dimanche 31 décembre 2017

Tangs - 6 foot rule/thoughts

Just wanted to make a post into tang tank sizes .. friendly debate/no tang popo .. also would be nice if people wouldnt reference liveaquaria or the likes i know it gives you an idea but im sure lots have been there done that including i .. after all when people search on google these are the type of threads they run into.

several tangs are on my radar for the new aquarium -
im either be going to get a 5x2x2.5 or a
4x2x2 .. though im leaning towards the 5 foot as itt'l work out cheaper then a custom tank.

so the "6 foot" rule ..
ill start by laying out a few examples,
yellow tang - 4 foot - 100gal
kole/tomini tang - 4 foot - 90gal
regal/orange shoulder tang etc - 6 foot - 180 gallon
powderblue tang/whitecheek/purple tang - 5 foot - 150gal

now the larger tangs that reach 12"
my feelings towards this is they would be fine in a 5 foot 180 as it meets the gallon requirements for one.
two if you aquascape it for multiple swimming lanes you theoretically create 10 feet of swimming lanes.
three my .02 is that most tank raised specimens will not reach there full 12" potential in captivity more likely 9-10"
obviously not overloading the systems with multiple tangs creating aggression between species helps also ..
plus on the fact that they take many years to reach the larger sizes .. although this works in our favour if the aquarium is a foot shorter then recommended ..
but i feel like these "guidelines" were created on the fact that most 6 foots are 180 etc .. its like saying if i put a orange shoulder tang in a 6 foot 75 gallon hey its AOK because its "6 foot" .. i feel being a hobbyist where the fish has already been through so much in a short time from the ocean to us its just inappropriate & careless to do wrong by them .. but im on the fence also with the 6 foot rule .. take for example the 4x2x2 would have ample swimming room in my opinion along with a 5x2x2.5 bare in mind its not a standard 5x2x2 and is a total of 681litres just the same as a "6 foot" 180 ..
what are the thoughts of fellow TRT members ?

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