jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Ro/di and Tank Water Problems

Ok guys,

So I've been MIA for several years now. I've been busy with house remodels job changes and life in general. I started up a 93g cube about 1.5 years ago and am having problems I can't figure out.

I'll start with the RO/DI issues.... Ever since I have moved to my new house I'm having issues with my rodi system. I am on a driven point in the country. My di resin completely changes colors within about 100g of filtered water. I probably should calibrate my TDS meter, but here are my readings as of now:

Tap water tds: 20
After ro membrane: 3
After di resin: 2
I also measured my product and waste water and in 30 seconds I had 1 cup of waste water and 1/4 cup of filtered water.

And in case someone needs my tap water parameters:
ph 5.99
Alkalinity: 24 mg/L
Hardness: 32 mg/L

Details of Tank:

93g Marineland Cube w/ ghost overflow
SRO XP 2000 SS
MP 40
Radion Gen 3 @ 35%
Tunze return pump (don't remember which size off hand)
shallow sand bed

Some current tank parameters:
PH 8.26
Alk 8.2 dkh
Salinity 1.025
Calcium 400

When I first started the tank up for about 4-6 months after start up it was doing great. I used water and rocks from an established tank to get the tank cycled. I had coral growth, coraline spreading, etc. Eventually this all came to a halt. For the last year I have had zero growth. Most of my corals have lost all color (one birdsnest has kept its color but hasn't grown) and either browned out or bleached out. For a short while my zoas were growing and spreading decently but have since started to melt away. Also during the first 6 months or so I was having to dose 2 part to keep up with demand. However, since the time when everything started to tank I have not had to dose anything at all and my alkalinity has been maintaining around 8.6. For a while however, I could not get my alkalinity down. It was around 10 and I was only doing water changes and no dosing.

At this point I am out of ideas and am unable to diagnose my problems. Any ideas from anyone? Ultimately I am looking to figure out why my ro/di is changing color so fast and why my tank is doing so poorly and having alkalinty issues. Sorry for the long read and thanks in advance!

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