mardi 12 décembre 2017

Fishload Question

Hello All - please see tank params below. I'm debating adding 1 more final fish (6 Line Wrasse) and would like to seek your advice. I'm not having any issues. I check, sometimes daily, PO4/NO3 and always get 0 readings via Hanna PO4 and Salifert NO3 kits. I feel that I feed heavy at 2x daily with morning 1/4 cube PE Mysis and then alternate evenings of NLS Pellets and a mixture of LRS Nano Frenzy/Reef Roids/Reef Chili mixture. Algae is almost nonexistent - just a light dusting of diatoms on the glass every 3-4 days. 2 weeks ago I added the chaeto reactor and the chaeto growth is going crazy - already removed chaeto 2x. What are your thoughts about adding the Six Line to complete the fishload?

25G Cube DT
Eshopps Berlin style sump w/ 4" 200 micron filter sock
Reef Octopus 110 SSS Protein Skimmer
Ecotech XR15 Pro Lighting - Ecotech SPS AB+ program at 45% max intensity for 6 hours/day
(2) Ecotech MP10s - 60% peak power
BRS Dosers - 12mL/day Ca/Alk
BRS Reactor - 1/2 cup of biopellets
TLF 150 Chaeto Reactor
BRS Lignite Carbon in media bag
~25# Live Rock
(2) media bags filled with Seachem Matrix in sump
Fish: Midas Blenny, Royal Gramma, (2) small clownfish - fed 2x daily
Corals: Mixed Reef
Inverts: RBTA Anemone, (1) Trochias snails, (2) Red Leg Hermits, (1) Sally Lightfoot Crab
Parameters: Temp - 78-79F, Salinity - 1.025, Ph - 8.0-8.15, Alk - 9.2dKH, Calcium - 420ppm, Magnesium - 1450ppm, Nitrate - 0, Phosphate = 0
5 gallon water changes every 2 weeks with Aqua Vitro Salinty

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