mercredi 13 décembre 2017

Corals won't open??

I have something going on I have no idea why my corals are so pissed. I have an anemone that moved, trumpet coral ,mushrooms , and flower pot corals that are all retracted.. So weird bc not too much changed. All my levels are good but to low? Zero ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, phosphate 0. Ph 8.1 and temp 78 .

So for months corals have been great but I had marine velvet and was fallow for 80 days.. I got super excited bc this weekend I was able to add a small clown fish from my qt to my main 32 gallon biocube. Before I added my fish Friday I did a 7 gallon wc. During this time I pulled about a quarter of cheato out. I always clean my rear chambers minus the first one, this time I cleaned the 1st chamber too. On Saturday I added my clown who is doing fine. But each day my corals have been shrinking. Very weird I have not noticed my clown messing with any coral yet they are all retracted and my super small anemone has moved which is weird. Fyi i run charcoal and phosguard in an in tank media basket. I usually change this media once a month. I didn't change it last week because I changed it over a week ago during my weekly water change. And my calcium, alklinty , and magnesium where all in spec before the water change. I can post exact levels if needed. I buy my rodi saltwater from the lfs..

What am I missing? Something is wrong bc every coral is acting weird.. throw some idea out bc I am lost..

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