lundi 27 juin 2016

What got you started in saltwater?

Alright guys and gals. I'm trying to keep sidetracked while I wait to see if my tank clears up. So I figured I would ask everyone to share how/ why they got started in saltwater/ reef keeping.

I got first interested in saltwater about 13 years ago when Finding Nemo came out. I know that's a terrible reason to get started but at that time I just went with freshwater. Close enough right? Nope. Fast forward 10 years, just married and on my honeymoon. The wife and I went to key west and went snorkeling about 10 miles off the coast. The most beautiful reef and fish I have ever saw personally. I instantly went back to being a kid wanting to keep a reef tank. Thus the monster was born. 4 tanks later here we are. 75 gallon reef

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