dimanche 30 juillet 2017

foxface color changed to brown above spine?

His color has changed along his back is almost always seems to be darker? I am not sure why? He does change color at night but during the day his back is brown above his spine. His first few days the color was yellow but now has changed to the brown above his spine. He also will just rock back and forth and flick his spines up and down over and over again I have no clue why no fish are bothering him. I feed him sea weed and he has plenty of alage to grave on I also feed mysis shrimp and flake food but he does not take much interest in the flakes. Could the color be from new fish I added and him just showing dominance or adjusting no one seems to bother him and all my parameters are good. I have been slacking on water changes but will start doing them weekly or every other week now. Is very strange and color happened even before cut so I am confused he is new in the been in the tank about 3 and half weeks now. Any help would be much appreciated.

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