mercredi 22 juin 2016

Small bubble tip Anemone questions

So I purchased a small bubble tip anemone. He is about the size of a half dollar coin. Sat him on top of a live rock and he moved into a spot on the first night and has been there for the last couple nights. I have just a couple questions,

1. How to feed this little guy. I have been using frozen Mysis shrimp and putting it in a cup and then sucking it out with a baster. Then I blow it on the anemone. He doesn't get much but the pieces he does catch, he curls up to eat it. Is this enough food for him?

2. This guy curls up at night like a coral. Is this because the tank is new and he is changing the internal water?

3. Is this size too small for a Clown to host? Would it be wise to keep the clowns away till it grows a little bit?

Thanks guys!

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