jeudi 2 juin 2016

Calling all Anthias experts

Hello there fellow reefers. Got some questions for ya out there. Okay here goes

I am eventually wanting to get a Fathead sunburst Anthia. Now I read that they prefer...key word prefer low temps, as well as lower lightening. I also read they can ship poorly and are sometimes hard to get started eating. With this being said...I have a plan. I have a nice little 10 Gallon quarantine set up, its got LR in it, sand bed, PVC pipe and a small Deep Blue brand LED light that has the moonlight blue and the bit brighter white coloration. I was thinking of maybe putting the fish into the quarantine with cooler temps and less light...then gradually over weeks raise temps and increase brightness...also while being able to target feed if necessary. The fish in the end would be going into a very passive community of chill fish (90gallon reef tank with Kessil LEDs, and temp is about 77 consistently, scissor tail darts, jawfish, yellow clown, tanaka's pygmy wrasse, blue assessor and rainfords goby. Anyways seeing what yalls thoughts are on this one. Thanks.

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