jeudi 28 décembre 2017

Almost New Years Thursday

Merry Thursday TRT!

Yep, me again...guess most everyone else is still on Holiday.

Well, had a bad afternoon seems something got in the tank water and all of my Chromis seemed to be going, and my Clowns too. I noted my skimmer was going crazy and overflowing so I turned off the skimmer.

The Tang, Butterfly, Gramma and Blenny seemed fine. But when one Chromis was down sideways and one of the Clowns was laying on the bottom I had to take action. So I had about 15 gallons of fresh brewed RO/DI water and started adding and removing water until the Clown was back up and swimming normally. I didn't have time to add salt but I did nuke some of it to warm it some.

This morning I have 4 Chromis, the Tang, Butterfly, the two Clowns, the Royal Gramma, and Blenny swimming. My last Cleaner Shrimp is gone though. Even with 15 gallons of fresh RO the salinity is still okay at about 1.022.

I have no clue what happened but I'll be doing water changes over the next few days. Wow, when I saw the male clown on the bottom and the female hovering over him I nearly cried. Given the circumstances, I came through that event pretty well.

Okay, so moving on good morning everyone. Here's to hoping your day is less eventful than mine.

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