vendredi 1 décembre 2017 is horrible

I just spent 1 week messing with, and their manager "Mary" finally told me she could not help.

They notified me a fish was in stock, I was waiting on a clown trigger, I ordered it. they sent me an email it was not in stock and to select a replacement so I went online and selected some other fish. they emailed me not in stock. I tried calling the line rings and rings, must be like 20 times, I get online and chat with "Chrissy" she reiterates the same thing "those fish are not available" ok I requested alternative fish that were a few dollars off. Chrissy says due to the inconvenience she will credit the small difference. I feel good about my purchase. then comes the request for more money, so I get back online ( this is like 2 hours of my life I want back) I get Mary she says she is the manager and says "we can't credit you that!!!" I say ok Chrissy said she would. well we can't. I am busy at work so I go work. I get an email we checked your chat and Chrissy informed you of the charge (bold faced lie) we can cancel your order or you can pay the difference. I probably should have paid but just got pissed I get back online and Get Amanda she says Mary is out, I say I am thinking about canceling my order all together. she cancels it and actually has the nerve to say happy holidays. do not ever order from just saying I called my local fish store and they ordered my clown trigger for a few dollars more and so much better customer service.

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