samedi 26 décembre 2015

How do I care for baby dwarf seahorses?

I have had 4 dwarf seahorses for about 4 months now. Two days ago I noticed little squiggles of white floating around and when I looked closer they were baby hippoccampus zosterae! It's been two days now and I have had one-day-old baby brine shrimp available for them 24 hours a day.

My real question is, do they need to be with their parents to learn how to feed of of the live food?

I haven't seen them eating but they could very well be when I'm not looking! After running around screaming for a few seconds, I fished them out with a shotglass. I have placed them in a big glass so I can keep an eye on them all day and now that it is winter break and there is no school, I can bring them upstairs during the night and downstairs during the day.

Any help is muchly appreciated!

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