jeudi 14 décembre 2017

15 Gallon Frag Tank Build


Now i can resume my little frag tank build over the holidays!

The tank is a normal 15 gallon tank, with a false wall i built in for an area to store my live rock, heater, mini skimmer, ect.

One question is due to the limited volume of my in-tank sump id like to use something other than golf ball sized live rock rubble in order to maximize the amount i can use. I dont really want to go buy rubble rock, and spend time looking like a manic while smashing it, wrapped in a rag, in my drive way. What would be a good alternative to this? Crushed coral or can you buy bags of crushed live rock?

The idea is to put the rubble or substrate in a mesh bag in the in-tank sump, so i can pull it out and rinse it really well to prevent detritus build up. so it cant be super fine, maybe roughly the size of marbles?

Thanks, as always, for all of your contributions to both my questions and this forum as a whole.


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