adding a chemical to remove chlorine). We originally thought that the water is supposed to overflow each chamber, so we added enough to do that. I'm not so sure that is how it is supposed to be though. The last chamber is now almost empty while the first two chambers are full of water.

Basically, I'm not sure if I should add more water or if there is a blockage or something preventing the water in the 2nd (sand) chamber from flowing into the last chamber. I'm hoping someone with more experience than I could tell me how it typically works :) Thanks!

Here is what the tank looks like.

Here is the last chamber of the filtration system (protein skimmer & sump)

Here is a picture of all of the chambers:

Here is a closer picture of the 2nd chamber's wall to the blue filter:

Fish Food

So fixing to start the adding fish stage of my saltwater tank....What is a good type of fish food to buy?

Advice for a saltwater newb

So I've never had a saltwater tank in my life. I have quite a few questions so please bear with me. I'm going to start out small with a 10 gallon aquarium. I'm aware of the dangers of nano aquariums and realize how quickly they can go sour. I really want to start small before I go all out on a big tank with a lot of fish. I've read a lot of articles saying no filtration is needed on a tank so small as long as there is some source of airation and 10% weekly water changes. Because I'm just starting out, I'd figured a little extra help wouldn't hurt. Would it be ok to have a small protein skimmer? Second question is about live rock and sand curing. I've read that all lights should be off to prevent algae growth. What about the protein skimmer? Should I run it or leave it off also? And final question is about stocking such a small aquarium. I'd love to have an anemone or two, a couple sexy shrimp, 1 electric blue hermit crab, and a bumblebee snail for clean up. My bf REALLY wants at least 1 fish in the tank. Any suggestions? Would a green clown goby be ok in a 10 gallon aquarium? Would the mucos that gobies produce hurt any of the other inhabitants? Anyways, all advice and experience stories are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Tons of baby snails... Like TOOOOOOOONS

So I've had 6-7 turbo snails in my tank for about a year, and realized that about 7-8 months ago I had a handful of collonistas hitch-hike their way into my tank. A Framingham after that I started seeing baby snails all over the place. Long story short... I've got EASILY AT LEAST 100 snails roaming around in my tank. I don't mind them per-se... But having THAT MANY is making me nervous. Any thoughts? I know it's gonna be a heck of a project to remove them if that's what I need... Hopefully not ;)


Stock for 125 gallon reef?

So in debating to make my 125 gallon a reef, I was wondering what the stock level could be, as in how many fish, ranging from 1 to 3 inches, could comfortably go in. I was also wanting 1 or 2 show fish, ranging from 5-6 inches. So with that in place, how many could go in comfortably without it being overstocked?

crabs eating!!!!

My red and blue leg hermits are always sitting on my feather duster and picking at it. Anyone know why they are doing this? Im afraid they are gonna try to eat the duster

What Mushroom Are These?

Hello friends,

For the life of me I can't remember the name of this mushroom in my reef. Also, how much would they be worth? I have about 75 in my reef right now and I need to thin it out. The range from 2" to over 3" round.

Thank you!

New Radions/Vortech Up and Running!!!

So my RMS mounts finally came today and I got my two Gen 3 XR30W's installed. Talk about a difference!!!!! :rotflmao::blob: You can't really tell from the pics but much nicer looking light than my Current Marine Orbit LED. They are also running at 20% in acclamation mode so that's pretty cool they are just as powerful as my other light at 100%. Also I really like the natural mode that follows the sun's pattern throughout the day.

I also have my Vortech MP40W running. That thing sure pushes a lot of water and everything is kind of getting blown around. I'm running them at 50% starting with Lagoon, then nutrient export, then lagoon and 20% constant overnight.

Old Light:


Hitchhikers on live rock for new tank

Good day everyone!

I just spent the weekend assembling, Filling and prepping my first saltwater tank. I purchased several lbs of live rock and install them and by the time I left for work this morning the water was crystal clear. However I came home at lunch and noticed something I hadnt seen in the shop I picked up my rock form, Several Tiny (Maybe 3-4 mm long) translucent shrimp critters crawling around one of the rocks. Nearly identical to this guy, just white like the color of my rock (found under title "Marine Shrimp")

Should I try and remove them? just keep an eye on things and let nature take its course? I will try and do some more reading on my own later on tonight but any feedback would be appreciated.

Emerald Crab Stocking

I used to hate emerald crabs after I caught them eating zoas in the reef. But I picked some up for my fish only tank a few days ago and am actually really enjoying them. I got two for a 34g tank. I'm going back to my LFS today and was wondering if there would be any issues with picking up another two? They'll have plenty to eat as I have a bunch of other inverts in the tank who need meaty food to scavenge as well.

ID white fuzz please

Got this white fuzz growing on my rrock in the dark zone for now. I read in some place it goes in the lit zone as well. A bit worried.

My system is a high nutrient one and i dose every hours for my NPS zone, gorgonians, and sponges.

So far nothing really has been affected but , well some of my zooz have receeded but i don't see any fuzz even near their location which is in full light.

Anyway anybody has an idea of what this is and if its harmfull and how to get rid of it IF... Thanks for your time.

Oh this i know is not harmfull , filter feeders but what is it again can't remember.

ARC Controller

So I'm back to working on this and pushing forward as strong as I can. I want to have a finished version by the end of this year and the best way to speed this up is a little bit of funding. I finally have a Kickstarter up that will motivate me to keep going as well as provide some crowd funding. Check it out and share with your friends! As of now I'm offering two boards as rewards for certain donations. I hope to eventually be offering all four boards as time goes on and I can perfect the other two.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the original post I made talking about my project:

And here is the Kickstarter link:

I will be keeping the Kickstarter page more up to date than the website I have associated with it, mainly because google sites is not that fun to work with. Also, keep a lookout for a new video, I'm currently setting up my new test tank. It will be a 30 gallon custom build. As of now, I'm just waiting for my most recent prototype to come in to test.

Thank you all in advance for any support you can give!

Another case of palytoxin

This weekend a bunch of our club members installed a monster system in for a fellow club member. He had 2 65 gallon reefs a incoming 120 already stocked that he boughs from a tear down. All 3 tanks were on 3 different floors all sharing a 140 gallon sump. Water changes involved pressing buttons and old water down the drain and new water pumped in. The tank arrived and there were zoa or palys stuck to the glass along with a bunch of majanos. They scraped the glass outside some what. As we were working every one seemed to start to get congested but we were working so hard to get it done no one put it together. Got everything done I was walking out with the club secartery and she said we all sound like a bunch of coke heads. It kind of dawned on me then but I didn't feel to bad. Well after talking to everyone today they are all sick as a dog. Every one congested some said they had a hard time breathing. Some how I made it out okay I did feel like crap last night but don't feel to bad today.

reef_wrasses element LPS dominated build!!

element build BY: reef_wrasse


Rimmless bio cube 29

Radion XR15w

RMS mounting system.

In tank BC 29 filter basket

In tank BC 29 water director

Chemi-pure Blue

Sea Chem purigen

Filter floss

Eshopps sponge

live stock:

11 astrea snails

4 nassarius

15 assorted hermits

1 small tuxedo urchin

1 candy striped PS


small yellow corris

Small Mcosker flasher

( I have a larger aquarium for them)


Euphyllia species: hammer, torch, etc.

Echinophyllia species

Echinata species




Rare zoos

Rare mushrooms

Let me know what you think!!

Pics are coming soon!!!!!

Diamond Goby/Pistol Shrimp combo

Thinking about picking these up. Is 36Gal to small?

The Move 60 to 90 + refugium

We will be moving from the 60 gallon reef over to a 90 gallon drilled tank with a 30-35 gallon sump/refugium.

I currently have all equipment off the 60 gallon and i have moved all fish to 2 totes. The Corals are in my 18 gallon rescue/qt tank.

I will be moving the sand to 2 5 gallon buckets and my rock has been moved to the totes.

I will get the water out of tank and try to use about 20 gallons of water from main tank into new tank.

I have 50 gallons of RO DI Water made for the new tank. I will add 70 gallons and then wait. I will get more water and settup sump then.

This is what I'm Working with:

Also my current setup with the 60:

What i all have:


  • one spotted fox face

  • blue tang

  • diamond goby

  • velvet damsel

  • melanarise wrasse

  • BTA


  • Torch Coral

  • Bubble Coral

  • Kenya Tree

  • 3-4 small frags


  • 2 Korila 1150 powerheads

  • HOB Skimmer

  • UV Steralizer

Return pump to tank?

I have a 220 gallon I am just starting up and I don't fully understand how to get water back into the tank. The tank is drilled and the sump is 60 gallons. I have a 12 mag pump and the hole to connect to the pipe is 1/2, inch but the tank holes are 1 1/2 so I don't understand how I hook them up.

This Refractometer any good?

Found this while searching for one. I notice many of the brands are $100+. Still on a tight budget for this hobby. Anyone out there ever use this particular brand?

Base Rock

I am starting up my tank this week. I am using rock from a previous system. it is dry and has been setting for a while. I know I can get a rock from another system of LFS to seed is, but is it necessary? Is bacteria still on the rock, but dormant and when water & ammonia are present it will start to activate again?

detritus removal?

I'm wondering what people do to remove small stuff. I have a 90 gallon with a 40B sump. I have a Reef Octopus skimmer and I've got about 90 lb of live rock. I have been siphoning the sand at water changes but I see a lot of small stuff get stirred up and I can't get it all out. A lot goes in my sump and that's also hard to remove. I have reverse dursos on the drains so I can't really get a sock on them. Should I run a canister occasionally to get smaller particulates out? I seem to see lots of small white particles, especially now that I got new lights.

Happy birthday to TheFishFinatic on 12/29!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


The Last *onday of 2014!

Good *orning !

The coffee is ready.

2014 winding down. I'm going to work today. going to be hard getting back into the grove. the 6 days off was great. worked on my bathroom. still not finished.

Have a Great Day

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

got a idea

my tank is 55 gal long i have a over hang aqua clear 3 stage filter, a over hang 65 gal coralife super skimmer and uv steralizer that sticks to the side of the tank. I have 45 gal tank just sitting on a stand right beside it was wondering if i could turn it to a sump Or Refigum or how ever u spell it my question what is involved in doing so and will it help me i have a red slime problem right now with a lil hair algae.

getting new lights for 220gal..suggestions

I currently have 2 deep blue 4 bulb (total of 8 bulbs) t5 fixtures...I hate them. But I have them. I want to get better light in my tank and need help. I had thought about getting expensive led fixtures but I keep reading that I will get better growth on my corals with t5's and better colors with led's How can I get the best performance out of combining the 2...I thought about getting led strips but my current fixture takes up most of the space on my tank so that leaves me limited to one thin strip..I cant imagin that would be enough. Help on this would be great guys...Im in constant stress over this subject. I want to do it right again and not waist my money like I did with the deep blue lights

the tank of a highschooler

Hey guys, its me Fishnerd15, I thought I would post a little about my tank and give a bit of story on a highschoolers (my) journey with this reef hobby!

So, it all started two years ago on my thirteenth birthday that I got my first saltwater tank, it was a biocube 29. After I cycled it I got a clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and three Kenya trees. I attended my first aquarium convention later that year and I spent just about every penny I had on coral frags (this isn't to say much, I have a small budget :funny:) I put in a sixline wrasse, two firefish, and two chromis. The fire fish and the chromis got a disease and died, but by this time I was more experienced and ready for a "harder" fish. So I went to my lfs and bought a lemon peel angelfish, he was great until killed almost every single one of my corals. I got rid of him, after one hour of taking out rocks and cornering him into a net :freak: . I probably talk a bit more about it later, just thought I would through out some information and let people question and comment.

MahnaMahna's Reef Journey - 90 Gallon Upgrade

MahnaMahna's Journey into the Reef - 55 gallon tank

CUT! Strike that!

MahnaMahna's Reef Journey - 90 Gallon Upgrade

Take 2! ACTION!

;) Yeah, I'm a dork, but I had to tie in the Muppet's and their movies somehow. :p

I had been on the lookout for a 90 gallon tank to upgrade to for awhile now. Ever since I started the 55 gallon, because I got a 90 gallon tank, stand, 20 gallon long tank for a sump/refugium, T5 lights and a bunch of other stuff along with rock that I bought. Yeah, I got the whole kit 'n kaboodle when I just wanted the rock. I got it all for $40. I was excited because I was able to upgrade! BUT - and that's a big but - the 90 came with a crack in the back glass on the bottom right corner. A crack that I couldn't live with without losing sleep and slowing slipping into madness. I gave the cracked tank to rininger85 and started my hunt for a new 90 gallon that didn't come with cracks and boogeymen that go bump in the night.

Here is the stand, 20 gallon long sump/refugium tank, and original cracked 90 gallon. That light is NOT the T5 light. It's just an extra regular hood light:

90 Gallon Upgrade

After many disappointing ends to my search for a new 90 gallon rininger85 sent me the link to the tank shown below and it is now in my possession! My husband gave me my upgrade by buying me this very nice and clean (and crack free!) 90 gallon for my Christmas/birthday present because my birthday is very close to Christmas. Yup, he's a keeper! :D This new tank came with some LED lights and glass covers. I don't think there are enough LED lights to support coral so I plan on making more to add to them.

New 90 Gallon Tank

So now starts my next journey - transferring my 55 gallon to this 90 gallon, rebuild the sump/refugium, make a diy overflow, and eventually make more LED lights to replace the T5 lights I have now. The refugium part will basically be an algae trap to keep it out of the display tank. I've had enough algae with my 55 gallon to last me a lifetime. :p LOL! I'm also toying with the idea of cutting a door in the wall behind the tank to make accessing the sump easier. The tank will be where the current 55 is, which is against a wall that has the staircase to the basement behind it. I can't obviously have the sump on it's own stand back there because of the stairway, but making an access door through it may be a good idea because the stand only has one access door in the front. Not sure yet.

I'm also toying with the idea of transferring over the 55 to the 90 before I make the sump and overflow. If I make an access door through the wall it shouldn't be too difficult to add the sump later. But then I think about how much easier it would be to wait until the sump is built to set up the sump and tank at the same time if I wait and just get it all done at one time. But then I think it would be nice to split up the time it would take to do all of this so it doesn't eat up an entire day. I'm so indecisive sometimes. :rolleyes:

Here is a pic of the 55 gallon before I got the aquascape the way I wanted it. It shows how it is in front of the wall that has a stairway going up to the second floor and a stairway going down to the basement. It's the wall I might put an access door into to get to the sump under the tank and in the stand.

55 Gallon Saltwater Tank - Journey Into The Reef

The overflow that came with the original 90 gallon was busted (of course). I could fix it but I'd be constantly worrying if the fix would hold. I'm not into adding that kind of anxiety to my life. :p So DIY time is coming! :D I'm thinking of covering the diy overflow with cement to make it look like live rock, being careful to keep the attachment points able to be accessed if I need to tear it apart. Or I could paint it black with aquarium safe paint so it blends in with the black background like another poster has done. Or just leave it be and let algae cover the white PVC. We'll see how motivated I am. :lol:

Eventually we'll (read my husband because he's better at it, though I do help some) will build a canopy that will house the lights and add a finished look to the whole thing. I'd actually like a new stand too, but I think that's just being silly since I have a perfectly good one already. We'll see how it goes. (Which means we'll see if I can talk my husband into building me one. Perhaps enough puppy dog eyes and promises of cheesecake will work. :D )

I'd appreciate any suggestions and help on this. I'm open to any ideas! I've been doing a lot of reading on sumps and plumbing and I think I'm finally getting a handle on it all. Enough to make my own overflow and sump. :thumbup: It should be a fun experience.

New to Reefing

Hi everyone!:wavey:

I live in NE Pennsylvania, I been involved with tropical fish and KOI for about 20 years. I also had a salt water tank for about 5 years until the power was disrupted.. I lost the entire tank. so I started playing with gold fish. I now have a 92 gal corner tank with a 30 gal sump. I have 90 pounds of live rock that cycled. I have 5 fish in the tank... and perform 15-20 gal. water change per week. everything far is going well, but I know how thing can change .. overnight.:doh:

Glad to have a forum for when things go wrong

What is this on my rock?

I have posted some crappy quality pictures before of this, but it has grown a bit and my wife got a much better camera for Christmas so I took some more. The general response I got before was that this might be a sponge. I dont care what it is as long as its not going to overtake or hurt anything (it's quickly spreading on this rock). It looks translucent an seems to have pores possibly, like a sponge, but it also seems to have protruding parts that protrude outward, and I am not sure if this is typical of a sponge. Here is a link to a bunch of hi resolution pictures:


How to catch a nuisance tang?

So I bought a healthy Copperband Butterfly a few days ago and my white cheek tang has reduced it to hanging idol in a corner for 2 days straight. The copperband looks healthy and my LFS had it for a month and it was eating frozen Mysis. The tang doesn't bother the CB as long as it stays in the corner, but move 2 inches from that spot and the tang will go ballistic. I can tell the CB is getting restless and I don't blame him. Nobody should be stuck in a corner this long. I have tried a few things to try to get my tang but no luck so far. I have tried a DIY bottle trap, but he is being on the cautious side and wont go in it far enough to for me to pull him up. It's been in there all day, but I am going to try until the lights go off. I also tried using actual fishermen nets to guide him into last night and I almost had him once, but he found another exit. What should I do now? I am getting really frustrated with my tang as he wont let the CB move. My next idea is to cover the tank with sheets to make it dark (the tank is in our living room with T.V. and we always have some lights on until we go to bed around 10pm. I don't want to wake up to catch him at 3am) and wait until he is sleeping to I can blind him with a flashlight and scoop him up. Hopefully he will be in an easy place to get to. What do I do? It's starting to get to my whole family.

Tank upgrade

I'm upgrading from a 125l tank to a 350l main tank with 150l sump. I'm changing from sand to gravel. The gravel is already in and the water is in with all equipment running. Can I just buy more live rock, put the live rock from my old tank in the new tank, put all of the sand in a compartment in the sump and move everything over? Or, do I have to start the whole process again?

29g Coralife biocube setup and stocking ideas?

Hi all,

I've had my tank running for a month now and wanted to run some thoughts on stocking it. I'm hoping for some more of the great advice I have already received on the initial setup!


29g Coralife biocube (2014) with the stock lighting (white CF tubes, blue antics, and blue moonlight).

@ 20 lbs cured live rock

5 lbs live rock

30lbs live sand

1 hydor koralia 425 powerhead

stock filtration (bioballs and carbon) + Purigen on top

What we currently have in the tank:


1 fire shrimp

1 hermit crab

7 snails


1 clownfish

The tank is running great; water looks good and am thinking about what to do next. Our ultimate goal is to have a reef of mushrooms, zoa, and some LPS corals, along with a few fish and inverts, but I'm not sure how to balance the bioload of fish/inverts/corals... (For my freshwater tank, I always went with the 1" of fish per gallon - is this the same with a mix of inverts/fish?). We have two small boys (2 & 5) and we really like using the tank as a teaching tool. The more movement, the better.

Here's what I would like to add critter/fish-wise:

1 additional clownfish (for 2 total)

1-2 banggai cardinalfish

1 goby

1 firefish or Tanaka's pygmy wrasse

1 pistol shrimp

1-2 additional hermit crabs (for 2-3 total)

1 brittle star (??)

1 fan worm/feather duster

** thinking of getting the copepods mixture to feed/breed in the tank - do people like this/recommend?

(I also really like dartfish, anthias, and chromis, but am guessing that five or six, 1-2" fish are probably about the limit for the tank.)

Any feedback on stocking, filtration, lighting? We have looked into replacing the lighting with the Steve's LED Light System, but wanted to see if that was actually necessary for the types of corals we want to grow. Our current filtration seems to be working great, but am open to suggestions too!

WTB Koralia Nano Parts

I have a koralia nano 425 but the small metal rod that helps the impeller spin is missing. Looking to buy a replacement. Let me know, thanks.

Leaving Dead Fish in Tank

I had a fish die in the tank. About 1.5 inches long. He's way back behind a lot of LR and I can't get to him. Will it be a problem leaving him in the tank? I don't really want to rearrange all of the LR to get to him if I don't have to.

My cleanup crew consists of:

6 Blackfoot Trochus Snail

3 Mexican Turbo Snail

4 Sand Sifting Starfish

1 Coral Banded Shrimp

4 Emerald Crabs

1 Cleaner Shrimp

1 Pencil Urchin

Tank is 75 gal

AquaC Remora Pro-S Skimmer and Danner Supreme 5 Power head

2-850 gph Circulation Pumps

85 lbs LR

Am I Crazy to Add Hermit Crabs?

So I am thinking about adding some hermit crabs to my tank. I only have 1 crab in my tank that hitch hiked on my rock but never comes out of the rock and have only seen him maybe once or twice in 8 months.

I have a few snails, maybe about 8-10. I also have a cleaner shrimp. I wanted to add some good cleaners to my tank and I also think my 4 year old son would like them as well.

I do have corals so my first question is will they bother my corals, fish or cleaner shrimp? If I do get them, how many would be a good start for a 29 gallon tank.

I used to have a emerald crab but he was bothering my corals so I got rid of him. Don't want issues like that again.

Best salt

Well upon searching I only found a couple year old threads on "the best salt" any updates on salt mixes?? I'm looking for something consistent throughout the bucket and mixes clean...I have sps and I dose

What do you use and why?? This may be helpful for new guys looking for good options


Test, just a test

bigredboxdumpsterrental com/


GSP not opening

So about two weeks ago I bought a 60 dollar gsp frag. Its been in the same place of the tank, haven't touched it at all. Im having an issue with my phosphate levels and the algae is out of control, is that effecting it ? It looks a little brown around the purple mat so I took a turkey baster and blew it off a little. It isn't directly in the current its about medium and its at the top of my rock structure. It still hasn't opened and I'm getting worrie . What could be the cause ? What can I do ? Here's a picture :

Maxspect gyre 150 ?

Does anyone have a video or experience with vertical mounting of the gyre150. My corner overflows are limiting my installation options. Please share

Bristle worms, can they go foe, an attempt to stay alive?

I know we do like them. I love them, I see em as tooth brushes for our rock work. But. If underfed do you guys think they would go for other seseptible creaters such as serpent stars around their size (star is about 3-4in from leg to leg and the biggest bristle worm I saw tonight was around 4in, thin but long)? I'm lookin for my serpent star tonight, I can't find him in a 10g tank. I know he is hungry, I've blown a syringe of food into the tank for the past 3 days after not feeding him for 5 days nor the tank (only zoa's, a baby hammerhead and a baby frogspawn with 2 colonies of zoa's, a colony of paly's and a few sponges in the tank) the rock work vrs his size would def allow me to see him when I feed, either I didn't feed him enough and he died or the bristle worms got him cuz their hungry. Tonight I saw 4 bristles come out when I fed, all thin but ranging from 2-4in. What do you guys think? And yes, I'll be relocating at least half to my 55g DT

samedi 27 décembre 2014

GFO/carbon mix VS GFO

Hey TRT, what do you think is more effective? GFO/carbon mix or just GFO? Lemme know by choosing from the two options above.:D

I'm back baby

Well, after a long stale period of being a poor college student, I'm finally back from the grave. The tank has never "crashed" persay but it has not been in a very good place. I've just upgraded my jbj 12 nano cube with a rapid led kit. I just did a 5 gallon water change and all my parameters that should be are at 0 (even nitrates and phosphates), salinity is at 1.026, and the temp is at a consistent 81. The glass has been cleaned, and my rocks are in a position that I love. Its time to get a stock up again since I'm in a location that is somewhat permanent.

Current residents:

1 ywg and pistol shrimp pair

1 tuxedo urchin

1.5 kenya tree groups

1 hairy mushroom

and some remnants of a brown polyp cluster


12 3watt led system

upgraded 900 maxi pump

hydor flow

So everyone, what should I add first? Pics are also going to be added frequently (I hope).

Injured clownfish

rimless bio cube 29 build!!!!

My plan for the rimless bio cube 29.


Radion xr15w pro

RMS tank mount

Bio balls


Filter floss

Hydor slim skim

Fluval heater


30 LBS of real reef live rock

30 LBS of a 1to1 mix of live/dry sand

Many chalices

Euphyllia species


A zoa garden


Tiny yellow coris wrasse

Tiny carpenter flasher wrasse

15 scarlet hermits

15 astrea snails

Lemme hear your opinion and dont forget to vote on my radion vs kessil POLL

anemone deflation

My bubble tip deflates everyday when the actinics come on. Is this normal?

Phosphate levels

I got my Hanna ULR phosphate meter yesterday. I did my first test and got a reading of 1. I can't find anywhere what the level should be or if 1 is too high, too low, or just right. I assume PO4 can't be too low, so is 1 a good level or what?

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Парни! Купил пару дней назад Самогонный аппарат МАГАРЫЧ-12Л-ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ-Т! Сплошное наслаждение! shablon-master ru/t/go php?sid=109][img]shablon-master ru/img/magarich1 jpg[/img] Всего 6990 рублей! Вот ролик на ютубе: shablon-master ru/t/go php?sid=109][img]shablon-master ru/img/magarich1_2 jpg[/img] Ребятки, надо брать! Очень удобная вещь! shablon-master ru/t/go php?sid=109][img]shablon-master ru/img/kup1 jpg[/img] shablon-master ru/t/go php?sid=109]Купить

Can you culture different pods together?

Hi, I'm creating a copepod culture for my scooter blenny and possibly a mandarin wayyyy in the future. As of now I have a regular room-tempature tank set up with nothing in it but a chunk of lr and a sandbed with a light on it. I got a bottle of tiger pods and dumped it in they're all over the place, but I read somewhere that mandarins might not eat them so I was wondering if it's possible to culture tiger pods and tisbe pods in the same tank, its a 15 gallon. I don't have another tank nor the space so what would happen if I put the tisbe pods in with the tiger?

The Cycle of Saltwater Tank

Hello Names Justin

I have a 55 gal Saltwater tank with 2in live sand bed and about 40lbs of live rock. It has been up and running now for 1 week. During the cycle what should I be excepting to see or notice if anything? My salinity levels are good at 1.25


Hey, hey it's Saturday!

Moring all of TRT!

It's a late night for me, I hope you all have a

great day! No work, Perry do you work on sat?

Dick I cant wait for your photo :)

Have fun.

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Anybody up for doing a Ro/Di favor?

Hey all,

I'm working on my sump plumbing, and making some decisions about what types of plastics to use. I got my kid sister to teach me a bit about the diff types there are, and I've pretty much got my head around the BPA's, HDPE's, and PVC's and XYZ's. But along the way, I've read a bunch of scary Internet nonsense too.

Any volunteers to point your TDS meter at the ATO reservoir before and after your Ro/Di sits for a bit?

obvs hormone disrupters are unlikely to show, but I'm curious about any leaching. The horror stories are all about tanks that aren't thriving where they found phos, or nitrates coming out of the storage and mixing containers. I'd like to know what a happy tank reads cause the simplest explaination is they used it for tap water or something and failed to mention.


frag placement

Are there certain places that different types of corals belong? For example, zoos on the bottom, acro's on top, torch coral in the middle, ext... How do you find this out?

new coral I got

1 Green Star Polyp, 1 "Eagle Eye" Zoa, 1 "Radioactive" Zoa, 1 "Red Mint" Blastomussa, 1 "Alien Eye" Echinopora, and 1 Purple and Green Blastomussa. This is the 6 piece frag my parents got me for Christmas are they any good?

Porcelain Crab question...

I'm thinking about adding 1 or 2 porcelain crabs to my tank. For fish, I currently have a ocellaris clown, one-spot foxface, diamond watchman goby, orchid dottyback and a longfin fairy wrasse.

Do you think the crabs will be ok?...I'm mainly concerned about the dottyback...I have several hermit crabs that he doesn't seem to bother but he does have a certain "night ninja" look in his eye...Any opinions/experiences are appreciated...

radion or kessil

radion or kessil?

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Coral Suggestions

Alrighty guys. I have a 55 gallon that's been running for about 9 months. I only have one fish(Royal Gramma) A cleanup crew and a Feather Duster I saved from the pet store. Everything is doing great. Feather duster has rebuilt his tube(he didn't have much of one) and grown about an 1". I've just been so fouced on other things I just haven't added anything else. Lol. So I was wanting some suggestions on corals. I have Current USA Orbit Marine 46 watts with dual t5s 108 watts. Give me some ideas!:dance::idea:

Typhon LED Controller

Hey everyone. I just got a Typhon LED controller for my "Steves LED's and the controller doesn't have a Menu when I plug it in, only a row of boxes. no numbers or letters. Anyone know what causes this? or if it can be fixed? thanks!

Need help finding an online supplier

Hey everyone. I was wondering if any of you know of a online supplier the ships tanks to Canada. I am looking at something along the lines of a rimless 40 gallon breeder. Preferably reef ready.

Jeremy's 55g Build

Been working on converting my freshwater 55g into a salt water tank. I'm starting this thread to document my progress an bring everyone along for the ride.

Equipment so far

55g Tank

29g Tank - Turning into a sump

Sicce 2.0 pump for return line

Reef Octopus 110INT internal skimmer

DIY Stand

DIY PVC Overflow.

Here is the tank Sitting on my stand. You can see the PVC Overflow on the left and the return line on the right.

Here is the 29g under the stand. Currently working out how the plumbing is going to work. You can see on the return line that I have disconnects above the pump and before the last vertical run to make the pump easy to remove to clean or do maintenance. I'm planning something similar for the overflow line as well.

Lastly a better picture of the overflow.

Next things to do:

Add braces under the ends of the sump.

Glue and paint the overflow. I'm using Krylon Fusion, which I saw recommended several times on this site.

Glue the return line.

Paint the back of the tank (on the outside).

Have glass cut and add bubble trap after skimmer. I'm thinking that I'm going to skip the refugium for now.I don't think it will be too difficult to add one in later if I decide that I need one, but I'm trying to keep things as simple as I can for the time being.

Thanks it for now, I'll post more pictures when I get a few more things done.

pregnant peppermint shrimp

So I have 4 peppermint shrimp and on Christmas noticed that 2 of them are full with eggs. Not sure what to do.I have 2 clowns 2 green chromis copper band yellow tang and a cleaner wrasse I have a 55 gal tank but don't have any other tanks.thought about putting them in a breeder net that you put I the tank. I'm just wondering if anyone else has any idea what I should do or if my plan will work

The Ultimate After Christmas Sale

The Ultimate After Christmas Sale

Get what you REALLY wanted!

Bacterial Bloom

So I had a fish die and can not find him. After a couple of days I noticed my water getting cloudy and white. I think it is pretty obvious that it is a bacterial bloom. Is there any way to improve it if I can't find the dead fish?


Biorb life 30l marine conversion help

Hi. I have a biorb live 30l. Using the marine filter and heater , and have

About 3kg live rock cycling for 4 weeks now, I'm gonna do some changes.

1- cancel the biorb marine filter.

2- add a internal filter or external .

3- add sand

4- add a power head.

Do I need Any thing else ?

A external filter gonna give me more Room for livestock ?

Or small internal filter gonna do same job ?

What to put inside of the filter etc.

What filter to buy ? Internal or external ? Make etc . Need a silent and small .

Need some advice on filter please,

Then advice in livestock ?

Fish + coral and cleaner crew

Thank you in advance

Help, Tank is Cloudy

I have a 29 gallon tank and all of a sudden the water is cloudy.

Did my regular 4 gallon water the other day. The only thing I changed was my lights. Swapped out my T5's with LEDs. Can that cause the cloudy water? Can I add anything to the tank to clear it up?

Tested all my levels and they are fine...

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What are these?

I am just being a worried parent but what are these and are they a threat to the tank?

Below the bubble coral

I removed this next one from my tank. Looks like a centipede in the water.

I have heard of bristle worms and stuff but i have never seen them. Can you guys tell me if this is stuff i need to remove from tank or let it go. I removed the worm looking guy but the coral/anemone looking thing i left.