dimanche 31 décembre 2017

PhaneSoul's 40b DIY all-in-one system

Hey all! Its been awhile since ive really been active. Ive been lurking mostly for the past year or so, commenting here and there but after the fall of my last system (due to no part of myself or the system) i kindve got discouraged starting from scrap besides a few pumps, equipment and small tanks that I could salvage.

In may i started a 20g AIO system with 2 caramel clowns, 2 purple firefish, a serpent seastar and a yellow coral banded shrimp as a 'nightstand' tank. Its still going, although something happened with my shrimp a few weeks ago, it shed and came out missing a good portion of its legs and claws and hardly mobile, a few weeks later and it regrew one claw and is still surviving, hopefully this new tank upgrade will help it get to better health. Although the health part may also be my contribution as i havent done a water change on this tank in probably 5 months now with just a skimmer removing waste (alot of it) and only pellets for food. I never planned on this system having coral so it has a very weak light only meant to provide little light when the bedroom light is out.

Anyways. I figured a 20g is just as big as a 40b stand right (reefer logic at its finest).

But to cut down on noise, equipment, maintenance, it would naturally be a all in one system since it is still in my bedroom and it will also be a medium to high nutrient system which should allow me to have euyphilla, zoas, maybe an sps here and there, acans and a toadstool (or other corals that will tolerate the system).

So ive designed a system around my wants. I know which coral should do well within it, the fish wont change much, ill probably get a pair of yellow watchman gobies and 2 other fish that will take to the water column to provide more activity, not sure wich ones yet. The system will have a half inch special grade aragonate sandbed, a reef octopus bh 50 skimmer (which i already have), a reactor employing a mixed bed of gfo and carbon, a dc 12000 return pump (dialed down to about 300gph but i need the full power of the return pump for maintenance), led/ t5 light combo, about 15 pounds of pukani live rock and i may or may not have chaeto in the sump area.

Ive already designed and water tested the system i designed and i need to redesign it. The baffles will only sustain around 600gph of flow. I would like the baffles blacked out and i need to redesign the plumbing (cuz i made a couple mistakes). The 1$ per gallon sale ended before i could get a new 40b so ill have to wait until the next one, but ill push forward in transferring everything over and redesigning the return plumbing.

Thats about it for the post. Ill post a few pics here once i get them uploaded to the site. Untill then, all enjoy your new years!

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