jeudi 31 décembre 2015

40 b tank 6 mos old

Hi I have a 40 gal breeder tank. It has been going for about 6 mos. And after surviving red hair algae, water hardness disaster ,and total invert die off in the first 2 mos. It has finally leveled out and doing great.

Mandarin dragonet
Clown fish
Blue damsel
6 line wrasse

2 small red leg hermit crabs
Sand sifting starfish
2 snails

Hitchhikers: brittle star, 2 small white and yellow starfish, 3 bristle worms,numerous snails abalone and other.

Bp2 skimmer, large over the back filter, 300 w heater,530 gph wavemaker.

Polyps,mushrooms,ZOA's,feather dusters, red and purple coralline algae. Kenya tree corals. In tank basket with macro algae.
28 lbs live rock. And 1.5 in live sand.

PH 8.0
Nitrates 0
Ammonia 0

I am still adding corals, and debating one more fish (lawnmower blenny maybe)

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