lundi 31 juillet 2017

My Tank, Equipment, ETC...

BioCube LED 32
InTank refuge and media tray
Coralife Nano Skimmer
Hydor 565 nano, 240 nano, and wave timer
InTank refuge LED light on timer (opposite of Tank)
Running filter floss, Purigen, and charcoal (Media Tray)
coral skeletons and chaeto algae (Refuge Tray)
Heater and skimmer in chamber 1
Thermometer probe in chamber 3

30 pounds Live Rock 2 chromis
25 lb Live Sand 2 Da'vinci Clowns
5 turbos 1 Green Bubble tip anemone
10 hermits 1 Diamond Goby
2 sand snails 1 FireFish Goby
2 star snails 1 Peppermint Shrimp
5 corinth snails

Green Star Polyp (frag)
Pulsing Xenia (frag)

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