mardi 28 juin 2016

Mourning Fish Loss But Optimistic for Tank Healing

So strangely I came home to a green chromis stuck in a power head the other day. I was a little down but he was a low $ fish.
Two days later I wake up and start feeding and my Humu Humu Picaso Trigger isn't coming out of his sleeping hole. I figure maybe he's just not ready to wake up. When I came home from work, he was still face first (that's how he sleeps in this tight hole) and wiggled his tail when I touched it. I turned on the bright whites to see if he was just confused. He didn't come out. Next morning he had passed. I had to move 4 small rocks and 2 big ones to get his rock out. When I tried to get him out of the hole, his little tail barbs would just keep him in and poke my fingers. So I actually had to pull him through the hole out the other side. :wzbigcry:
So I flushed off the rock in some tank / distilled water. Put it back in and built up the rock work again.
Some time during the night, the new rock placement settled and trapped my passive blue damsel. I noticed he wasn't at breakfast so last night took all those rocks out again and scrubbed them in a bucket and when I got to the very bottom one, there he was. Still in tack but coated in a gelatinous cloud.
So I went from a bioload of a MESSY trigger fish that would eat ALL my snails and 6 other fish down to two clownfish and a black white stripe damsel.

I have a 75 gallon that I had to clean all algae since the snails wouldn't last and I had to feed twice daily or my turd of a b/w damsel would start getting aggressive. So I took the opportunity to really get as much poo and detritus off the rocks (in a separate bucket) and siphon the sand really well. I added 4 turbos, 1 tiger conch, 5 margarita snails and I did pick up a sand sifting goby.

So now I can have the low bioload with a better cleanup crew and just build up the health of the tank again.

I did a 6 gallon water change last night and I'm planning to do another 10 on Wednesday just to get all the settled stuff again and make sure no fishy juices are still around. I plan to test my water tonight (Tuesday).

So that's my novel on how quickly your fish tank can change. I really just wanted to document this for moving forward and normal people don't understand the emotions tied up in a fish tank.

Rest in Ocean Heaven my little HumuHumu :bawling:

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