mercredi 22 juin 2016

Maxima Clam fell off

Tank Stats: 1.025, zero NO2,3 and ammonia Don't know other stats. 90W LED zetlight over a 40 gallon innovative marine tank

My clam has been happy for two weeks. I placed him on a rock in the lower part of the tank and put LEDS at 70%. He attached in a few hours. After 3 days Iplaced him about 8 inches from the top of the tank, same rock just attatched it to another piece of live rock.

Over 2 weeks I moved the LED up in intensity a little every few days until at about 90% power. I did this as some have told me my light is about mid strength and I know these clams like light

After about 4 days of 90% light, it detached and was in the sand bed. It looks okay down there, its mantle is not out a lot, maybe 1/2 way

Any reason for the jump?

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