jeudi 20 juillet 2017

3 Clowns in 1 Tank...... Error Gift

Hi All. Apologues if thia is in tge worng section but ita my firat post. I have gained alot of experience from reading posts and think the support offered is brilliant.

I have a slight problem. I have a 50Gallon tank. I originaly had a True Percula Clown and a Tomato clown. They lived together for 2 month with no issues. The Tomato is being hosted by a GBTA. Now i had always expressed interest in clown fish while out at LFS etc and my wife surprised me and gor me a Misbar Black and White Ocellaris.
I knew it would be a long shot but added it to the tank knowing i have a 20GAL sump shoukd anything go wrong. Now at first the did the spaz dancing and the True Percula and Tomato were giving the Misbar hell. The tables have turnt lately and the Percula and Occellaris have paired up and are now bullying the little Tomato. It seems they are forcing him from his Anemone. I have since removes the tomato and none of the other clowna have decided to use the Anemone. Of course its upsetting and i have now removed the Tomato that is being hosted.

I guess im trying to ask even tho i know the answer, is there a way of making this work. The major problem is also that the Tomatos GBTA is in the same corner the other 2 xlowns have claimed as terriroty.

Any Advice would be great.

Thanks in advance

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