samedi 1 juillet 2017

July's 1st Saturday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SATURDAY! WELCOME BACK DAVE!:dance: ("I just know I put my old pass word someplace safe in case I needed it again......just got to find 'THAT PLACE' so I can up-date.:doh:")Summer is in full swing here at the South Jersey, shoebees, bugs, shindigs, food....And have a real humdinger of a holiday coming up here shortly....hope all are making some really cool plans. I smell, let's see, ummmmm, be right back......Ahhhhhhhh, scrambled eggs and bacon to go with our coffee and pink milk. Chef Hack has this! Heading into work here this morning, and as usual no idea how long.....heck, ain't even sure of the 'long weekend' yet?:confused: A 'micro manager' is terrible at sharing info! Well needless, the 4th of July weekend is upon us, and when I get back home, it'll be time to start prepping for, decorating, setting up, calling/yelling, ect. Thinking there';s going to be some side yard 'camp-outs' over the weekend.:agree: Hope all are safe and well, and all the best,

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