lundi 20 juin 2016

Why do I need to supplement?

My 40 gallon is going great. I'm on month 5 and all is well. I have 5 total fish, one BTA and one 2 inch Maxima clam

I do a 20% water change every saturday.

I started with some easy LPS from Live aquaria like a 7 inch purple brain coral, a candy cane, I have some mushrooms, star polyps and zoas. Most of the smaller stuff was quarter size from a LFS for $7 each.

I'd say only 10% of the real estate is taken for coral and I'd like most of my rock work covered as it grows. I'm patient to have the little guys fill in.

I will get more of the easier LPS but not venture too far into the "moderate" category.

I do have 96w of LED over the tank and right now I'm running 95% Blue/uv and 80% 12000k center LED (One big 40w LED dead center)

So the question: If I keep doing a 20% water change once a week using IO reef crystal, why would I have to supplement? Shouldn't the water change add in whats needed?

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