dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Setting up a Fowlr

So I'm barley starting my very first saltwater set-up and wanted your opinions on it.
So far I have the fowling:
50 gallon tank with canopy
Protein Skimmer
2 Wave makers
3 Huge dry rocks about 120 lbs
Salt (from my LFS)

Four Questions
1. Am I missing something else besides substrate and Rodi unit?
2. Can I get 40 lbs of dry sand and 10 lbs of live sand? Will that work?
3. Im planning to get another 50 lbs of live rock, is that fine?
4. When I start adding water in my tank, I'm going to add the water in the 25 gallon bucket then add salt (measuring it as well) then pouring it in my tank then I grab another 25 gallon bucked and repeat the process until its full? Is this the right way?
Thank you for your advice

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