Well, I made the jump to saltwater after running a few freshwater tanks over the years. My goal is to get a reef tank going so that I can escape the work day and get lost in its beauty. I am still working through that number one thing you need for a marine tank - and that is patience. I will get there! Looking forward to all of the great info on the forum, I sure need it! Now I am off to figure out where to post my first questions!
mercredi 30 novembre 2016
RBTA's for sale
Selling a couple RBTA's, these are the fancier (I think "flame" style ones) that someone in the club was selling about 18 months back.
Mine have split and then become quiet large, so they're taking up too much cumulative room. I managed to coax 2 off them away from the rocks so they are in a container in the tank waiting for a new home.
I think I paid $40 for mine originally from a club member and it was like golf ball to tennis ball size.
I have one medium sized one (think regular softball when open) I'd sell for $40
I have a second larger one (think small plate size when open) I'd sell for $50
Both have been alive and well in my tank for over a year now. And they come from a line that splits a lot....
Would also trade for nicer frags depending on the coral (s).
Mine have split and then become quiet large, so they're taking up too much cumulative room. I managed to coax 2 off them away from the rocks so they are in a container in the tank waiting for a new home.
I think I paid $40 for mine originally from a club member and it was like golf ball to tennis ball size.
I have one medium sized one (think regular softball when open) I'd sell for $40
I have a second larger one (think small plate size when open) I'd sell for $50
Both have been alive and well in my tank for over a year now. And they come from a line that splits a lot....
Would also trade for nicer frags depending on the coral (s).
*Cringe* Are these parasites? Or safe microorganisms?
Hey everyone.
Mounted a new frag this morning and brushed off some small crawlies.
I took a video and would appreciate if anyone could tell me if these are safe or not.
Mounted a new frag this morning and brushed off some small crawlies.
I took a video and would appreciate if anyone could tell me if these are safe or not.
Anyone hear from Dick?
aka: fishdaddy. Not sure where exactly he lives but I know its in the smokey mountain area. Hope all is ok.
What kind of algae?
Hello everyone I was curious what type of algae is growing in my tank. I clean the tank every day from it and when I return home from school the tank is plagued with the orange and brown algae. On the sand, rocks, glass, filters, everywhere. Could anyone tell me what it is? It doesn't seem to go away
Last fish suggestion for a 40g Breeder BB
I have 40g Breeder and wanted some suggestions for a final fish, (it's been running for 18 months) it is bare bottom.
Current stock list:
2x Ocellaris Clowns
1x Six-line
1x Midas Blenny
1x Royal Gramma
1x Rainfordi Goby
I was thinking of Fairy wrasse but I'm not sure if that will play nice with my six line, although after being out and about for the past 5 days I found him hiding under a rock yesterday (still alive, I put a power head on him and he hid somewhere else).
Another option would be a single Chromis for the upper part of the tank. Seems that everyone says when you get more than one they end up with one or two anyway.
As of now the clowns host the heater in the corner of the tank, the Rainfordi stays in the bottom quarter of the tank, the Midas is everywhere and the six line when out just cruises around the LR; Gramma sticks to holes in the LR.
Or should I just leave it at the current stocking?
Other inhabitants are just snails and hermits.
Current stock list:
2x Ocellaris Clowns
1x Six-line
1x Midas Blenny
1x Royal Gramma
1x Rainfordi Goby
I was thinking of Fairy wrasse but I'm not sure if that will play nice with my six line, although after being out and about for the past 5 days I found him hiding under a rock yesterday (still alive, I put a power head on him and he hid somewhere else).
Another option would be a single Chromis for the upper part of the tank. Seems that everyone says when you get more than one they end up with one or two anyway.
As of now the clowns host the heater in the corner of the tank, the Rainfordi stays in the bottom quarter of the tank, the Midas is everywhere and the six line when out just cruises around the LR; Gramma sticks to holes in the LR.
Or should I just leave it at the current stocking?
Other inhabitants are just snails and hermits.
Help with high nitrates
I recently took ownership of an established 30 gallon biocube. Carefully moved tank water and sand. Let it run for a few weeks then began to modify the filtration for something way more efficient, lighting, skimmer, added pumps, and began a regular weekly 20% water change schedule. The tank looks amazing and all my livestock (mainly inverts and cleaner crew with 1 percula clown) looks really good. I definitely don't overfeed either. My water tests are spot for on except for nitrates. They are off the chart >160 ppm with several different kits for test comparisons. The water changes have no effect on them. Hoping to add some more livestock and first corals in the upcoming months and not sure how to approach the nitrate issue and any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to a wet Wednesday
Good morning TRT Friends, and......HAPPY WEDNESDAY! At least the first half of the day is gonna be soggy and thundery. Got plenty more buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink milk for morning starters. Didn't get to the movies last night as the weather was just too snotty. Should still be playing next week as well though. Hope all are well, and have good things lined up for their day, and all the best,
mardi 29 novembre 2016
Question about crab/coral
Hey guys,
I walked into my basement earlier today to take a look at my tank, and when I got down there I noticed that my Cinnamon Polyps were closed quite a bit.
Right below them on a rock I saw an(at least what I think) emerald crab. Ive had them in the past with no issues, but know they can pick on corals from time to time, especially when they start to get larger.
Would it be best to remove the emerald crab from the tank, or should I wait and see if it continues to pick on corals.Ive never had issues with the crab in the past.
Thanks in advance!
I walked into my basement earlier today to take a look at my tank, and when I got down there I noticed that my Cinnamon Polyps were closed quite a bit.
Right below them on a rock I saw an(at least what I think) emerald crab. Ive had them in the past with no issues, but know they can pick on corals from time to time, especially when they start to get larger.
Would it be best to remove the emerald crab from the tank, or should I wait and see if it continues to pick on corals.Ive never had issues with the crab in the past.
Thanks in advance!
Jmcdaniel's 14g Bio Cube Buid
Hello all.
I took a year or two break from the hobby, and now I am back. I just picked up a 14g Corallife BIoCube. I set it up this morning, and I am waiting for it to clear up before I do anymore rock work.
Equipment List:
Kessil A360We
Kessil Spectral Controller
Tunze Nana ATO
Corallife Nano Skimmer
InTank Media basket ( Purigen, Chemiclean, Filter Floss )
Maxi Jet 900 Pump upgrade
Hydor Koralia Nano Power Head
Eheim Jager 75 watt Heater
Hawaiian Black Sand

I took a year or two break from the hobby, and now I am back. I just picked up a 14g Corallife BIoCube. I set it up this morning, and I am waiting for it to clear up before I do anymore rock work.
Equipment List:
Kessil A360We
Kessil Spectral Controller
Tunze Nana ATO
Corallife Nano Skimmer
InTank Media basket ( Purigen, Chemiclean, Filter Floss )
Maxi Jet 900 Pump upgrade
Hydor Koralia Nano Power Head
Eheim Jager 75 watt Heater
Hawaiian Black Sand
Commercial overflow or DIY?
I recently acquired a 46 gallon tank from chain pet store to upgrade my little 10 gallon.
I'd like to ultimately turn the original 10 gallon in to a sump for the main tank.
However, the tank I bought is tempered glass, thus no drilling.
I'm trying to decide if I should buy a HOB overflow box to drain to the sump or if I should make a PVC overflow line.
Other that the aesthetics of having a PVC line in the tank what are the pros/cons of the two approaches? And what are the best steps limit the risk of over flow?
I'd like to ultimately turn the original 10 gallon in to a sump for the main tank.
However, the tank I bought is tempered glass, thus no drilling.
I'm trying to decide if I should buy a HOB overflow box to drain to the sump or if I should make a PVC overflow line.
Other that the aesthetics of having a PVC line in the tank what are the pros/cons of the two approaches? And what are the best steps limit the risk of over flow?
A stormy Tuesday
Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! We got the whole shebang heading here today.....RAIN, WIND, THUNDER/LIGHTING, and TIDES! Good day to work at a boatyard. Glad you got your out side stuff done yesterday George.....good day to just look out the window. Need a scrambled egg and bacon bowl to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us going today I'm thinking. Our friend Cooter got some nice Stripers yesterday, so the fight is on! Can't button up our season at the yard as long as they're out there, and glad to see them finally show up....were a tad late. Hoping for a Movie Theater night tonight after work....'Cheap wad-Tuesday's'. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Hope all are safe, and have dry things lined up for their days, and all the best,
lundi 28 novembre 2016
Fluval FX6
I just got on here and didn't realize there was a classified but wanted to share this filter I'm selling to by a sump tank set up.
Cyber Monday: FINAL HOURS
Cyber Monday: FINAL HOURS
Our Best Deals of the Year End @ Midnight!

Our Best Deals of the Year End @ Midnight!
Cyber Monday: LET'S DO THIS
Cyber Monday: LET'S DO THIS
These items are going fast!
45% off Aquatic Life Pulse Reef LED Light - SAVE $360
40% off AquaMaxx Q-2 Protein Skimmer - SAVE $142
30% off Aquatic Life Edge Reef LED Lights - SAVE UP TO $70
20% off SpectraPure MaxCap 90 GPD RO/DI System - SAVE $70

These items are going fast!
45% off Aquatic Life Pulse Reef LED Light - SAVE $360
40% off AquaMaxx Q-2 Protein Skimmer - SAVE $142
30% off Aquatic Life Edge Reef LED Lights - SAVE UP TO $70
20% off SpectraPure MaxCap 90 GPD RO/DI System - SAVE $70
15% OFF GHL Dosers, LEDs, Controllers
*Some MAP exclusions apply
New to the hobby
I was introduced to this hobby to better my relationship with my father in law. He got my a 75 gallon tank and has provided me with all the live rock I could ever ask for. Currently I am housing a yellow tank, clown, coral beauty, and a "melon" wrasse. I also have a red bubble tip anemone and have added a Zoanthid fragment.
I am hoping to convert this tank into a reef tank as reefs fascinate me. No clue what I am doing though! :rimshot:
I was introduced to this hobby to better my relationship with my father in law. He got my a 75 gallon tank and has provided me with all the live rock I could ever ask for. Currently I am housing a yellow tank, clown, coral beauty, and a "melon" wrasse. I also have a red bubble tip anemone and have added a Zoanthid fragment.
I am hoping to convert this tank into a reef tank as reefs fascinate me. No clue what I am doing though! :rimshot:
Happy birthday to omarsaccal on 11/28!
And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......

Monday, Monday.....
Good *orning TRT Friends, and......HAPPY *ONDAY! Should be the beginning of the end at work, heading into the final *onth of getting the* out and put away. Now we begin to fight ti*e as well as the ele*ents to get the* all stored before we close for the season. And not helping any, STRIPERS showed up this weekend off our shores! Enough ti*e this *orning for so*e butter*ilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink *ilk I should think. Nice today, but two days of rain and wind *oving in for to*orrow and the next day. Hope all are well, and ready to take on a new week....all the best to all,
dimanche 27 novembre 2016
Light for Corals
I want to start growing coral in my 20 gallon tank and have a Current USA Orbit Marine LED Saltwater Reef Lighting System which i heard is able to grow some coral but later on i'd like to grow SPS coral and was wondering if it would be a good idea to buy the AROCCOM 165w Dimmable 55 pieces 3W LEDs Full Spectrum Aquarium Light for Coral, Reef & Fish Tank or if it would be too much light for the corals. Much thanks!
Intruducing first fish
My tank is still cycling but should be ready in a few weeks. And for this tank I'm planing a ocellaris clown pair, then either a bicolor or a tail spot blenny. Not to heavy stocked I think.
Now to my question.
Which fish should I introduce first. Clowns or the blenny to avoid agression later on?
Tank info. AIO with 26x26x13" with 26x17x13" being fish space.
My tank is still cycling but should be ready in a few weeks. And for this tank I'm planing a ocellaris clown pair, then either a bicolor or a tail spot blenny. Not to heavy stocked I think.
Now to my question.
Which fish should I introduce first. Clowns or the blenny to avoid agression later on?
Tank info. AIO with 26x26x13" with 26x17x13" being fish space.
Dwarf Angels
So what are the rules for lack of a better term around mixing different species of dwarf angels. I'm just kind of curious, I remember reading a post a while ago from a guy who had several together and everybody kinda lambasted him. Is that the general consensus? Just don't do it? I have a Coral Beauty and he's a jerk to everyone, so I would think if they are all like him then it would just be constant domination bouts. What do I know though.
Rookie Mistake
So I have started to recover from my first big rookie mistake. Many months ago I asked a "worker" at a LFS about Kalwasser to which he said it works great but you need to be very careful with it. Explained how it works and the do's and don'ts. So I took it home and used it successfully several times and then I had an epiphany; if a little bit works good than a lot should work great. I'm sure that most of you know how this ends. After two weeks of Kalwasser I quite literally watched the flesh melt off of my SPS Frags. :bawling::bawling: I was so sad, both frags that my boys picked out when we started the tank and my Hydnophora (my favourite) kicked the bucket in a very quick manner. My Torch is very upset still but I have hope for recovery. I talked to the local fish god and told him what I had done and he said I added probably around three months worth of Kalwasser in two weeks. So, many water changes later I am one lesson wiser and getting everything balanced out again. Everyone I'm sure has a story about the stupid idea or mistake that they pulled while navigating this "hobby". Now I have one too.
Hi guys, another newbie to the fish world....I'm here to learn everything I can about the hobby with the help of everyone. I've kept yellow belly turtles, mollies and plecos before so I do know a little.
I recently bought a 65 litre tank. I plan to keep just 2 clown fish in it with a few CUC (some of hermit crabs and snails) the tank came with a filter but I went and bought the Fluval external filter 206 as recommended by my LFS where I bought the tank. And I know filters should be a larger one. I have my coral sand. But I have a few questions, I want to learn as much as I can!
1. Is my tank big enough for what I plan, and is that alls I'll be able to house?
2. What kind of bulb is needed for clownfish?
3. Which is better, dry or live rock?
4. I want to keep my tank as crystal clear as possible ( I have a slight OCD with cleaning ) and who doesn't like a clean tank?! Would a UV steriliser and protein skimmer be needed?
Thank you! David..
I recently bought a 65 litre tank. I plan to keep just 2 clown fish in it with a few CUC (some of hermit crabs and snails) the tank came with a filter but I went and bought the Fluval external filter 206 as recommended by my LFS where I bought the tank. And I know filters should be a larger one. I have my coral sand. But I have a few questions, I want to learn as much as I can!
1. Is my tank big enough for what I plan, and is that alls I'll be able to house?
2. What kind of bulb is needed for clownfish?
3. Which is better, dry or live rock?
4. I want to keep my tank as crystal clear as possible ( I have a slight OCD with cleaning ) and who doesn't like a clean tank?! Would a UV steriliser and protein skimmer be needed?
Thank you! David..
Adding another clownfish
I have a 36 gallon saltwater tank. I currently have 1 clownfish who is doing just fine. I started my tank off with 2 clownfish not knowing what really could happen. I bought a larger clown and a smaller clown. The 2 clowns got along fine for the first few weeks. After a while the larger clown would swim into the smaller clown, nip at it's fins, and get very territorial. The small clown had destroyed fins and was now staying in a small area of the tank and if it left he would get attacked. I figure this was just them trying to decide their sex as most likely they were not both female as the smaller one never fought back. After 3 months of having them both the smaller one passed away. It's been over a month now since the small one died and I was thinking about getting a new fish. I'm was thinking a royal gramma. Would this work or could this end up badly as my clown seems to be territorial. If you have any suggestions on a fish I can get, any comments regarding my idea of getting a fish, or if you would like to share a story regarding this topic please submit your reply! Thanks! :)
I currently have a reef octopus sump on my 55 gallon tank. i'm thinking of putting in a refugium. can i use an in tank refugium or do i have to break down my sump to add the baffles needed?
These items RARELY go on sale
Don't let these BLACK FRIDAY deals slip away…

- Hanna Checker Alkalinity - 25% OFF
- Hanna Checker Phosphate - 25% OFF
- Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Mix - 15% OFF
- Kent Marine Sea Squirt Feeder - 15% OFF
- Maxspect Gyre XF230 Gyre Pump and Controller - 20% OFF
- AquaMaxx FR-SE Hang-On Filter Media Reactor - 15% OFF
- AquaMaxx HOB 1 Hang-On Back Protein Skimmer - 40% OFF w/ coupon HOB1
- Neptune Systems APEX Wi-Fi Controller System - 10% OFF
- Polyp Lab Reef Roids Coral Food - 20% OFF
- Tunze Osmolator Nano 3152 - 15% OFF
I currently have a reef octopus sump on my 55 gallon tank. i'm thinking of putting in a refugium. can i use an in tank refugium or do i have to break down my sump to add the baffles needed?
Thinking about taking the plunge... again.
I kept reef tanks for 6 or 7 years and got out maybe 12 or so years ago and had a 75 gal and a 29 gal (glass). I'm thinking about starting back with maybe a 130 - 180 gal tank.
I was quite knowledgeable at the time and kept lps, sps, bubble-tip anemone... I became a xenia farmer. I had traditional bio filtration at the time-- live rock, deep sand, protein skimmer, and grew macro algae in my sump. I typically also kept carbon/phosphate bags in my sump. I used metal halide and power compact lighting. I used a calcium reactor for Ca, and all water was RO/DI, which I made with my own RO/DI unit.
My question is, what advancements have been introduced into the hobby over the last 12 years or so? I see LED lighting mentioned, but don't see much about spectrum, kelvin, etc. I assume LEDs are a heck of a lot cooler than my old halides. I'm also interested in automation. Though there was a good bit of automation in my previous setups (the 75 gal much more so than the 29 gal), there was still a good bit of work. I have an adult form of Muscular Dystrophy and get around in a mobility scooter. I don't have the strength to tote 5 gal water jugs around and will only do this with a service coming to the house for weekly or bi-weekly maintenance (under my supervision). Hence, I would want the tank fairly self-sufficient between maintenance visits. The biggest issues I see are keeping the front glass clean (especially free of coralline algae) and freshwater top-off, though freshwater top-off can be automated to some degree. I'm kind of interested in acrylic as leaks and breakage are very rare at least when compared to glass. The problem in the past was that the acrylic scratched very easily and hence, was difficult to clean.
Enough of my rambling. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I was quite knowledgeable at the time and kept lps, sps, bubble-tip anemone... I became a xenia farmer. I had traditional bio filtration at the time-- live rock, deep sand, protein skimmer, and grew macro algae in my sump. I typically also kept carbon/phosphate bags in my sump. I used metal halide and power compact lighting. I used a calcium reactor for Ca, and all water was RO/DI, which I made with my own RO/DI unit.
My question is, what advancements have been introduced into the hobby over the last 12 years or so? I see LED lighting mentioned, but don't see much about spectrum, kelvin, etc. I assume LEDs are a heck of a lot cooler than my old halides. I'm also interested in automation. Though there was a good bit of automation in my previous setups (the 75 gal much more so than the 29 gal), there was still a good bit of work. I have an adult form of Muscular Dystrophy and get around in a mobility scooter. I don't have the strength to tote 5 gal water jugs around and will only do this with a service coming to the house for weekly or bi-weekly maintenance (under my supervision). Hence, I would want the tank fairly self-sufficient between maintenance visits. The biggest issues I see are keeping the front glass clean (especially free of coralline algae) and freshwater top-off, though freshwater top-off can be automated to some degree. I'm kind of interested in acrylic as leaks and breakage are very rare at least when compared to glass. The problem in the past was that the acrylic scratched very easily and hence, was difficult to clean.
Enough of my rambling. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Don't forget about CYBER MONDAY DEALS
There are so many deals that I couldn’t fit them all in one post, so I have provided the direct link to them. Some deals might not be shown, so before you put up your Christmas tree, make sure you go to http://ift.tt/1Nea2Uu website.
Here is a preview:
40% OFF ALL Salifert Test Kits
From 12:01 am on 11/26/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
15% SENEYE Monitors & Accessories
From 12:01 am on 11/25/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
10% OFF Simplicty Pumps & Skimmers
10% OFF ATI lamps and fixtures
From 12:01 am on 11/25/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
Thank you all for shopping with Premium Aquatics for the last 20 years!
Here is a preview:
40% OFF ALL Salifert Test Kits
From 12:01 am on 11/26/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
15% SENEYE Monitors & Accessories
From 12:01 am on 11/25/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
10% OFF Simplicty Pumps & Skimmers
10% OFF ATI lamps and fixtures
From 12:01 am on 11/25/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
Thank you all for shopping with Premium Aquatics for the last 20 years!
tcmas frag swap
Anyone else go to the tcmas expo? I picked up:
Forest fire clove polyps
WWC yellow tip acro
Red dragon acro ( already melted :( )
Pulsing Xenia
JF jack-o-lantern leptoseris
Purple grimmace monti
Starburst monti
Rainbow monti
Green. Nepthea
Green slimer acro
Unknown acro
What did you get?
Forest fire clove polyps
WWC yellow tip acro
Red dragon acro ( already melted :( )
Pulsing Xenia
JF jack-o-lantern leptoseris
Purple grimmace monti
Starburst monti
Rainbow monti
Green. Nepthea
Green slimer acro
Unknown acro
What did you get?
New 180 Overflow Recommendations
I'm upgrading my 75 to a 180. The 180 is an old school glass tank with 2 corner drilled bottom holes. A 1.5" in the left back corner and a 2" in the back right corner. I'm having someone fabricate two black glass overflow boxes.
Question: I'm being told that setting this up with the 1.5" coming from the sump to the tank and 2" being the drain to the sump would not work.......Do I need additional hole drills for sufficient drainage?
Or, use both of those holes as drains and bring the pump input over the back?
I really don't wanna have to move the tank to get the holes drilled....since it weighs a ton!

Question: I'm being told that setting this up with the 1.5" coming from the sump to the tank and 2" being the drain to the sump would not work.......Do I need additional hole drills for sufficient drainage?
Or, use both of those holes as drains and bring the pump input over the back?
I really don't wanna have to move the tank to get the holes drilled....since it weighs a ton!
Novembers final Sunday
Good morning TRT Faithful
Coffee is on......rain all day yesterday. Cancelled three sleigh rides, but enjoyed college football after getting out of wet cloths.
Played vet with Cooper last night. He got a cut between pads on his RR. Was bleeding pretty good, leaving paw prints across rug. Got him to the kitchen floor where Nancy held him on his side while I found the cut [no hardware], clean it with paper towels and betadine. Then gauze patch soaked in same....and a partial roll of vet wrap, which managed to stay on all night. Just took it off this morning....he seems to quite normal; we'll keep an eye on him for appitite and signs of swelling or limping.
Enjoy everyday
Coffee is on......rain all day yesterday. Cancelled three sleigh rides, but enjoyed college football after getting out of wet cloths.
Played vet with Cooper last night. He got a cut between pads on his RR. Was bleeding pretty good, leaving paw prints across rug. Got him to the kitchen floor where Nancy held him on his side while I found the cut [no hardware], clean it with paper towels and betadine. Then gauze patch soaked in same....and a partial roll of vet wrap, which managed to stay on all night. Just took it off this morning....he seems to quite normal; we'll keep an eye on him for appitite and signs of swelling or limping.
Enjoy everyday
samedi 26 novembre 2016
Monthly Post
Trying to keep RMMAC alive. Happy thanksgiving
Help!! Frogspawn bleaching
Hi everyone, I'm having a serious problem... Recently, i bought a set of Evergrow IT5012 AquaOcean Led's to go over my 130gal tank. AFTER installing them, I went out and bought a beautiful frogspawn, now i am fairly new to this hobby and didnt realize that i had my lights set WAY too strongly and i bleached my frogspawn, He is almost completely white on one portion while the other side is starting to get whiter daily. I turned my lights way down but will he recover? and my biggest question is how to tune my lights for my tank? Is there some golden ratio i should be using to mix the six different colour options? I was told to keep them under 20- 30%, but even that seems quite bright.
Anemone ok?
I just bought a LTA from the pet store 2 days ago and put it in my 30 gallon tank with two clowns that are hosting in it. It didn't attach anywhere and laid on its side so I stood it up and scooped sand around it and it hasn't moved. It's open but the tentacles are curled up slightly and it hasn't eaten any of the shrimp I've offered, just held on to it while the clowns ate it. Also the mouth or stomach seemed to be sticking out a little more than it should for a bit. I'm curious if he is alright
Black Friday Weekend Deals: Handpicked Just for You!
Black Friday Weekend Deals: Handpicked Just for You!
Some of your favorites are starting to sell out ... don't miss out!
This weekend's top sellers (so far):
AquaMaxx HOB-1 Protein Skimmer (now 40% off w/ coupon)
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Mix (15% off)
Chemi-Pure Elite Filter Media (20% off w/ coupon)
Neptune Systems Apex Wi-Fi Aquarium Controller (10% off)
IceCap Liquid Dosing Pump (10% off)

Some of your favorites are starting to sell out ... don't miss out!
This weekend's top sellers (so far):
AquaMaxx HOB-1 Protein Skimmer (now 40% off w/ coupon)
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Mix (15% off)
Chemi-Pure Elite Filter Media (20% off w/ coupon)
Neptune Systems Apex Wi-Fi Aquarium Controller (10% off)
IceCap Liquid Dosing Pump (10% off)
FOWLR 125 Gallon (first saltwater tank)
Hello everyone,
This is my first post about my start of getting into Saltwater. I'm planning on doing a 125 gallon that I just purchased and setting it up as a FOWLR.
The one thing I don't know is the best thing for filtration. I purchased a Fluval fx6, but after reading around was curious if I should set up a sump with skimmer tank instead.
Any other advice is welcome too.
This is my first post about my start of getting into Saltwater. I'm planning on doing a 125 gallon that I just purchased and setting it up as a FOWLR.
The one thing I don't know is the best thing for filtration. I purchased a Fluval fx6, but after reading around was curious if I should set up a sump with skimmer tank instead.
Any other advice is welcome too.
Sunny fall Saturday
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Yesterday was slow on here, you all weren't BF shopping were ya? Floor full of snoring children, so something quick and quiet to get us going, and assorted Pop-Tarts are just the thing to go with our coffee and pink milk. Probably looking at a 1/2 day today, if that, but do have the one little boat to haul. There was a shooting at one of our local malls yesterday morning in the wee hours.....one dead, and his brother stable. No one is saying anything about the 'why', if it was BF shopping related or something else. Drove by the mall on the way to work in the morning yesterday, as I do every day and did see the police cars congregated in on spot, but didn't think much about it.....BF strategies or something. Too close to home! hope all are safe, and have good things lined up for their Saturday, and all the best to all,
vendredi 25 novembre 2016
Worm on coral help
Hey guys, I was feeding my tank tonight and found this little bugger on my Kenya tree. He stays wrapped around the corals base and is poking around. The coral is staying open but I am still concerned. It is white and the head appears to have a black stripe? But I'm not sure. Any thoughts??
New skimmer
Hello All:
I have a 94 gallon corner with an approximately 25 gallon wet/dry skimmer. I have an AquaC Venturi skimmer and UV. It's all hand me down equipment that I have been using for about 18 months. I'd like to get a new skimmer for Christmas.
I have 3 chromis
2 oce clowns
1 blenny
2 cleaner shrimp
Some Kenya and a sinularia.
Any good advice on a good skimmer?
I have a 94 gallon corner with an approximately 25 gallon wet/dry skimmer. I have an AquaC Venturi skimmer and UV. It's all hand me down equipment that I have been using for about 18 months. I'd like to get a new skimmer for Christmas.
I have 3 chromis
2 oce clowns
1 blenny
2 cleaner shrimp
Some Kenya and a sinularia.
Any good advice on a good skimmer?
Skimmer for 14g Biocube that is HOB
I already purchased the biocube skimmer and just uninstalled it so I could add a media rack with phospguard filter floss and purigen.
As such, the skimer doesn't fit in chamber 1 anymore. Couple of questions:
1) can I make this an HOB skimmer?
2) Is there a better affordable alternative that I can use as an HOB without doing to many modifications to the tank (rather not use a dremel or something)
Thanks for the advice!
As such, the skimer doesn't fit in chamber 1 anymore. Couple of questions:
1) can I make this an HOB skimmer?
2) Is there a better affordable alternative that I can use as an HOB without doing to many modifications to the tank (rather not use a dremel or something)
Thanks for the advice!
Black Friday: 10-50% off nearly every item in our store!
Little help?
This red algae is starting to get on the wild side and my test kit finally came in
Happy Black Friday!
Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY FRIDAY! Never have, and never will set foot in a 'Black Friday' line. Jen used to work at a Toys-R-Us, and I had to bring her something on a black Friday......That was scary! Still have that 'over ate' feeling this morning, so something light to get us moving......Some toast, white or whole grain with assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk should do. Not sure what to expect at work today, whether the onslaught starts today, or waits for *onday. But it is indeed getting near that time for the big final push at work. Lot depends on the stripers how fast they pass through here. As of Wednesday they were still a touch north of us. Hope all are well, and their Thanksgiving was memorable in a good way, and all the best to all,
jeudi 24 novembre 2016
Polyp Lab Colors product
Hey guys, just wondering if any of you have any experience with Polyp Lab's "Colors" product. On their website it says the product is designed for ultra low nutrient systems but it also helpsreverse bleaching by removing excess nutrients... I'm puzzled here because it is an amino acid complex that is designed to feed ultra low nutrient systems (in other words provide nutrients) but also removes nutrients? How?
Also I'm curious of your successes/failures with this product.
Also I'm curious of your successes/failures with this product.
Starting quarantine system
Hey guys I'm going to start a quarantine system for the tank I am building now and I want to do a 10 gallon fish quarantine and a 10 gallon coral/invert quarantine. I know I need the basics like a tank, heater and filter. I'm looking to see what kind of medications and dips I need and if I need to put a special light over the coral tank?
FOWLR Filtration
Hey everyone, I have a 30 gallon FOWLR tank with about 45 pounds of live rock, a pretty good amount of live sand (enough to cover the bottom of the tank with about an inch or two of it), a 30-60 gallon hang on the back mechanical filter and the 97-gallon Marineland Magnum Internal Canister Filter which is mainly used for polishing but also has a mechanical filter option which I'm using currently. It just cotton and carbon in it.. I have a Midnight Angelfish, 10 Cerith snails, and 1 Turbo Snail that are all doing very good, water parameters are looking good too except the pH is a little low, around 7.8-8.0, which I assume will stabilize. I'm also thinking about getting a bubble tip anemone and some oscillates clownfish which I've had before and liked. I was curious if this seems like enough filtration for my tank and if the the live rock acts like a good biological filter to help bacteria growth, or if I should upgrade to a system with bio balls and ceramic pieces and such. Thanks a lot!
7 day old tank having diatom bloom
The tank is on it's 7th day. 32 gals, cured live rock from LFS, live sand and full treatment with Seachem Stability (as noted on the bottle). However as of 3 days ago, I noticed the diatoms blooming and they cover most of the sand now. Tons of feather dusters all over as well. Is this normal for my tank? Is the cycle progressing normally? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Missing mithrax crab
Hi i have a question that someone might be able to help with
i last saw my green mithax crab about 2 days ago (it around an inch) after i lifted a rock and saw it dangling under it i havent seen it since and there no sign of it. no shells/body no smells to indicate dead thing etc
Any ideas if there a good way to lure crabs out hiding im trying a raw shrimp piece tonight incase its food needed
I just also tryed flipping every rock other then the big skeliton one it hides in normally (i think it tonga shape as looks like ) and no signs still even putting lights deep into it hidden not even a leg that i can see
Id like to see it out more as while its hidden there seems to have been a brown diatom outbreak or something as the live rocks turning brown/orange on parts while coraline spread on others is exploding
The big rock also seems to be growing what looks like roots which im not sure what they are (possible worms?)
Overall question is is my crab still alive and just hidden or something and is there a way to tell if it died and do these things bury in sand (only other option i can think of)
i last saw my green mithax crab about 2 days ago (it around an inch) after i lifted a rock and saw it dangling under it i havent seen it since and there no sign of it. no shells/body no smells to indicate dead thing etc
Any ideas if there a good way to lure crabs out hiding im trying a raw shrimp piece tonight incase its food needed
I just also tryed flipping every rock other then the big skeliton one it hides in normally (i think it tonga shape as looks like ) and no signs still even putting lights deep into it hidden not even a leg that i can see
Id like to see it out more as while its hidden there seems to have been a brown diatom outbreak or something as the live rocks turning brown/orange on parts while coraline spread on others is exploding
The big rock also seems to be growing what looks like roots which im not sure what they are (possible worms?)
Overall question is is my crab still alive and just hidden or something and is there a way to tell if it died and do these things bury in sand (only other option i can think of)
Water Filtration with Water Circulator
I have a 29 gallon Oceanic Biocube. I recently did a new setup on my tank after it was given to me from a previous owner. I am sticking with a saltwater setup. My water pump is running very rough (loud, but it still pumps water).
I bought a water circulator instead of a new pump. My dilemma is that the water is not cycling through the filter system without the water pump running.
I am fairly new to this stuff, so I am hoping someone can give me some guidance. Do I just replace the water pump, or is there a way to incorporate the water circulator into my setup so the water moves through the filtration system?
I bought a water circulator instead of a new pump. My dilemma is that the water is not cycling through the filter system without the water pump running.
I am fairly new to this stuff, so I am hoping someone can give me some guidance. Do I just replace the water pump, or is there a way to incorporate the water circulator into my setup so the water moves through the filtration system?
Happy Thanksgiving
Morning all, made it to my sons in Washington, 10 hrs after getting "discombobulated avoiding traffic accident and looking for a McD's for Brady. Anyway hot pad is heating and couch is calling my name
mercredi 23 novembre 2016
Hydrogen Peroxide as a treatment for Ich
I have been testing Hydrogen Peroxide 3% that you can purchase from any grocery store or drug store. Peroxide is proving to be the fastest, cheapest, easiest and safest Ich cure that was brought to my attention by one of my customers. I used to be a research chemist so I took his results and began studying effective concentrations - 1 ml per gallon in extreme conditions where Ich is covering the fish - 1 ml / 5 gallons when Ich is definitely in the tank – to 1 ml per 10 gallons when you see the first white spot or just suspect Ich. Repeat daily for about 3 weeks. My present recommendation is to reduce the amount of peroxide with time if you started with the 1:1 or 1:5 concentrations to 1:10.
I’ve had the 1:10 and 1:5 ratios work in my personal 135 with no observation of harmful effects. (For calculating the amount of peroxide I used tank size not actual water volume.) I have SPS, LPS, shrimp, starfish, anemones and much more (and fish). My rose bubble tip did react and swelled up but returned to normal a while later. What I do observe is the parasites start to swell and begin falling off the fish. I would hypothesize the same mechanism that’s affecting the Ich is also affecting the anemone to a lesser degree. If you have any what you might perceive as sensitive use the 1:10 ratio.
Hydrogen peroxide H202 is in simple terms water plus oxygen or H2O + O. The oxygen is the effective part that kills or oxidizes bacteria when used in a fresh wound and only water is left. I’m not sure exactly why and how it’s so effective on the parasite and I would love to have a professional analysis to include on my website.
I don’t have enough tanks with Ich to do a more comprehensive study but I would accept all observations to determine the limitations of hydrogen peroxide. Using or not using skimmers, carbon, etc. won’t make a difference because peroxide will decompose into water long before they reach the filter. To be most effective use a fresh bottle (with the latest expiration date) and keep it tightly closed and refrigerated. It is a variable that can maximize effectiveness and promote more consistent observations.
I'm one of your sponsors - Seahorse Aquarium Supply - www.seahorse-nw.com- I have an information only website and don't sell online
I’ve had the 1:10 and 1:5 ratios work in my personal 135 with no observation of harmful effects. (For calculating the amount of peroxide I used tank size not actual water volume.) I have SPS, LPS, shrimp, starfish, anemones and much more (and fish). My rose bubble tip did react and swelled up but returned to normal a while later. What I do observe is the parasites start to swell and begin falling off the fish. I would hypothesize the same mechanism that’s affecting the Ich is also affecting the anemone to a lesser degree. If you have any what you might perceive as sensitive use the 1:10 ratio.
Hydrogen peroxide H202 is in simple terms water plus oxygen or H2O + O. The oxygen is the effective part that kills or oxidizes bacteria when used in a fresh wound and only water is left. I’m not sure exactly why and how it’s so effective on the parasite and I would love to have a professional analysis to include on my website.
I don’t have enough tanks with Ich to do a more comprehensive study but I would accept all observations to determine the limitations of hydrogen peroxide. Using or not using skimmers, carbon, etc. won’t make a difference because peroxide will decompose into water long before they reach the filter. To be most effective use a fresh bottle (with the latest expiration date) and keep it tightly closed and refrigerated. It is a variable that can maximize effectiveness and promote more consistent observations.
I'm one of your sponsors - Seahorse Aquarium Supply - www.seahorse-nw.com- I have an information only website and don't sell online
Carbon and Gfo reactors
Hello all,
Have algea that comes on the glass and rocks pretty fast in my tank and I'm looking into getting a reactor. Either I use carbon, gfo or use microbacteria7 (which is a dosing product) Any suggestions on which I should use? If a reactors the way to go how do these look,
Alright, so I'll be getting a reactor or bacteria7 for black Friday and I'd like to know what's the best or what there used for. I'm looking to get rid of my algea bloom that has been persistent.
Have algea that comes on the glass and rocks pretty fast in my tank and I'm looking into getting a reactor. Either I use carbon, gfo or use microbacteria7 (which is a dosing product) Any suggestions on which I should use? If a reactors the way to go how do these look,
Alright, so I'll be getting a reactor or bacteria7 for black Friday and I'd like to know what's the best or what there used for. I'm looking to get rid of my algea bloom that has been persistent.
Grey/Black Sand?
Hey guys,
I've had my reef tank for about 3-4 months now and during the 3 month mark, I had a big tank crash which was caused by the unnoticed death of my mandarin goby. When i found the goby, only skeleton was left. The tank water turned yellowish brown and I did 50% water change which did not help. Later, all my fish died($140+ worth). I also did numerous tests and did not discover anything odd. However after a month of waiting and constant water changes, my water turned back to normal. Recently, I put in a damsel, just to make sure and it's been swimming fine. Yesterday, two of my snails died, and some parts of my sand on the right side of my tank turned greyish black. I wonder if this has anything to do with the death of the goby and if any bacteria caused from the death is still present. Lastly, the first dead turbo snail I took out had none of its meat left in the shell. I am scared that the snail's carcass will again foul my tank. Please help. I am also really worried about the grey sand so please tell me if you guys know what it is. I can provide pictures of the sand if you need them. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate!
I've had my reef tank for about 3-4 months now and during the 3 month mark, I had a big tank crash which was caused by the unnoticed death of my mandarin goby. When i found the goby, only skeleton was left. The tank water turned yellowish brown and I did 50% water change which did not help. Later, all my fish died($140+ worth). I also did numerous tests and did not discover anything odd. However after a month of waiting and constant water changes, my water turned back to normal. Recently, I put in a damsel, just to make sure and it's been swimming fine. Yesterday, two of my snails died, and some parts of my sand on the right side of my tank turned greyish black. I wonder if this has anything to do with the death of the goby and if any bacteria caused from the death is still present. Lastly, the first dead turbo snail I took out had none of its meat left in the shell. I am scared that the snail's carcass will again foul my tank. Please help. I am also really worried about the grey sand so please tell me if you guys know what it is. I can provide pictures of the sand if you need them. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate!
25% off Hanna Checkers: Alkalinity (dKH) and Phosphate
25% off Hanna Checkers: Alkalinity (dKH) and Phosphate
Hanna Checkers make testing your water super easy. They are seldom on sale, so today's deals are a real treat! Save $12.25 per Checker!
20% off Maxspect
15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps
20% off Vertex Omega Protein Skimmers
15% off Current USA Orbit Marine Lights
15% off AquaMaxx NemoLights
15% off select AquaMaxx Aquariums
10% off IceCap
15% off Red Sea Test Kits
15% off Red Sea Supplements
10% off AutoAqua
15% off JBJ
20% off select Korallen-Zucht
20% off Polyp Lab
10% off Giesemann
10% off ATI
... and 15% off thousands of other items!!!
CLICK HERE to see everything on sale today!
Another pH question
It seems lots of folks use Alkalinity to mean pH or Hardness (dKH) as interchangeably, as Kim Kardashian interchanges "OMG!" with "Let me take a Selfie".
These are (2) different things:
- pH is the level of acidity vs the level of alkalinity (base) on a pH scale
- Carbonate Alkalinity is the level of dissolved solids (Carbonate/biCarbonate Hardness) on a dKH or mg/l or ppm scale
With that said, after weeks of searching and no answers - I am hoping to find someone who understands the difference between these two things, and can answer a question.
How do I increase pH without increasing dKH? I want to increase the Alkalinity of my water (pH) without increasing the Carbonate Alkalinity (dKH).
I already have a high Carbonate Alkalinity, so I don't need or want to increase dKH. The Calcium is also high - I know there is a correlation to dKH. However, no matter what I do or how many water changes I perform, and yes - I have added both an air pump, and piped the inlet for the skimmer to a fresh air supply - no matter what I do, I can't get the pH to increase past a 7.0.
I purchase all my water from my LFS. They use Red Sea as their salt and the water is reverse osmosis.
Could it be a magnesium deficiency? Crappy salt? I'm really at a loss for what causes a low pH and how to increase it in an isolated manner without increasing dKH too.
These are (2) different things:
- pH is the level of acidity vs the level of alkalinity (base) on a pH scale
- Carbonate Alkalinity is the level of dissolved solids (Carbonate/biCarbonate Hardness) on a dKH or mg/l or ppm scale
With that said, after weeks of searching and no answers - I am hoping to find someone who understands the difference between these two things, and can answer a question.
How do I increase pH without increasing dKH? I want to increase the Alkalinity of my water (pH) without increasing the Carbonate Alkalinity (dKH).
I already have a high Carbonate Alkalinity, so I don't need or want to increase dKH. The Calcium is also high - I know there is a correlation to dKH. However, no matter what I do or how many water changes I perform, and yes - I have added both an air pump, and piped the inlet for the skimmer to a fresh air supply - no matter what I do, I can't get the pH to increase past a 7.0.
I purchase all my water from my LFS. They use Red Sea as their salt and the water is reverse osmosis.
Could it be a magnesium deficiency? Crappy salt? I'm really at a loss for what causes a low pH and how to increase it in an isolated manner without increasing dKH too.
Chalice Coral Question
I picked up a chalice yesterday and have been reading very mixed information on placement. Some need high-moderate light, some need shade. Can anyone with chalice experience offer guidance on whether this is placed in a good location or not?
Below is a FTS so you can see the placement (bottom left). Tank is a 65 gallon with the Current USA Orbit LED fixture (soon to be supplemented with 2 t5's).
Also uploaded pictures of the coral. Does the color look right? It almost looks blotchy to me, but all of these that were in the LFS looked that way, and the larger colony also looked that way. I'm not complaining, I think the colors are really cool but want to make sure it is healthy and happy.

Below is a FTS so you can see the placement (bottom left). Tank is a 65 gallon with the Current USA Orbit LED fixture (soon to be supplemented with 2 t5's).
Also uploaded pictures of the coral. Does the color look right? It almost looks blotchy to me, but all of these that were in the LFS looked that way, and the larger colony also looked that way. I'm not complaining, I think the colors are really cool but want to make sure it is healthy and happy.
You guessed it....WEDNESDAY!
Good morning TRT Friends, and......HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Scrambled egg sandwiches to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us moving this morning. Still cool out there but don't see any trees bending in the wind for a change. Expecting another slow day today, but come Friday liable to become busy again. Big night ahead with the prepping for tomorrow's big dinner, so may be a tad sluggish reporting in tomorrow. Hope all are well, and have a great day lined up, and all the best,
mardi 22 novembre 2016
can anyone help
Can anyone please tell me what this new creature is in my tank. I have attached a picture of it. It actually seems to be pulling food into it's center.
Which fish next?
I have a 40 breeder mixed reef with 2 oscellaris clowns and a yellow watchman goby which I've had for 5 years. I am fully bare bottom now. I used to have a six line wrasse and was thinking of replacing it, but wondering if anyone had any favorite fish for that situation that I'm not thinking of.
GFO shocking Corals?
I'm not sure exactly where to post this, as I have soft, sps, and lps, but I thought I'd start here. Over the last couple months, I've been stocking my tank with new corals. This one was set up in May of this year, and since I set it up, I've been using GFO in my carbon/GFO reactor. I started using it in my previous 35 gal and didn't see much of a difference. The last coral I added to that tank was a green goniopora and within a week, I noticed it starting to expand less. Moving back to the 75 gal. When I transferred everything from my 35 to my 75, Goni barely opened at all. I got a toadstool mushroom coral, same thing. Looked great for a week, then stopped expanding, constantly shriveled up. Next, got a plate coral. Same thing, but it didn't even last a week before it started shrinking. I was very confused as to why these corals looked so amazing at the lfs, but started withering when I put them in my tank at home. It took a hell of a lot of research before I came even close to locating the problem. BRS GFO. Not only was I using the recommended dose they said to use, which is waay too much, the new corals I've been adding to my tank were being sucepted to high levels of it from the moment they entered my tank, whereas my lfs doesn't use GFO. This stresses them out and causes them to shrink and stay that way. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain GFO is the culprit. Has anyone else had an experience similar to this? What are some safer alternatives to BRS GFO? How long does it take for corals to recover from something like this?
10% off Reef Octopus Skimmers, Reactors, and DC Pumps
10% off Reef Octopus Skimmers, Reactors, and DC Pumps
Reef Octopus products are normally restricted by MAP, but not today!
Save 10% (up to $92 in savings) on every Reef Octopus skimmer, reactor, and DC pump we carry.
20% off Maxspect
25% off select Hanna Checkers
15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps
20% off Vertex Omega Protein Skimmers
15% off Current USA Orbit Marine Lights
15% off AquaMaxx NemoLights
15% off select AquaMaxx Aquariums
10% off IceCap
15% off Red Sea Test Kits
15% off Red Sea Supplements
10% off AutoAqua
20% off select Korallen-Zucht
20% off Polyp Lab
10% off Giesemann
10% off ATI
... and 15% off thousands of other items!!!
CLICK HERE to see everything on sale today!

What makes a "good" protein skimmer?
Reef Octopus products are normally restricted by MAP, but not today!
Save 10% (up to $92 in savings) on every Reef Octopus skimmer, reactor, and DC pump we carry.
20% off Maxspect
25% off select Hanna Checkers
15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps
20% off Vertex Omega Protein Skimmers
15% off Current USA Orbit Marine Lights
15% off AquaMaxx NemoLights
15% off select AquaMaxx Aquariums
10% off IceCap
15% off Red Sea Test Kits
15% off Red Sea Supplements
10% off AutoAqua
20% off select Korallen-Zucht
20% off Polyp Lab
10% off Giesemann
10% off ATI
... and 15% off thousands of other items!!!
CLICK HERE to see everything on sale today!
What makes a "good" protein skimmer?
BTA advice? Dying?
Hello all, question about my bubble tip nem.... he is a new addition to the tank, I have had him for about three weeks now and he has been healthy, thriving, and absolutely beautiful. He quickly found a happy place and has pretty much stayed there. He came to me with an anemone crab hosting (can be seen in picture) and has shown absolutely no issues with the hosting.
Here's the problem: Every now and then I spot feed my nems and corals, and I went ahead and gave him a small amount of minced raw shrimp last night along with the others tankmates. Everyone else is doing fine, however, today my large nem has very suddenly shriveled up and started gaping. I know gaping is a very bad sign. Did I kill him??
Please refer to attached photo:
Here's the problem: Every now and then I spot feed my nems and corals, and I went ahead and gave him a small amount of minced raw shrimp last night along with the others tankmates. Everyone else is doing fine, however, today my large nem has very suddenly shriveled up and started gaping. I know gaping is a very bad sign. Did I kill him??
Please refer to attached photo:
Morning all :thumbup:
Short sleep session last nite, the one dawg soloing this morning usually is not the one to initiate things, so I knew he HAD to go outside. Even tho it was 4 in the morning, I decided to start the day, or at least not go back to bed. Well, it was a nice 3 hr. sleep regardless :freak: .
Sausage and biscuits with coffee soon to be on the TRT training table ;).
Today's plan is to permanently install the wifi antenna in the shop, today is as good as any , since I don't expect warmer days to be around anymore .
Ran the install scenario thru my brain a few times, so hopefully the outside time along with a attic visit (first time since we moved here 20+ yrs ago )to run the cable, should so smoothly. I hope LOL.
Ordered the last chimney part I needed for the pole barn wood burner install.I luckily got the rest (as SS double walled pipe)from my buddy, so I can't complain about shelling out a few bucks for the stove to round pipe adapter :cool:. Kinda nice knowing the whole shebang pretty much cost the $30 I just spent. The two wood burner stoves I got a number of years ago cost next to nothing,the materials to re-seam the one I'm using , 2 cans of hi-temp stove paint round out the expense laid out ,and adding the part I ordered last nite, it'll be just another next to nothin' spent for a project, project.Imagine I could sell the 2nd stove and prob make money on the big picture, but likely it'll spend the rest of it's days just sitting in storage.
It'll be nice to have cheap/free heat out in the pole barn, tho I'd have to justify running it by being out there while it's in operation, instead of the previous shutting off a kero heater when I decide I'm done for the day.
Well, coffee is ready and will likely be on for a good part of the day. Last one please turn off the burner , ok? :thumbup:
Hope everyone has a great day!:wavey:
Short sleep session last nite, the one dawg soloing this morning usually is not the one to initiate things, so I knew he HAD to go outside. Even tho it was 4 in the morning, I decided to start the day, or at least not go back to bed. Well, it was a nice 3 hr. sleep regardless :freak: .
Sausage and biscuits with coffee soon to be on the TRT training table ;).
Today's plan is to permanently install the wifi antenna in the shop, today is as good as any , since I don't expect warmer days to be around anymore .
Ran the install scenario thru my brain a few times, so hopefully the outside time along with a attic visit (first time since we moved here 20+ yrs ago )to run the cable, should so smoothly. I hope LOL.
Ordered the last chimney part I needed for the pole barn wood burner install.I luckily got the rest (as SS double walled pipe)from my buddy, so I can't complain about shelling out a few bucks for the stove to round pipe adapter :cool:. Kinda nice knowing the whole shebang pretty much cost the $30 I just spent. The two wood burner stoves I got a number of years ago cost next to nothing,the materials to re-seam the one I'm using , 2 cans of hi-temp stove paint round out the expense laid out ,and adding the part I ordered last nite, it'll be just another next to nothin' spent for a project, project.Imagine I could sell the 2nd stove and prob make money on the big picture, but likely it'll spend the rest of it's days just sitting in storage.
It'll be nice to have cheap/free heat out in the pole barn, tho I'd have to justify running it by being out there while it's in operation, instead of the previous shutting off a kero heater when I decide I'm done for the day.
Well, coffee is ready and will likely be on for a good part of the day. Last one please turn off the burner , ok? :thumbup:
Hope everyone has a great day!:wavey:
Moving coral
Hey all,
I might be moving from California to Florida next year and I plan to bring my coral and maybe fish along.The trip will be around 3 days and I've heard corals can sir three days without light. But if I wanted to bring some rocks full of coral could I just put the rocks in a bucket and try to keep the corals from sloshing? And is transporting fish, inverts, sea stars that Long of a distance possible? How would I get the buckets heading btw?
I might be moving from California to Florida next year and I plan to bring my coral and maybe fish along.The trip will be around 3 days and I've heard corals can sir three days without light. But if I wanted to bring some rocks full of coral could I just put the rocks in a bucket and try to keep the corals from sloshing? And is transporting fish, inverts, sea stars that Long of a distance possible? How would I get the buckets heading btw?
lundi 21 novembre 2016
I've had my fish tank for about 6 months now and I was wondering if I should make the exciting journey into coral :biglaugh2:. What do you reckon? IF I was going to get coral in my tank then what lighting would I get? Could you recommend brands of lighting?
I currently have a Platinum Clownfish and am going to the fish store next weekend to get a Mandarin Fish, Flame Angelfish and a Juv Naso Tang that I will give to my friend with a 150Gal tank when it gets too big.
Any advice on the matter would help me greatly. :cool:
I've had my fish tank for about 6 months now and I was wondering if I should make the exciting journey into coral :biglaugh2:. What do you reckon? IF I was going to get coral in my tank then what lighting would I get? Could you recommend brands of lighting?
I currently have a Platinum Clownfish and am going to the fish store next weekend to get a Mandarin Fish, Flame Angelfish and a Juv Naso Tang that I will give to my friend with a 150Gal tank when it gets too big.
Any advice on the matter would help me greatly. :cool:
Fish Civil Rights
As I was sitting here enjoying a tuna fish sandwich with a side of shrimp cocktail I was thinking about a thread I saw yesterday about how to euthanize a fish. Now I have been keeping fish since trillobites were the best clean up crew so I certainly don't want to see fish suffer, but I wonder how this tuna was euthanized or these shrimp.
Did they carefully put it in a small container, play soft music and dose it with clove oil? I really don't know. Those shrimp too. How did they meet their end?
Being of Italian decent, on Christmas it is our custom to have at least 7 different kinds of sea food for dinner. Last Christmas we had over twenty. Does that make us bad? Of course we never eat fish in view of my tank as that would be like canibalism and my fish may get the horrors.
My family owned a seafood market and on Fridays my Dad would bring me down to the Fulton Fish Market in lower Manhattan to buy the seafood for his store. It is amazing that those tons of fish that were uncerimonesly dumped on the sidewalk, then moved around with snow shovels. Were they all euthanized. I wonder where they got the time.
And how much clove oil were they using?
In those days there were also huge sea turtles still alive on their backs. Now I know they were just pets as no one I know would hurt a beautiful sea turtle.
Every day I feed my fish live blackworms, clams and mysis. I am not sure if each one of those worms has feelings or thinks about it's family just before it gets eaten.
The millions of mysis also. Do they have more civil rights than the new born brine shrimp I feed my mandarins. Is there a brine shrimp rights group? How about the goldfish we sometimes feed to our moray eels. Do they have less rights than say a lionfish or tang? What if we fed tiny tangs to large goldfish, would that be OK? :o
If we were to cycle a tank with a live fish or shrimp we would get yelled at from everyone, but it seems to be perfectly fine to cycle a tank with a fish or shrimp that suffocated on the deck of a ship. I wonder about that. I also wonder about the leather belt I am wearing. How did they remove that strip of skin from that cow without him noticing. :cry:
Many people dip corals in insecticide before they put them in their tanks to kill "pests". I am sure those "pests" think of us as pests and worse, murderers. If those "pests" were larger and cuter we would keep them as pets and try to kill the corals they were living on.
Just one of the things I think about. :cool:
Did they carefully put it in a small container, play soft music and dose it with clove oil? I really don't know. Those shrimp too. How did they meet their end?
Being of Italian decent, on Christmas it is our custom to have at least 7 different kinds of sea food for dinner. Last Christmas we had over twenty. Does that make us bad? Of course we never eat fish in view of my tank as that would be like canibalism and my fish may get the horrors.
My family owned a seafood market and on Fridays my Dad would bring me down to the Fulton Fish Market in lower Manhattan to buy the seafood for his store. It is amazing that those tons of fish that were uncerimonesly dumped on the sidewalk, then moved around with snow shovels. Were they all euthanized. I wonder where they got the time.
And how much clove oil were they using?
In those days there were also huge sea turtles still alive on their backs. Now I know they were just pets as no one I know would hurt a beautiful sea turtle.
Every day I feed my fish live blackworms, clams and mysis. I am not sure if each one of those worms has feelings or thinks about it's family just before it gets eaten.
The millions of mysis also. Do they have more civil rights than the new born brine shrimp I feed my mandarins. Is there a brine shrimp rights group? How about the goldfish we sometimes feed to our moray eels. Do they have less rights than say a lionfish or tang? What if we fed tiny tangs to large goldfish, would that be OK? :o
If we were to cycle a tank with a live fish or shrimp we would get yelled at from everyone, but it seems to be perfectly fine to cycle a tank with a fish or shrimp that suffocated on the deck of a ship. I wonder about that. I also wonder about the leather belt I am wearing. How did they remove that strip of skin from that cow without him noticing. :cry:
Many people dip corals in insecticide before they put them in their tanks to kill "pests". I am sure those "pests" think of us as pests and worse, murderers. If those "pests" were larger and cuter we would keep them as pets and try to kill the corals they were living on.
Just one of the things I think about. :cool:
20% OFF Maxspect GYRE, LEDs + 10% OFF Octopus and more
* I have included the direct link to the product below each advertisement *


Enjoy 10% OFF on all IceCap Sumps, Skimmers and accessories. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
Enjoy 10% OFF on all Giesemann LED & T5 lamps. From 12:01 am on11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.


20% OFF Maxspect Razor LEDs. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on11/28/2016 EST.
10% OFF Bubble King Skimmers and Red Dragon Pumps. From 12:01 am on11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.


15% OFF Rods Frozen Fish Foods. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.

Detailed Deals Here
Enjoy 10% OFF on all IceCap Sumps, Skimmers and accessories. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
Enjoy 10% OFF on all Giesemann LED & T5 lamps. From 12:01 am on11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
20% OFF Maxspect Razor LEDs. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on11/28/2016 EST.
10% OFF Bubble King Skimmers and Red Dragon Pumps. From 12:01 am on11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
15% OFF Rods Frozen Fish Foods. From 12:01 am on 11/21/2016 to 11:59 pm on 11/28/2016 EST.
Detailed Deals Here
Ich outbreak and need help
alright i have an issue with ich
i bought a blue hippo tang from a store and it looked great,
when i got it home and under a different type of light, i saw ich all over it but small little white dots not huge massive ones, so i tossed it in my QT and dosed it with "copper power" waited and checked it out then saw that it was getting better about 2 weeks later it looked clean and healthy, so i scooped it and acclimated it to my main display tank.
then about a month later it develops ich spots again, and about 2 weeks later my other fish are starting to get ich, i have since gotten rid of my QT.
i have done searches and found a ton of ways to treat this issue but my tank has corals i do not want to lose, so copper is out.
have had this setup for about 6-7 months
everything up until the hippo has been fine, and healthy
all the fish in the tank eat alot and i feed them mysis shrimp & Nori
1 tiny black clown
1 bibolor blenny
1 dwarf angel
1 yellow tang
1 sailfin tang
2 damsels
1 blue hippo
1 purple tip Anemone
1 emerald crab
5 different Corals (ones a frogspawn for sure)
Fluval 206
Sump with live rock and bioballs
UV Sterlizer
Salitnity - 1.021(normally 1.025)
Nitrates - 20-40ppm
Calcium - 520ppm
DKh - 10
phosphate - 0 ppm
i dont want to add copper to my tank.
i am overwhelmed with how many different treatment options there are for this and kinda confused on what to do, and need help before the fish die.
what i have done today about 30 mins ago is add another hear and maxed it out at 85 degrees and maxed out my other to the same 85 degrees, while turned off my lights.
i bought a blue hippo tang from a store and it looked great,
when i got it home and under a different type of light, i saw ich all over it but small little white dots not huge massive ones, so i tossed it in my QT and dosed it with "copper power" waited and checked it out then saw that it was getting better about 2 weeks later it looked clean and healthy, so i scooped it and acclimated it to my main display tank.
then about a month later it develops ich spots again, and about 2 weeks later my other fish are starting to get ich, i have since gotten rid of my QT.
i have done searches and found a ton of ways to treat this issue but my tank has corals i do not want to lose, so copper is out.
have had this setup for about 6-7 months
everything up until the hippo has been fine, and healthy
all the fish in the tank eat alot and i feed them mysis shrimp & Nori
1 tiny black clown
1 bibolor blenny
1 dwarf angel
1 yellow tang
1 sailfin tang
2 damsels
1 blue hippo
1 purple tip Anemone
1 emerald crab
5 different Corals (ones a frogspawn for sure)
Fluval 206
Sump with live rock and bioballs
UV Sterlizer
Salitnity - 1.021(normally 1.025)
Nitrates - 20-40ppm
Calcium - 520ppm
DKh - 10
phosphate - 0 ppm
i dont want to add copper to my tank.
i am overwhelmed with how many different treatment options there are for this and kinda confused on what to do, and need help before the fish die.
what i have done today about 30 mins ago is add another hear and maxed it out at 85 degrees and maxed out my other to the same 85 degrees, while turned off my lights.
Coral Pro Salt price
Does anybody know why Coral Pro Salt 22kg has had a price spike. It is now £67.99 :angry:, did I miss anything as I paid £55 back in January. There is no way in hell im paying that new price. So im now looking at buying Seachem Reef Salt 600ltr which is £49.95.
Fish dying
Hello everyone please help urgent, my fish starting to die. I notice they are pretty white on their body not sure what is it, look like tank have some disease and need to fix quick or else all fish will die, look like coral are OK. I test my water everything look OK. Look like there is a disease in the tank can someone please look at the picture clown fish turning to white. Can some tell what could be wrong and how to fix them. Thank very much.
20% off Maxspect Gyre, Ethereal, Razor, and Celestial
Black Friday Daily Deals!
TODAY: 20% off Maxspect Gyre, Ethereal, Razor, and Celestial!
10% off Reef Octopus
10% off AutoAqua
10% off IceCap
10% off Waveline
20% off Polyp Lab
10% off Giesemann
20% off select Korallen-Zucht
25% off select Hanna Checkers
15% off Red Sea Test Kits
15% off Red Sea Supplements
15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps
20% off Vertex Omega Protein Skimmers
... and 15% off thousands of other items!
CLICK HERE to see everything on sale today!!!

Maxspect Gyre 200 Series Water Circulation Pumps
TODAY: 20% off Maxspect Gyre, Ethereal, Razor, and Celestial!
10% off Reef Octopus
10% off AutoAqua
10% off IceCap
10% off Waveline
20% off Polyp Lab
10% off Giesemann
20% off select Korallen-Zucht
25% off select Hanna Checkers
15% off Red Sea Test Kits
15% off Red Sea Supplements
15% off Neptune Systems WAV Pumps
20% off Vertex Omega Protein Skimmers
... and 15% off thousands of other items!
CLICK HERE to see everything on sale today!!!
Maxspect Gyre 200 Series Water Circulation Pumps
Zoanthid eating nudi's
This is the first of a few separate threads I'm going to be making, as I'm having several different problems.
I have a big colony of mixed zoas that are under attack by zoa eating nudi's, the green ones. Their numbers are still small, but I know they're there as I've seen them, and I want to nip this in the butt before they travel to my other zoa colonies. The problem is, I bought Coral Rx, but it states it will kill inverts and I have a micro brittle sea star that lives inside the colony crevices, and also a beautiful(unidentified) anemone living on this rock as well. I don't believe this is a common anemone you can just buy in a lfs, because it hitchhiked on the colony and I can't find anything on it online. bottom line is that is is thriving and I refuse to part with it. So.... How on earth do I deal with these nudi's? I'm afraid to even just do a FW dip because it might harm the anemone.
I have a big colony of mixed zoas that are under attack by zoa eating nudi's, the green ones. Their numbers are still small, but I know they're there as I've seen them, and I want to nip this in the butt before they travel to my other zoa colonies. The problem is, I bought Coral Rx, but it states it will kill inverts and I have a micro brittle sea star that lives inside the colony crevices, and also a beautiful(unidentified) anemone living on this rock as well. I don't believe this is a common anemone you can just buy in a lfs, because it hitchhiked on the colony and I can't find anything on it online. bottom line is that is is thriving and I refuse to part with it. So.... How on earth do I deal with these nudi's? I'm afraid to even just do a FW dip because it might harm the anemone.
A hang-on Monday
Good morning TRt Friends, and.....HAPPY *ONDAY! Al*ost cold, but the winds are honking out there, and will re*ain all day. Hot butter*ilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink *ilk to get us out there today. Will need a 2nd or 3rd sweatshirt to work out in the yard today....supposed to have a couple haul outs today, so a real hand watching day today as the wind drives the boats wild in our lift well till I get control of them in *y slings. Hope all are safe and well, and all the best to all,
dimanche 20 novembre 2016
Lighting for 125
Starting a mixed reef (first reef) and stalled (posted similar question in 2014) due to young kids and a pain in butt move. Finally getting going again but am hung up on lights. Ideally I would like to do LED/T5 mix but of course I am still a newly and don't want to be rebuying or overhauling in near future. But, over buying too much without any real experience seems silly.
48x24x24 120 g, planning mixed reef. Tempted to just do Kessil 360 wides. Would I need 3? Hybrid probably won't work because I also have a hood that would make retrofitting hard to leave enough room to be able to work above tank without having to take the hood off.
48x24x24 120 g, planning mixed reef. Tempted to just do Kessil 360 wides. Would I need 3? Hybrid probably won't work because I also have a hood that would make retrofitting hard to leave enough room to be able to work above tank without having to take the hood off.
New Aquarium YouTube channel
Hey guys I have just started adding aquarium videos to my YouTube channel and would like for you guys to take a look. I am doing a series right now on my 300 gallon plywood reef tank that I built 2 years old!
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYq...RPFJIaIS2xlg2w
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYq...RPFJIaIS2xlg2w
Copper Band Butterfly?
Hello All:
I have a 94 gallon bow front with:
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
1 bi color blenny
1 neon green sinularia
1 kenya tree (medium size)
2 kenya tree (small size)
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner shrimp
I have about 60lbs of LR.
The tank is 18 months old.
Water parameters are good. I run a 25 gallon sump, UV, skimmer, live sand bed etc.
Every once in a while I get an aiptasia. I usually zap them with X.
I would like to add a fish, and I would like to add one that does something for the tank.
I was thinking of a CBB.
Would it bother my corals or shrimp? I previously had 2 peppermint shrimp but after about a month they died. I was also thinking of buying a bunch of them instead of the CBB.
Any thought would be appreciated.
I have a 94 gallon bow front with:
3 blue/green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
1 bi color blenny
1 neon green sinularia
1 kenya tree (medium size)
2 kenya tree (small size)
2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner shrimp
I have about 60lbs of LR.
The tank is 18 months old.
Water parameters are good. I run a 25 gallon sump, UV, skimmer, live sand bed etc.
Every once in a while I get an aiptasia. I usually zap them with X.
I would like to add a fish, and I would like to add one that does something for the tank.
I was thinking of a CBB.
Would it bother my corals or shrimp? I previously had 2 peppermint shrimp but after about a month they died. I was also thinking of buying a bunch of them instead of the CBB.
Any thought would be appreciated.
Coral Crab & Snapping Shrimp video
Thought I would share. Have a pink bird's nest about 6 inchs wide. Living there is a commensal Coral Crab and a Snapping Shrimp. Very busy little guys. Thought I would share a quick video.
Here is another of just the coral crab protecting his home from a scarlet hermit crab passing by!
Here is another of just the coral crab protecting his home from a scarlet hermit crab passing by!
Dear All: I have a 180G mixed reef tank, and have had NO3/PO4 issues for years. I am running Carbon, and 2 months ago, started using BRS Biopellets. I am also dosing NOPOX. When I started with the biopellets, I stopped running GFO (in my BRS dual reactor--the other chamber is where the carbon is). Today is the 8 week mark for the biopellets. Upon testing today, my PO4 levels have finally come down (.36), but I want them down even further. My NO4 levels have not budged. BRS recommends that the biopellets run for 8 weeks, and during that time shut-off the UV Sterilizer and stop dosing GFO.
Can I keep the biopellets running, and at the same time, dose NOPOX and/or Neonitro? Or is that a bad idea? I have gotten mixed answers from BRS on this, and don't want to dose too much OR dose things simultaneously that may result in some sort of chemistry disaster.
Thanks for any help.
Can I keep the biopellets running, and at the same time, dose NOPOX and/or Neonitro? Or is that a bad idea? I have gotten mixed answers from BRS on this, and don't want to dose too much OR dose things simultaneously that may result in some sort of chemistry disaster.
Thanks for any help.
1st snow sunday!
Morning All!
Never slept last night! Have to call my BIL to tell him that were having Thanksgiving with my other BIL and one of his kids at my house! It really hurts to tell him because he enjoys cooking for all and happy that were all together. But just can't be in that bad situation or for my other nephew to be around it! You don't even know the half of it! Enough talk about kit! Buy now the french toast with bacon is ready and coffee is always ready any kind any way! The sun is coming up and we got are first snow!:blob: Hope you all have a wonderfull day!
Never slept last night! Have to call my BIL to tell him that were having Thanksgiving with my other BIL and one of his kids at my house! It really hurts to tell him because he enjoys cooking for all and happy that were all together. But just can't be in that bad situation or for my other nephew to be around it! You don't even know the half of it! Enough talk about kit! Buy now the french toast with bacon is ready and coffee is always ready any kind any way! The sun is coming up and we got are first snow!:blob: Hope you all have a wonderfull day!
Snowy Saturday
Morning everyone.
Looks like I caught a cold from Denise. Popped some Sudafed and waiting for my sinuses to unload.
Off to HD this morning to replace a door handle to outside, then off at 11 to Ontario and the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Should be snowy the entire way, with more wind than flakes.
Sorry to hear about your family being split over the election George. I am sure back in 2008 many people were upset to. No reason to not get along with family or friends, and sore losers and less than graceful winners should just behave like adults.
Coffee is on.
Looks like I caught a cold from Denise. Popped some Sudafed and waiting for my sinuses to unload.
Off to HD this morning to replace a door handle to outside, then off at 11 to Ontario and the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Should be snowy the entire way, with more wind than flakes.
Sorry to hear about your family being split over the election George. I am sure back in 2008 many people were upset to. No reason to not get along with family or friends, and sore losers and less than graceful winners should just behave like adults.
Coffee is on.
samedi 19 novembre 2016
New Saltwater plumbing question
So I'm new to the saltwater aquariums and I'm getting a lot of information from the forums very helpful!
So here it goes I've beeb looking at plumbing i bought a used 55 gallon tank that came with an HOB overflow. Now i did the glass check and i can drill my tank, which I'm planning to do but i need some help.
I don't want to go with animal bean because i don't want anything on the back of my tank, i want it as close as possible against the wall.
Some info about my setup i got a new RS-100 sump 3rd gen from eshopps and a jecob DCS-5000 pump.
How big do my bulkheads have to be? And how do i plumb them? I saw some people making two with 90 elbows, one up and one down. (Herbie if I'm not misstaken) and how big should my overflow box be?
Then the last question is should i drill a hole for my return line or just keep the U style that hangs over the back?
Any help would be gratefully appreciated :D
So I'm new to the saltwater aquariums and I'm getting a lot of information from the forums very helpful!
So here it goes I've beeb looking at plumbing i bought a used 55 gallon tank that came with an HOB overflow. Now i did the glass check and i can drill my tank, which I'm planning to do but i need some help.
I don't want to go with animal bean because i don't want anything on the back of my tank, i want it as close as possible against the wall.
Some info about my setup i got a new RS-100 sump 3rd gen from eshopps and a jecob DCS-5000 pump.
How big do my bulkheads have to be? And how do i plumb them? I saw some people making two with 90 elbows, one up and one down. (Herbie if I'm not misstaken) and how big should my overflow box be?
Then the last question is should i drill a hole for my return line or just keep the U style that hangs over the back?
Any help would be gratefully appreciated :D
Sicce and Tunze Black Friday Promo SALE!
Sicce Xstream pumps - Black Friday Promo Sale.
Tunze Black Friday Promo Sale
Nanostream 6055 Reg. 184.99
BF SALE $138.74
Nanostream 6095 Reg. 230.01
BF SALE $172.50
Nanostream 6105 Reg. 285.01
BF SALE $213.75
Tank Cycling
I've added a shrimp to my tank after its been up an running for over a week and have tested the water today and have an ammonia reading of 0.4. My question is how long do i leave the shrimp in the tank is until it is completely gone or just to start the ammonia cycle. I was also recommended some Pure reef balance balls by my LFS and have added the correct amount to my sump to increase my live bacteria to my live rock and sand. Just wanted to know about the shrimp and is it just a waiting time now until the ammonia and nitrite level hits 0.
Neon Green Sinularia Question
Hello All:
I got a neon green sinularia about a month ago that appears to be doing well.
It always had a small section branching off its base that looked like new growth.
Today I notice that branch is small and whitish... do they drop babies like Kenya Trees? Could this be some form of propagation or is that part possibly dying off?
In the picture, you can see just to the right of the sinularia where the branch was... very near the base, close to the rock it sits on.
I got a neon green sinularia about a month ago that appears to be doing well.
It always had a small section branching off its base that looked like new growth.
Today I notice that branch is small and whitish... do they drop babies like Kenya Trees? Could this be some form of propagation or is that part possibly dying off?
In the picture, you can see just to the right of the sinularia where the branch was... very near the base, close to the rock it sits on.
Anemone is Biocube yes or no?
I have two clowns, and I thought it be cool for them to host an anemone, but I know sometimes they don't even host one even if you have it. I also have hammers, frogspawn, and a toad stool which I have read they sometimes host. I'm wondering if there is a sea anemone that clowns use that will not reek havoc in my tank and sting everything. 29 gallon bio cube.
Snowy Saturday
Sorry if I missed the morning thread but I didn't see any other posts. I guess I'll start it. Coffee and blueberries from the freezer for a quick breakfast before I head off to the YMCA to swim before heading into work.
Well, it happened last night the first snow of the season. Just a dusting but still a sign of things to come.
Everyone have a great day
Well, it happened last night the first snow of the season. Just a dusting but still a sign of things to come.
Everyone have a great day
vendredi 18 novembre 2016
Black Friday Starts NOW - save 18% + HUGE PROMOs
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