mercredi 20 décembre 2017

Anemone dying, plz help!

hey all, my friend broke down and sold his tank and gave me a big beautiful rose tip bubble anemone. Told me it'd be fine in my tank though its only about 4 months old. I've kept inverts before but never in such a new tank. It's about a 30 gallon running a fluvial 206 with all the in box media, a marineland 350, and mainland LED's.

The anemone started off looking ok after the initial shock of acclimating to the tank, then deteriorated quickly (got very flat and less puffy, tentacles all sucked in, mouth wide open.)
I checked my levels and amm, nitrite are at 0, nitrate is suddenly spiking,ph around 8.0 before lights out and my salinity was almost 1.026. i remedied the salinity with a 20% WC last night and bumped the salinity down to 1.024, and he looked wonderful all night long.

Came home tonight and again he looks like he's in very bad shape. I'd hate to call him a loss but i know if he dies he could kamikaze my entire tank. any help would be wonderful.

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