mercredi 22 juin 2016

I'm throwing in the towel 😞

Alright guys and gals. I'm at my wits end. If this doesn't work, I may just quit. I've been reefing since August of 2014. Had awesome luck for the majority of that time. Well then my water started to become cloudy and I lost most of my corals including my favorite one. Well I started over. Sort of anyways. I upgraded from my 30 gallon to a brand new 75 gallon. Took all the rock from the 30 and rinsed it and added it to the 75. Then came the livestock. All this was added to all new water mind you. All was good for about 2 months until my fire clown beat my clowns to death. Then my six line died. I took one of the beaten up clowns and put it in the sump where after a week and a half he disappeared. No trace anywhere. Not sucked up in anything, not under or in anything or even jumped out. No trace. Long story short, been a few months since then. No amonia, nitrates barely traceable, no nitrites, ph is good, salinity is 1.025 steady. But I can't get rid of this cloudy water. Flow is good, lights are on a schedule and are full spectrum leds. I'm struggling here. I just purchased a coralife turbo twist uv sterilizer in a final attempt to clear this water and save my corals. Fish seem fine as do the crabs and sea star. Just the corals are dying out, all except this mushroom. If the sterilizer doesn't work, well... Someone may get a deal on everything to get it out of my sight :/

I really love this hobby, but it doesn't like me. Everything I've done lately just hasn't worked

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