samedi 25 juin 2016

A sunny Saturday at the sea shore

Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! WOW.....pass word change day! Even before my first cup of coffee? My poor one finger really got an early morning workout.:rolleyes: For the start to a warm muggy day, how about a big bowl of fresh fruit to go with our coffee and pink milk for an eye opener? Peaches, cantaloupes, and watermelons, and if'n you like, some home made whipped cream. Was a LONG TOUGH ONE at work this week, and my finger is already sore from my new pass word, so I'll spare you, large boat that's been on land for 3 seasons......and 3 impossible tasks accomplished to make it go away....and the owner will never know just how much the Hack did for him. :cool: See, I can do short. A sunny, warm day at the South Jersey Shore, which means I'll tell you what the weather really was at the end of the day because 'They' won't tell us the truth down here. Hope 1/2 day at the office, because my other full time job requires my http://attention....HOME/YARD. :agree: Hope all are well, and have plans to enjoy today, all the best,

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