mardi 5 décembre 2017

Keeping parameters stable between water changes

Oh what a week!! I’ve been asking a lot of questions. Thanks for your patience. In my 32 gallon biocube i do a water change every sunday. I am using the Red Sea coral pro salt which elevates my magnesium to 1440-1500. After the water change my parameters are: alk- 9dkh. Calcium-460 and mg- 1440-1500. Now when is my time for water change my alk- 7.8 to 8.0, calc-420 and my mg- 1440 still. Do you think i should dose throughout the week to avoid the swing in my parameters since i have sps that are growing. Should i change the salt brand since my magnesium is always high? Please tell me what do you think. Thanks a lot.

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