mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Its been awhile since my last SPS...

So its been maybe 4-5 years since my last SPS system...

I have been keeping mostly softies, and a couple LPS, one of them is a NPS Dendro...

After selling the house and moving, I setup a 65g tank and dove back into SPS. I started the tank almost 5 months ago, and maybe its me wanting to move at the pace of my last SPS tank before the crash, but Just seems so slow...

Well to start off with my "newish" Acro the one I am using as a benchmark right now seems to be doing ok, but growing slow...

I have not watched an acro grow in years, but it seemed like they used to grow 1" a day..

this was Sep 18...

Nov. 15th....

also I am having the hardest time with plating Montipora....

Setosa is not doing much in the way of growing, but just keeps looking the same...

my encrusting montipora is slowly encrusting, but looking good, however all the "plating" Montis are just slowly bleaching, and then STN'n slowly, like 1/4" a month... however all the other corals seem to be going great, LPS are loving life, and seem to be growing faster then the SPS, but I also spot feed them 2x daily.

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