dimanche 31 décembre 2017


Thanks for an amazing forum.
I have had great success with tropical freshwater. I'm now ready to play with 'real' aquariums.
As I assume with all noobs I'm here to learn and get advice. Hopefully after some time, I can then contribute with the knowledge I have gained.
I was going to start with a 43gal (160L) tank. I have the tank, however after doing a lot of research I'm thinking of going to a Red Sea Reefer that is 108gal (409L) as the set up costs are not that much more excluding the tank.
I have 2 placement options The back of the living room, which won't get much viewing and it's in a thoroughfare and there is a monster home theatre that can easily shake the room, so from what I have been reading is not a good idea on any account. The other option which is a bit selfish is the bedroom. It will get much more viewing there, however sump noise maybe an issue. I have hit upon a plan to put the sump in a storage room that was one a bathroom, so it can handle the spills etc. The sump would be about 10' (3m) away with the plumbing running under the house.

I live in Melbourne Australia and I would insulate the pipes as the temperature can vary outside from 45°f to 105°f. Under the house it's a bit more stable and would be 50°f to about 75°f. I will have a chiller as well as a heater.

Do you think that is a solution that would work and what potential challenges that may present?

I ofcourse have plenty more questions, however I will solve one problem at a time.

Thank you for your time and a Happy New Year to all, may your corals thrive and grow and you fish be healthy.

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