mardi 12 décembre 2017

new old tank- LOTS of issues

Hello all
Erika here from South Fl. enjoying a weird blast of cold air.
funny thing happened
so I had a 12g nano biocube about 13 years ago when I lived with my parents. Kept 2 clownfish and a shrimp.
had to move and gave the tank to a family friend.
I get a call this week that said family friend is leaving the country and wants the fish to go to someone who will take care of it.

So I have been reunited with my tan and one of the original fish.

I gotta tell you when I saw the condition of the tank I almost cried.
I was meticulous in its maintenance and this is just shocking. I can't believe the fish is still alive.

SO I have a few questions
1- aside from hand pulling all this vegetation- any specific reef safe shrimp or crab or snail that you can reccomend with getting this under control?

2- the filter media was never changed or maintained- should I add some bio balls? some new live coral? what do you suggest?

3- when I had the tank I discovered a creepy spiky worm thing inside the main piece of live rock- well it turns out this things has multiplied like xenomorphs. They are everywhere in the sand and even in the plants.
What are they?
Is there any critter I can add that will eat them?
any suggestions besides hand picking??

4- this poor guy obviously needs a tank mate- his partner died about 2 years ago and he has been alone ever since. Would it be ok to get a cleaner shrimp this weekend and once the tank is under control get another oscellaris clown?

5- I will gladly take any suggestions on how to get this tank back in shape.

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