jeudi 31 décembre 2015

My new tank and a few questions to go along.

Hello! I am very new to this. I just bought a 65 gallon tank and want to start a reef tank. Now I plan on running an overflow box (CPR CS) and sump which I have but i do have a few questions...
1. which rock is better FIJI or Caribbean and how much?
2. what gph powerheads and how many( was thinking 2 in the middle pointing down and 1 on either side)
3. do i need a protien skimmer? ( i plan on having lps and sps with the sps being added in later)
4. what size return pump do i need? (I have a 700gph mag 7,just not sure if this is right for my tank.)

I think that is all for now. very new to this like I said. I just want to get all the equipment together now so i dont have to run around last minute because I've forgotten something or found out that what i have is not up to par. Thanks!!!

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