jeudi 20 juillet 2017

A few questions about cycling a used 75g tank

Last week I lucked into purchasing a “new to me” 75g used tank with all the equipment including rock, refugium, lights, stand etc. I have a 30g tank set up right now with just a few pieces of rock and a few little fish but an algae problem hopefully this upgrade will solve. So….what would be the best way to cycle this “new” tank with used rock. I am still in the process of setting up after the tank and rock was transported. I have ordered 50 gallons and “OCEAN WATER” from Petco and will fill the rest up after I test it. The tank is empty right now but the “used” rock is in 5 gallon buckets with the old tank saltwater. I added some of the rock to my 30g tank but unfortunately I couldn't get it all in. There were a few corals that didn't make the trip and are wilting away on the old rock in the buckets. What would be the best way to cycle this tank using the old rock, new aragonite sand and the store bought ocean water? Or does it even need to be cycled?

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