samedi 29 juillet 2017

Bigger is better!

So over the summer I decided all my tanks needed an upgrade. Right now I'm in the process of transitioning my 10 gallon nano reef tank to a 30 gallon. I've had the 10 gallon for a year. So far what i did is put old filter media in the 30's filtration system to boost the cycle. I put my 1 percula clown, fire goby and skunk shrimp in the tank after two weeks. It's been about a month and during the month I did my weekly water changes, the water I took out of the 10 gallon reef tank I then put into the 30. Now both tanks have the same salinity of 1.024, the temperature is at 78° for both as well and my water parameters are on point. How much longer should I continue doing this to then transfer my corals into the 30? I have a hammer coral frag that was one head when I purchased it and has now split into two heads. I have a Duncan that also grew an extra head and I also have some zoas and clove polyps. I'm not new to the hobby, but I am very new to corals, they're doing so well and I don't want to stress them out. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

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