mardi 22 décembre 2015

Newbie needs help! (30g tank for 3+ months)

Hi, so I set up a 30g saltwater tank 3 months ago, and my damsels keep dying (6 so far, were added 1 at a time) while my hermits and snails are still alive. I believe my tank is cycled. And if my understanding's right, invertebrates should be more sensitive and easier to die than fish? Help? Advice?

My parameters:
Temp: 78, LED light with timer 6hr/day
Saltility: 1.024
Ammonia, Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5-10ppm (if it get higher, I do 15% water change)
pH: 8.0

Here is what I did from beginning:
I started of with 15lbs of LR and 1 1/2 inch live sandbed. I mixed the water and let the tank sit for about 3 weeks (I was busy and lazy at the same time :D ). Then I added a 10g sump, with skimmer, 420gph return pump, a VorTech MP10 powerhead, 2 100W heaters (one in the tank and one in the sump), some more LR. I let everything running for about 3 weeks. Then I added a damsel, it died overnight, and the next two damsels too. So I decided to re-cycle my tank with Ammonia Chloride. After Ammonia and Nitrite hit 0, I started adding damsels again, they died after a few days. 2 weeks ago, I added 6 hermits crabs, 2 turbo snails, 1 black and white snapper, all at the same time. The fish died after 3 days, all others lived. And I never see the fish eat. I feed them "New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula". I did made a mistake by adding some Tetra EasyBalance for FW, but it should cleared out with the water changes, right? I'm confused.

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