dimanche 26 juin 2016

First Fish Tank EVER - Help w/ Saltwater FOWLR 75G Setup

Been doing research but confused on some things for sure. The only thing I've purchased so far is the 75 gallon tank from petsmart (no built in overflow) and a RO/DI system. I'm wanting to get everything needed straight out of the gate before water even goes into the tank to start out with the best possible chance for success. I'm a very dedicated person and enjoy a challenge which is why I've decided on a SW setup vs a FW setup.

My plan thus far:

75 lbs of dry rock from BRS
75 lbs of sand (brand? live vs normal?)
Instant Ocean 200 lb salt mix - extra for water changes
Salinity Refract. - $20 on amazon
API Saltwater Master Test Kit

20 gallon tank for a sump, turn it into 3 chambers with the first for the skimmer, second for the heater, then a bubble trap and third chamber for return pump
-Aquatop 150-watt heater - should I get 2 for safety?
-Skimmer - Reef Octopus Classic 1000 HOB (to large for a standard 20g tank? any other suggestions?)
-Pump suggestion? It's supposed to return 6x the tank volume, correct?

Here's somethings I was more confused on:

1) For circulation pumps I was looking at the Hydor Koralia ones on Amazon but not sure on the GPH I need and how to even place them in the tank.

2) Overflow box - I would prefer a built in model but scared to death to drill my tank in fear of cracking. Would a HOB model be acceptable?

3) Return nozzle from sump - Same thing as above, fear of drilling tank. HOB okay?

4) Refuge in sump - haven't researched this yet in all honesty. Is it necessary?

5) Maintenance equipment - buckets, water change siphon pump?, and not sure on what else

6) Do I need any water additives? There are so many I don't even know where to start with them.

7) Should I come up with a fish list before I make a decision on somethings? I haven't really decided on that. I know I want a puffer of some sort and then my GF wants 1 or 2 clownfish and 1 or 2 starfish.

8) Haven't gotten to the point of researching tank cycling either. I know it takes longer with dry rock which I'm totally okay with to save on cost.

9) Coral - I know this is an art in of itself and haven't even touched this in research. Maybe in the later future, a year or 2 or 3. Maybe never, I know it's very high maintenance and I'm not looking for that right now in my life.

Like I originally put in the title, this will be my first fish tank ever. If there's something obvious I'm missing, please let me know. Are there stupid things to avoid as to not kill my entire little eco system? I'm trying to encompass a master list of everything I need because through my research I couldn't find one. Just bits and pieces I've been trying to place together. Then, hopefully this can help other people like me in the future.

I know this is a long post and I don't expect 1 person to go through this long list and answer everything. I am open to suggestions and appreciate any help/advice.

Thanks for the (long) read!

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