jeudi 31 décembre 2015


Hey Guys, I'm here to report my experience with Radions and Chinese LEDS. People always trash Chinese LEDs and bash the cheaper light brands in favor of Radions. However, In my trial of both Chinese LEDs and Radions (each over 1 half of my 125 gallon reef) I have found Chinese LEDs to be far superior to Radions for the price. For $600 you would expect a far superior light but you really only get an overhyped light that can't out due cheap $150 Chinese LEDs. Coral growth has been much greater on the half that is covered by the Chinese LEDS. I wanted to see what you guys think but I think that Radions are overhyped, over priced, light fixtures. Any comments on this? I just want to see if other people have experienced the same thing as me.


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