jeudi 2 juin 2016

Dying Anemone

This anemone has been like this for about a month. Is it dying? I have it in a "hospital" bed to keep the clown away from it - it seemed to be irritating the anemone.

I've had general tank "malaise" for the most part. (Set up tank on Dec 14 '15). I'm working with my LFS to try to solve a pH problem, so here's what I'm doing now;

Dosing with Reef Fusion 1 & 2 three times a week.
Adding Reef Plus (like a "vitamin"?)
Adding buffer to raise pH
Checking pH twice a day (lights on/lights off) and adjusted the powerheads so they point more upward to release CO2 to raise pH.

Water parameters are:

SG - 1.023 -1.024/5
pH - 7.85 in a.m./maybe 8.0 at night (just bought a digital pH tester)
kH - about 8 - 9
Calc - average of about 400
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate/Nitrite - 0
PO4 - 0
Temp - btw 76-79.5

I just reduced the number of lighting hours (to 6) because of an algae bloom when I increased the hours.

I heard anemones don't like carbon so I removed all the carbon filters I had in the filter section of the sump.

My corals have not grown much either. They seem a little pale and lackluster.

I have 4 actinic lamps and 2 white lamps in the Red Sea Max 250 (65 gallon) hood. I'm planning on changing those out within a week to ATI's (from bulk reef) 2 Blue Plus and 2 Aqua Blue Specials. Supposedly they handle the full spectrum. Is that true?

Has anyone any experience with "reviving" an anemone?

I realize this is a long post with a lot of info, but if anyone could offer some suggestions, I would really be appreciative.


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